We Are All Birds

We Are All Birds.

A true story: Remember: not A word: Rebecca Myers

A true story: Remember: not A word: Rebecca Myers.


What If? Jeffery M. Daniels

Questions are how we learn the answers to many things that we might not otherwise know or understand. When children question adults, their teachers and friends their mind expands, their knowledge base grows and they become better informed. But, what if when you question, when you ponder or wonder whatever you ask becomes more than just a question? What if your passion to express yourself in your own unique way brings you into a world that will turn your life in many different directions? What if you are Jeremy Shuttle a young boy whose passion for drawing is just second to asking questions and learning about the world? What if you are Jeremy Shuttle and happen to walk into a new art supply store, meet a quirky shopkeeper with an odd way about him and you find yourself in many different dimensions, worlds having unique experiences as the pictures you draw within the pages of a sketchbook given to you my this man, become more than just the images on the page?

When Jeremy arrives home with his new sketchpad and his pencils he mother reflects in her own way about his talent. Jeremy’s ability to recreate images seems almost surreal. But, his schoolwork in class needed more effort as the author shares his mother’s thoughts with readers. When Jeremy recounts his visit with the shopkeeper, the information he shares about his family you begin to start wondering just who this man is and what his real motive is for befriending Jeremy. Just his appearance is odd and his mannerisms some might say are suspect. Questions are supposed to be welcomed by teachers and not tossed aside or criticized by classmates. After his encounter with the storekeeper he asked his science teacher about prehistoric eras and cave paintings. Bullies tend to insult and hurt those that they think are weak. Jeremy has been the brunt of many attacks and never seems to shy away from a good confrontation due to his smart answers and sarcastic sense of humor that often surprises those that try to insult him. As he asks his question one student is constantly heckling him and the teacher seems stumped by the question. A confrontation that caused him some pain and a bully that definitely needs to be taught more than just a lesson.

As Jeremy decides to recreate a incident with three bullies he adds his own personal touches to the picture in his sketchpad never thinking that the entire scene would come alive. When kids start screaming and these strange creatures start picking people, up the vivid descriptions and the end result as you read it would be right out of a Sci Fi Movie. When things begin to calm down and Natalie, Jeremy’s best friend finds him what happens next will definitely surprise both of them as he realizes what happens and the illustration in his pad well: What if it just disappears? Jeremy and Natalie begin to analyze the entire incident as Jeremy later on assesses what he knows. Using the sketchbook and creating a scene made it come alive. But, when he used the book and the pencils the shopkeeper gave him to draw the cup of coffee, did it come alive too?

Jeremy is adventurous and although Natalie warns him against taking chances with his book his next drawing is quite unique and what if Jeremy decided to become an ant? What if he joined an ant colony and talk these ants to talk? What happens if he cannot regain his human form? What if he stays as an ant? The scenes are quite humorous, the lessons he learns about how to deal with ants, becoming one of them and how he interacts with the ants might teach kids how to deal with other races and other people. Meeting the Queen Ant she was enthralled by his appearance and telling her his story really fascinated the Queen Ant. But, what she determines about him well you have to read it for yourself. So, just who will save Jeremy and help him turn back into being human?

Jeremy learned a lot from the ants besides friendship, loyalty and understanding. He loved being accepted for himself and helping them against their attackers really shows that Jeremy does take the initiative but when he finally returns home things just might change for everyone. Jeremy learns many lessons in this book but one for sure as he and Natalie have their disagreements and their lives change when he realizes just what a loyal friend she is and he begins to look at her in a different way. But, Jeremy is headstrong and decides to use the notebook to go back in time to see those cave paintings and his experience is quite exciting, dangerous but with the help a friend he just might make it back in one piece but definitely with some obvious wear and tear.

Jeremy is very smart and one question has him asking some more: What happened to his dad? Where is he? What if I could do something great for my mom? What Jeremy decides to do for his mom is endear you to him even more. What happens as a result will let you know that some things cannot be changed, history, well you decide what exactly happened when he goes back in time and friendships that will be lifelong. What happens when Jeremy uses his sketchpad one more time to do something special for his mom? Who comes to his rescue and proves that they will always you might say watch his back? What about Natalie? Will she stick around or will she decide that his use of the pad is too dangerous and that every time he uses it something bad happens? An ending you won’t expect and a 13 year old inquisitive young man named Jeremy and his best friend Natalie are both on different journeys to adulthood but will they wind up there together? Friends forever or will they part? Find out when author Jeffrey Daniels continues his adventures of this great kid named Jeremy Shuttle.

Knowing what you are looking for does you little good if you don’t know where to look.” Book 2: just might enlighten him and readers too. What is Jeremy looking for that he still has not found? Find out when you read What If? What If I told you the answers then you would not have the joy and pleasure of reading this great book with this inquisitive young man, smart young girl named Natalie and a good mom named Theresa.

Fran Lewis: reviewer

Let’s give this book: FIVE LOYAL GOLDEN ANTS


The Ophelia Cut

The Ophelia Cut.

Tyler: Is this you?

First World Problems in an Age of Terrorism and Ennui

Dominic Peloso



Think about sitting within the confines of a room with no windows, no wall decorations and one laptop computer as your main source of entertainment and company. Imagine this airless room with no way to escape. Life brings us many difficult situations and all too often we feel stifled, alone, dejected and look for ways to be noticed. But, what happens when one young man named Tyler, decides to shake it up just a bit but not in a conventional manner. What happens when someone works at a dead end job that holds no real challenges or future, where the boss refuses to present him with more work or any real responsibilities and your co-workers dish out some piece work or grunt work to you just to keep you busy and away from them. Tyler is the main character in First World Problems who decides to great a blog that would help terrorists in their quest to take down whatever country, city or state they so desire. Hoping to build and establish a community for radicals on a website he calls Choas, Tyler’s approach to life and the system is quite unique.


Getting to know Tyler we begin to understand that much of what he does is to verify that he even exists. At work he is just someone that takes up space but rarely gets anything done. Within his relationship with his girlfriend Ann, he is just there but does not seem as an active partner. Speaking about their days he injects what he does, some sarcasm involved and although she is a corporate lawyer, her life seems bland and her description of her day lacking emotion. Trying to find meaning in his life, even trying to take on some new challenges Tyler’s energy is misplaced as he becomes consumed with this blog that would help anyone that wants to become full fledged terrorist succeed. The setting is Washington, D.C Torn between working and making a difference of just riding his girlfriend’s coattails, Tyler’s battle within himself has yet to reveal a winner.


Each chapter begins with his blog, his idea to create some type of terroristic event that would definitely do more than shake things up. At the beginning of one chapter he even asks those interested in pairing up with others in the same field that want to blow up, destroy or create some terrorist plot if they want to meet others or need assistance to join the site and add his/her email. He will match the subscriber up with another one interested in the same things. Almost like terrorist.com. or match/terrorist.com. Scary, to say the least.


As we learn more about Tyler and his friend Jason we hear their conversations with they go to bars, have dinner or just meet. Each one seems to want to outplay the other. Tyler seems to just want to be noticed and gets angry when women ignore him or he does not score any attention. Ann, his girlfriend seems to have him under her thumb as he waits for her nightly call to pick her up at work, needs her permission to go out and have fun, yet if Tyler gave himself half a chance he just might be surprised.


From cancer scares, to bombs, throwing nails in the middle of the road to prevent the military from sending help, to all sorts of ways to create Choas including some type of bio-warfare, Tyler’s creative mind if found out by the wrong people, just might send him into hiding. In one chapter, which I found hilarious, he explains how you can become anonymous to some degree by not giving out your first or last name but by calling yourself FNU LNU. To find out what that means you have to read it for yourself to appreciate what he’s saying the humor behind it.  The author really brings to light many issues in this novel. Tyler has low or poor self-esteem. Tyler seems to be an underachiever in many respects because he’s become too complacent and does not or care to be challenged. Creating this website seems to be his passion and way to get noticed. But, what will happen if he is noticed and those that notice him believe what he’s writing? Many of the arguments presented by the author are in Tyler’s imagination. He fantasizes situations where he attends protests, quits his job, they try and convince him to stay and imagines perspective employers at interviews asking him the right questions to make sure he is right for the job. Most times he does not focus on work but on his “passive, morose behavior,” he is a defeatist in many respects and never feels that things will succeed. Preparing for the WTO protest he decides what to wear, what he will do and hopefully will be in the middle of a riot. When things don’t pan out Jason, his friend does not seem too upset where Tyler becomes enraged.


Taking his blog quite seriously, Tyler refers to CHOAS HQ as if it were a real place and the organization set to help you, the reader of the blog, prepare yourself in case you are about to run a revolutionary government. He even questions your commitment as you hear both Tyler and Ann discuss this in depth in Chapter 15. Now, for those readers that never realized it, Tyler does relate in detail how to take down America’s Infrastructure in the beginning of Chapter 16. Some of these little prologues are quite frightening to say the least and the author’s research or experiences in working in bioterrorism and as a policy analyst for the U.S. government I imagine his job and his expertise helped him when writing this book.


Tyler meets a young girl in a coffee house named Molly and decides to try his hand at doing more than just flirting with her he actually practices, drafts and then sends her an email thinking she would never respond. Thinking she did not care, well not that much anyway, he created his own version of what she did when receiving the email and her entire day. He wanted to think he set a trap for her or anyone else to come to him. The end result after all of his fantasies and Molly doing the same trying to figure out what he said and how to respond, the email she sent on page 119. You figure it out!

Chapter 17 will tell you the reader how to be a self-reliant revolutionary as his next lesson to help you in your quest to become a revolutionary. He even describes within that chapter being with Ann that does not sound very challenging, exciting or even meaningful. At times you might think he’s just going through the motions of living. The next blog focuses on Hard Currency Shortage and I should add that beneath each lesson or heading he allows readers or prospective revolutionaries to know how many people he will need to complete the task, the danger level, arrest level and even the equipment needed to pull each event off.


Car bombs, Ricin, the terrorist’s best friend, going to Molly’s apartment, their interaction, their odd conversations and Tyler worrying about Ann and thinking she might be wondering where he was, not relating anything to Molly about Ann, what will the final outcome be? We hear Tyler’s innermost thoughts in paragraph three on page 159 where he is with Molly and wishing that Anne tried harder with him. Tyler at that moment felt trapped. The rest of the paragraph is quite enlightening. The discussion about terrorists completes the chapter as he and Molly get into many different discussions that he and Ann never would even telling her about his terrorist group: CHOAS.


Things begin to fall apart in his mind and Tyler decides to go to Mexico thinking that people there would pay more attention to him, he could get meds to make him feel better. Tyler, in his own mind thinks that he is an expert on most things and that in Mexico meds are easy to get and prescriptions written for whatever you want. Pharmacies described, trying to work up the nerve to ask for Prozac the end result you have to read for yourself.


When all of the interactions are completed and even Ann and Molly meet the author presents the viewpoints of each character. We get to know Jason first as he describes what happens on Sept. 11, 2001 at the Pentagon. Then, we learn about the Towers, the smoke, and the news his reaction to the collapse of both towers. Jason knew what happened but wanted to see it first hand. Lines were dead in DC. Taking a camera with him to the scene, lots of people on the streets and everyone on cell phones. What he describes will remain in everyone’s mind forever. Next, we get to meet Ann and hear her story that never realized anything happened until the Internet went out. We hear her thoughts, her feelings and harsh realizations to what happened on Sept. 11th. Telling readers what she was supposed to do that day, trying to call Tyler from work, remembering she and Tyler were supposed to go to NY for the weekend. Molly’s story is next followed by Tyler’s as he realizes that things might not go so well if someone reads his blog, thinks he might have something to do with what happened that day and he plans to leave. Will they tie him to the plot? The reactions of the characters are quite different and Tyler’s out of the box. Deciding to visit his childhood hometown, Tyler remembers his past and just might begin to understand what is important. Will he be able to reconstruct his life? He is just lost?

Ann, Jason, Molly and many others care about Tyler but does he care about himself? Fleeing, panics, and thinking that no one in the terrorist organization would pay attention to him he decides to go home. How does this all end and what happens to Tyler? Find out when you read First World Problems in an Age of Terrorism and Ennui by Dominic Peloso. You won’t be disappointed. Individually and vividly depicted characters each blending with Tyler in their own unique way this book present and brings up many issues when one young man is bored with life, disgruntled, unhappy, poor self-esteem and just wants to be noticed. What do you think of how he goes about it? Quite interesting!

Fran Lewis: reviewer





rebel within

rebel within.

rebel within

Rebel Within: Lance Erlick

Without structure many fail but too much rigidity can cause more problems. What about living in a world with just young girls and being forced to become a security cog and then encouraged to enter training more stringent than most would encounter going to a regular military school. Annabelle is the main character and it is her voice, thoughts and feelings that readers hear. Living in a society that has rigid rules, bans boys from their school, their presence and keeps them locked behind barbed wired fences, Annabelle has the urge and need to break out but something is holding her back. A group called the mechs is the ones trained to take down anyone that causes dissent. Although in security, trained in police procedures, she hesitates each time she is called on to report a boy that escapes, one that is sighted in the wrong place and hopes to find a way to help them escape. Seeing a young man with red hair, claiming to report him but to the authorities not fast enough, Annabelle winds up with a four week suspension from basketball, a stern reprimand and anything else those in charge can think of. But, she is not discouraged, her primary focus is to protect her young sister, and hopefully her adoptive mother will have enough clout to overturn some of what she is enduring. But, the mayor’s daughter seems to rate privileges, Annabelle has many who dislike her, and yet she seems tough, smart and determined to find a way out.

Living in a world where everything is regimented, decided for you and your input is limited makes it difficult for young girls to thrive on their own. Devoid of any male friendship, torn between two separate worlds Annabelle needs decide whether she wants the life of a security cog and work for the people that took her real parents from her or be ripped apart once again and lose the family she now has.

Things spiral out of control and her choices become limited as Annabelle decides to take up the offer of becoming a mech, finds herself in difficult situations, confides in her adoptive mother, wants to learn more about her son and hopes to protect her younger sister, Janine from the same fate she is about to undertake. Training quite unique, tests that require immediate answers and results, physical training quite rigid and the end result could mean her life. With others trying to protect her family Belle manages to bring too much attention to herself. The rigorous training and her competitive attitude often keep her in check with her superiors. One girl named Dara seems to have it in for Belle and the rivalry soars, their competitiveness and their desire to be number one just might take them both into the final arena but the winner might lose you more than you think. Added in we learn more about Belle’s birth mother, what happened to her and her father, plus her relationship with her adoptive mothers. One that would criticize her and the other that would do anything to protect her and her sister even risking her own life.

The training continues. The war begins within herself and the end result remains to be seen as loyalties, trusts and family ties are tested. Annabelle is our narrator who takes us through each situation, discusses her training and her fears for her sister and her hopes to meet her adoptive brother George and have a relationship with boys. Balance, training, pushing herself to the limits, dealing with a commander named Sam and hoping to become a mech, what else will Annabelle do in order to save her family and not be sent away? Chemicals that enhance her abilities, creams to heal her injuries and many questions that remain unanswered. Simulator fights, virtual reality reviews, and simulator martial arts training are part of the program created by author Lance Elick for these powerful girls. With Janine, her sister trying emulate all that she does and wants to be like her, with Dara her prime rival each warrior as they are called hopes to return to mech gear training and make a difference. But, who will win out and who will remain? Who will wash out? But, fear encompasses Belle when the issue of the escaped boys comes up and some implications are made that she might know who is helping them escape and if she had a hand in it. Just where is her mom and what has she got to do with these boys? Is there really an Underground Railroad similar to the one Harriet Tubman ran? Is there someone that is actually helping boys find a better place to be? Living in a town called Harmony in order creates balance and peace you might say. Defining Harmony it means . Agreement in feeling or opinion; according to free dictionary .com and according to the Macmillan Dictionary: asituationinwhichpeopleliveandworkwellwithotherpeople, orinawaythatdoesnotdamagethingsaroundthem. Somehow these two definitions do not seem to blend in with what we see, hear and learn about this place and the way the Harmony staff or administrators treat their population. They even monitor their drink lists and have GPS tracking devices within each girl and many other ways to make sure they always know where they are. Some even have to wear awful collars. Her sister trains with the cop program and Belle with Renee and her recruits each with their own goals and mission. Belle with her fears about Mama Grace and hoping to someday reconnect with her real mother. The tournament is near, the training is almost over and the end result might cost more than one life. What happens is quite starling as Dara faces off with several men and so does Belle. The outcomes you won’t believe and the end result will make you wonder just why anyone has not stopped this town from their brutal ways and why no one has fought back. An ending so explosive and surprising you won’t see it coming. The final outcome of the tournament will change the complexion of Belle’s life forever. Will she become a mech or will she wash out? What about Belle? What secrets are revealed at the end and what is in store for them next as I can tell from reading this novel that this is just the beginning for Belle, Janine and the rest. What about the boys? What is the final outcome? Read Rebel Within and find out what happens? A rebel is defined as: a person who rises in armed resistance against an established government or ruler or even 16 year old girl who likes to live by her own rules. Two sisters different yet alike. One mother willing to risk it all. What would you do to protect the ones you love? The author raises this question along with many others.


The training is intense and you can feel the emotional strain as each girl fights to the finish hoping to become warriors. Although some might feel that the training should be similar to that of army boot camp, it is not. The feats are quite different, the hand-to-hand combat seems like there are not holds barred and the end result is quite different as many are hurt, some might lose their lives and others come out victors. Fast paced, action packed and definitely filled with energy and characters that will keep you wondering what is going to happen next as Annabelle leads the way and Janine well there is more to follow.

Fran Lewis: reviewer


Rebel Within: my review

Rebel Within: Lance Erlick

Without structure many fail but too much rigidity can cause more problems. What about living in a world with just young girls and being forced to become a security cog and then encouraged to enter training more stringent than most would encounter going to a regular military school. Annabelle is the main character and it is her voice, thoughts and feelings that readers hear. Living in a society that has rigid rules, bans boys from their school, their presence and keeps them locked behind barbed wired fences, Annabelle has the urge and need to break out but something is holding her back. A group called the mechs is the ones trained to take down anyone that causes dissent. Although in security, trained in police procedures, she hesitates each time she is called on to report a boy that escapes, one that is sighted in the wrong place and hopes to find a way to help them escape. Seeing a young man with red hair, claiming to report him but to the authorities not fast enough, Annabelle winds up with a four week suspension from basketball, a stern reprimand and anything else those in charge can think of. But, she is not discouraged, her primary focus is to protect her young sister, and hopefully her adoptive mother will have enough clout to overturn some of what she is enduring. But, the mayor’s daughter seems to rate privileges, Annabelle has many who dislike her, and yet she seems tough, smart and determined to find a way out.

Living in a world where everything is regimented, decided for you and your input is limited makes it difficult for young girls to thrive on their own. Devoid of any male friendship, torn between two separate worlds Annabelle needs decide whether she wants the life of a security cog and work for the people that took her real parents from her or be ripped apart once again and lose the family she now has.

Things spiral out of control and her choices become limited as Annabelle decides to take up the offer of becoming a mech, finds herself in difficult situations, confides in her adoptive mother, wants to learn more about her son and hopes to protect her younger sister, Janine from the same fate she is about to undertake. Training quite unique, tests that require immediate answers and results, physical training quite rigid and the end result could mean her life. With others trying to protect her family Belle manages to bring too much attention to herself. The rigorous training and her competitive attitude often keep her in check with her superiors. One girl named Dara seems to have it in for Belle and the rivalry soars, their competitiveness and their desire to be number one just might take them both into the final arena but the winner might lose you more than you think. Added in we learn more about Belle’s birth mother, what happened to her and her father, plus her relationship with her adoptive mothers. One that would criticize her and the other that would do anything to protect her and her sister even risking her own life.

The training continues. The war begins within herself and the end result remains to be seen as loyalties, trusts and family ties are tested. Annabelle is our narrator who takes us through each situation, discusses her training and her fears for her sister and her hopes to meet her adoptive brother George and have a relationship with boys. Balance, training, pushing herself to the limits, dealing with a commander named Sam and hoping to become a mech, what else will Annabelle do in order to save her family and not be sent away? Chemicals that enhance her abilities, creams to heal her injuries and many questions that remain unanswered. Simulator fights, virtual reality reviews, and simulator martial arts training are part of the program created by author Lance Elick for these powerful girls. With Janine, her sister trying emulate all that she does and wants to be like her, with Dara her prime rival each warrior as they are called hopes to return to mech gear training and make a difference. But, who will win out and who will remain? Who will wash out? But, fear encompasses Belle when the issue of the escaped boys comes up and some implications are made that she might know who is helping them escape and if she had a hand in it. Just where is her mom and what has she got to do with these boys? Is there really an Underground Railroad similar to the one Harriet Tubman ran? Is there someone that is actually helping boys find a better place to be? Living in a town called Harmony in order creates balance and peace you might say. Defining Harmony it means . Agreement in feeling or opinion; according to free dictionary .com and according to the Macmillan Dictionary: asituationinwhichpeopleliveandworkwellwithotherpeople, orinawaythatdoesnotdamagethingsaroundthem. Somehow these two definitions do not seem to blend in with what we see, hear and learn about this place and the way the Harmony staff or administrators treat their population. They even monitor their drink lists and have GPS tracking devices within each girl and many other ways to make sure they always know where they are. Some even have to wear awful collars. Her sister trains with the cop program and Belle with Renee and her recruits each with their own goals and mission. Belle with her fears about Mama Grace and hoping to someday reconnect with her real mother. The tournament is near, the training is almost over and the end result might cost more than one life. What happens is quite starling as Dara faces off with several men and so does Belle. The outcomes you won’t believe and the end result will make you wonder just why anyone has not stopped this town from their brutal ways and why no one has fought back. An ending so explosive and surprising you won’t see it coming. The final outcome of the tournament will change the complexion of Belle’s life forever. Will she become a mech or will she wash out? What about Belle? What secrets are revealed at the end and what is in store for them next as I can tell from reading this novel that this is just the beginning for Belle, Janine and the rest. What about the boys? What is the final outcome? Read Rebel Within and find out what happens? A rebel is defined as: a person who rises in armed resistance against an established government or ruler or even 16 year old girl who likes to live by her own rules. Two sisters different yet alike. One mother willing to risk it all. What would you do to protect the ones you love? The author raises this question along with many others.


The training is intense and you can feel the emotional strain as each girl fights to the finish hoping to become warriors. Although some might feel that the training should be similar to that of army boot camp, it is not. The feats are quite different, the hand-to-hand combat seems like there are not holds barred and the end result is quite different as many are hurt, some might lose their lives and others come out victors. Fast paced, action packed and definitely filled with energy and characters that will keep you wondering what is going to happen next as Annabelle leads the way and Janine well there is more to follow.

Fran Lewis: reviewer


Where Have All the Pop Stars Gone


Where Have All the Pop Stars Gone? Jeff March and Marti Smiley Childs


Listening to some of the great videos on UTUBE before reviewing this book I wanted to hear the music of The Buckinghams, Bobby Goldsboro, The Moody Blues, Sam and Dave, Ray Stevens, The Grass Roots and Donnie Brooks. Jeff March and Marti Smiley Childs have definitely hit the top 100 charts with this collection of biographies of the each artist or groups rise to fame and where they are now. All too often we wonder what happened to some of the artists, movie stars or TV personalities that we watched late at night or on Saturdays at the afternoon matinees.


Beginning with The Buckinghams and then Bobby Goldsboro the author’s highlight how they picked the right songs, their early days and where it all began.  For over two decades or more this outstanding group featuring Carl Giammarese, Nick Fortuna, Marty Grebb, and John Poulos, the original group members graced stages and concert halls with their music, humor, wild performances and well known sound. Fans went wild went they performed and all too often it was difficult to hear the music and their voices as the crowds cheers rang out. With the Beatles on the rise and taking England and America by storm, the Buckinghams had to create song that would put them on the charts. Carl recalls the authors related the band’s intro to “Kind of A Drag, the song that would give them national exposure and put them as No 1 on the charts. Produced by Bonafede and Belloc who arranged their first tracks and record deal. Hiring Guercio as their manager they created four more top 20 hits but not everything went smoothly and things did change after a while. But, imagine being on The Ed Sullivan Show or even The Joey Bishop show could not have been anything other than exciting and heart stopping. But, although Guercio propelled them to stardom he also took actions that would alert them to the reverse. One song that the authors relate is Susan, which I did listen to on UTUBE and is really quite interesting. Although they loved the song they realized that their manager no longer had their best interest at heart. Perception is often quite powerful and Tufano realized that the money was flowing in but not in their wallets so changes had to be made and they were. Portraits were their last chance to rise to the top. With hits top forty Billboard hits and audiences that filled chairs for more than two decades during the 60’s and 70’s you can hear the rising cheers, listen to their sound and realize that they were just a group of kids that loved music and formed something special.  Listening to Don’t You Care I just wanted to get up and dance and Mercy Mercy Mercy really gets you moving. Mercy Mercy Mercy is definitely my favorite and they should bring it back today. Kids would definitely move and dance to that one.  Sometimes those oldies but goodies are really the best. The authors completed the short bio with where their concert tours in the present, their comeback, and their musical festival tours and then where they are now. Their concerts began in 2001 riding high on their Solid Gold 60’s summer tour. Performing all over the world, the United States, concert halls and tons of other sites the Buckinghams are definitely here to stay in the present.  Like a good mystery if you want to learn more about them, their U.S. Hit singles and where they are now you have to read the first section of Where Have All the Pop Stars Gone? Volume 2 to find out.  The authors include brief bios of Carl Giammarese and Nick Fortuna and where they are now and what they are doing. Dennis Tufano is the third bio followed by Marty Grebb and the late John Poulos. Called the Epilogue  included after the bios of each group or individual artist, the authors created a special tribute to each band member highlighting their successes and career. I will leave that to the reader and turn my attention to the next outstanding performer and listen to some of his music: Bobby Goldsboro.


Bobby Goldsboro was unique and different in his own right. He did not count on others to write his songs and compose his material. His career rocked and the talented performer of the 60’s began as a guitar player with everyone’s favorite singer Roy Orbison. Only allowed to take one musician with him on tour, Bobby was chosen to go along with this icon. Imagine touring with him and being on the same stage as the Beatles. His first recording was made in Alabama and the song was called Molly, which I listened to on UTUBE followed by another song that I wanted to hear titled Honey. This song is beautiful and seeing him on UTUBE perform it really brings it alive. The words are just perfect. He had 15 top forty hits and imagine being booked to open for the Rolling Stones that must have been an unbelievable thrill. Honey became his best selling hit and the formation of the House of Gold Music, which published Wind Beneath My Wings. As a songwriter he earned 27 BMI awards and worked with Bette Midler, Paul Anka and even Dolly Parton. Scoring major hits and moving to television he syndicated Bobby Goldsboro Show, which believe it or not ran for three seasons, and became one of the highest rated variety shows.


Bobby’s major goal was to write songs and as great as creating records was writing songs was what kept him alive and vital. Devoting more time to writing and producing children’s entertainment in the 80’s, audio books and much more you can learn more about all of his singles page 55. Where is he now? Read about his life, past, present and hopes for the future on pages 56- 65. Can You Feel It: Great song that I just listened to but my favorite: And I Love You So: 1971. When they play this at weddings I will remember that I heard it on UTUBE today. The words are amazing and so meaningful.


Next, the authors introduce a group that I know little about but I did listen to their music while writing this review: The Moody Blues. This group started as an R&B group. They began in Birmingham, England and were founded by Mike Pinder and Ray Thomas. Ray played harmonica and did the vocals and Mike also did vocals and the keyboards. Pinder did not remain with the band even though they were successful. The Moody Blues were unique in their sound and Mike and Ray united with another band the authors tell us called the Krew Kats


Going overseas to Germany where rock bands rules and returning in 1963 to England the musical scene greatly changes and jobs and opportunities were limited.  New management, new promoters new members: Denny Laine, Graame Edge and Tony Secunda a new manager, their tours were booked and the band would play at the Marquee Club. As a result Decca Records picked them up. Their first record or single was “Steal Your Heart Away, in 1964.. I did listen to it and I think my favorite song that they recorded is: Twilight Time followed by The Voice and the video is really amazing and quite graphic. The scenes, the colorful scenery and the faces are compelling. The ocean, the solar system and the sky is earth’s views are great. In 1974 five of the members of the group recorded and released solo albums. Their album Days of Future Passed became more than just their trademark release. It made history for them. Creating songs that infused both rock and classical sounds would be new to listeners and to the record company too. I listened to two of the songs so that I would understand why the authors included this amazing group: Nights in White Satin and Tuesday Afternoon. Isn’t Life Strange is interesting and the music sounds churchlike. A Question of Balance was the deciding factor that they would record albums that they could use in concerts. I could go on forever and give you a list of all of their music but then I don’t want to ruin it for the reader and give away too much about any of these great artists. But, before you read the book you really need to listen to the music to understand the time periods and the music they created. The rest and where they are now: You need to find out for yourself.

The lasts four artists are Donnie Brooks,  Steve and Dave, Ray Stevens and The Grass Roots. Donnie Brooks had two major hits one being Mission Bell. He achieved fame in 1971. Mission Bell was a huge success for him. His career  spanned over four decades. Born in 1936 he passed about in 2007. He was a great American Pop Singer. Adopted when he was a teen by his stepfather he took his name John Faircloth. Bertha Lou was recorded in 1959 and he made his first recording using the name Donny Brooks that same year. Mission Bell was recorded by Era Records and made it to number seven on the charts.


Sam Moore and Dave Prater Jr. are next and are noted for being among the world’s “most popular recording and performing artists, and with their frenzied stage appearances established themselves as the most electrifying duo in the history of rhythm and blues.” With a  sound that was unique to them and with hints of Sam Cooke, The Impressions and Ben E. King they soared. Next the authors included Ray Stevens whose Everything is Beautiful is still one of my favorite songs. Ray Stevens recorded romantic ballads. He was a recording session producer, music publisher, a session musician, disc jockey and even the owner of a musical theater. He not only recorded ballads but the author’s share with readers that he also recorded pop music. Beginning with Monument in 1968 and hitting the Top 30 with Mr. Businessman and even turned down the chance to record with Burt Bacharach. Signing with Andy Williams’ label, Barnaby after appearing on his show he hit the charts with Everything is Beautiful, which was a huge hit, and a Grammy Award Winner. Just heard the Mississippi Squirrel Revival, which is really great. Imagine sneaking a squirrel into church and wait until you watch the video to see the end result. Ahab the Arab is hilarious and so is the video. Next, last but not least The Grass Roots. They had tons of major hits like Midnight Confessions, Temptation Eyes and Where Were You When I Needed You? They hit the top 40 charts and had seven gold singles and even one platinum one. The history behind this group and the biography is not that easy to relate because three groups created the Grass Roots. The first was writer/producer P.F. Sloan, next Steve Barri as a pen name or pseudonym under which they released some folk rock. They also needed to recruit a band that would become the Grass Roots. The Bedouins were the band that they were interested in and the authors relate their story and how they became part of the Grass Roots within the first part of their section. Rob Grill, Rick Coonce, Warren Entner and Creed Bratton comprised this group and are pictured on page 184. In 1971 Coonce left the group and was replaced by Joe Pollard. Then, Joel Larson from the first generation of the group returned and Dennis Provisor left and resigned with Dunhill. New faces, new sounds and on the charts for over 307 weeks. SO, what songs did I listen it: Where Were You When I Needed You and I’d Wait A Million Years. Let’s Live For Today introduced by Jimmy Durante. The music is amazing, the history brings these groups right where they belong into the present and kept me singing and dancing all afternoon while reading this outstanding FIVE PLATINUM RECORDS Where Have All The Pop Stars Gone? They are right here within this outstanding book with their bios, where they are now and what some still hope for their futures. So, listen real hard and you just might hear your favorite song. The pictures added are timeless and priceless

Fran Lewis: Reviewer