Dignity Rocks and So Does this Book: Powerful Message for All Children and Parents and Teachers

Title: Dignity Rocks

Author: Stephanie Heuer

ISBN: 978-1-60005-097-8

Publisher: HappyAbout


Dignity is often defined as the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Self-esteem, self-regard and self-respect are all values that every child and adult should bestow upon themselves and others. The words,” I feel like nobody,” this simple phrase should never be spoken or come out of the lips of a child or an adult. We are all somebody and we all have the right to have our thoughts and opinions heard and recognized. Our accomplishments should be praised and our shortcomings and mistakes understood, explained in order that both children and adults learn from their errors and not by being ridiculed because we are not perfect. This brings me to my review of a very innovative and creatively written book; Dignity Rocks by author Stephanie Heuer.


Children are sensitive to the moods, words and actions of adults, their peers and their teachers. Harsh words or being ignored or laughed at, can create a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem and self-worth and more. Children look to the adults in their family, older siblings, and teachers for respect, guidance, acceptance and security. The author of Dignity Rocks makes a strong statement to both adults and children about how it feels when a child cannot speak his or her words and their voices go unheard. Making a child feel invisible, alone or upset when family’s fight can often make the child feel isolated and alone. The author asked many different youngsters to fill in the blank: I feel like nobody when__________. This is a powerful statement and the answers were quite poignant, revealing and heartfelt. A child who feels like nobody when parents fight and no one listens to their words can turn themselves off and often feel alone in their own private world. When someone talks about them behind their back, or laughs when they fell down or trip, their self-respect and dignity are bruised and it can leave a negative effect on that child and make them think twice about trying to do something new in front of others for fear of being laughed at.



Children do not like to be ignored when they need to speak to an adult as shown when the little boy wants his mother and she is engaged on the phone. When a father no longer lives at home and the child cannot say good night to him the child feels like nobody because the other kids have their dads all the time. The way a child dresses is not often their choice but that of a parent. Not every parent can afford designer clothes, shoes or fashions. Children feel left out when they dress differently from their friends and are hurt when they are laughed at and do not fit in with the current trends.


There are many important points that are made by the author and many children who answered her first question as to when they felt like nobody. These answers are crucial to helping adults understand just how harmful their actions and words can be to child’s dignity and self-worth.


On the opposite side she counteracted the negative feelings and asked the same children to respond to the prompt: I feel like somebody when: on child answered: When my dad plays ball with me; another when:  my friends recognize what I do best, a third: when no one interrupts me when I speak. My favorite: when everyone in my family does everything together. This reminded me of my Sundays when my Dad was not working and we all spent Family Day doing whatever would make the entire family smile and happy.


Added to the book and helping the reader to understand how each child felt about expressing their feelings in both prompts are the illustrations. The reader can see and feel the emotions of the child that is upset about being made fun of or feels alone. The reader can see the look of joy and elation on the same child’s face when something great and wonderful happens that makes the child feel like a somebody.


On page 26 of the book the author provides a guide for educators, group leaders, parents, and youth groups to help teach life skills, character education and DIGNITY and the true meaning of the word. Dignity Rocks should be in school libraries, the office guidance counselors, study schools, hospital libraries, group homes, and schools and in every home for all children to read. Dignity Rocks and so does author Stephanie Heuer for writing this book and sharing it with us.

I would definitely recommend this book to every child, parent and adult to read.

Title: Dignity Rocks

Author: Stephanie Heuer

ISBN: 978-1-60005-097-8

Publisher: HappyAbout


Dignity is often defined as the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Self-esteem, self-regard and self-respect are all values that every child and adult should bestow upon themselves and others. The words,” I feel like nobody,” this simple phrase should never be spoken or come out of the lips of a child or an adult. We are all somebody and we all have the right to have our thoughts and opinions heard and recognized. Our accomplishments should be praised and our shortcomings and mistakes understood, explained in order that both children and adults learn from their errors and not by being ridiculed because we are not perfect. This brings me to my review of a very innovative and creatively written book; Dignity Rocks by author Stephanie Heuer.


Children are sensitive to the moods, words and actions of adults, their peers and their teachers. Harsh words or being ignored or laughed at, can create a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem and self-worth and more. Children look to the adults in their family, older siblings, and teachers for respect, guidance, acceptance and security. The author of Dignity Rocks makes a strong statement to both adults and children about how it feels when a child cannot speak his or her words and their voices go unheard. Making a child feel invisible, alone or upset when family’s fight can often make the child feel isolated and alone. The author asked many different youngsters to fill in the blank: I feel like nobody when__________. This is a powerful statement and the answers were quite poignant, revealing and heartfelt. A child who feels like nobody when parents fight and no one listens to their words can turn themselves off and often feel alone in their own private world. When someone talks about them behind their back, or laughs when they fell down or trip, their self-respect and dignity are bruised and it can leave a negative effect on that child and make them think twice about trying to do something new in front of others for fear of being laughed at.



Children do not like to be ignored when they need to speak to an adult as shown when the little boy wants his mother and she is engaged on the phone. When a father no longer lives at home and the child cannot say good night to him the child feels like nobody because the other kids have their dads all the time. The way a child dresses is not often their choice but that of a parent. Not every parent can afford designer clothes, shoes or fashions. Children feel left out when they dress differently from their friends and are hurt when they are laughed at and do not fit in with the current trends.


There are many important points that are made by the author and many children who answered her first question as to when they felt like nobody. These answers are crucial to helping adults understand just how harmful their actions and words can be to child’s dignity and self-worth.


On the opposite side she counteracted the negative feelings and asked the same children to respond to the prompt: I feel like somebody when: on child answered: When my dad plays ball with me; another when:  my friends recognize what I do best, a third: when no one interrupts me when I speak. My favorite: when everyone in my family does everything together. This reminded me of my Sundays when my Dad was not working and we all spent Family Day doing whatever would make the entire family smile and happy.


Added to the book and helping the reader to understand how each child felt about expressing their feelings in both prompts are the illustrations. The reader can see and feel the emotions of the child that is upset about being made fun of or feels alone. The reader can see the look of joy and elation on the same child’s face when something great and wonderful happens that makes the child feel like a somebody.


On page 26 of the book the author provides a guide for educators, group leaders, parents, and youth groups to help teach life skills, character education and DIGNITY and the true meaning of the word. Dignity Rocks should be in school libraries, the office guidance counselors, study schools, hospital libraries, group homes, and schools and in every home for all children to read. Dignity Rocks and so does author Stephanie Heuer for writing this book and sharing it with us.

I would definitely recommend this book to every child, parent and adult to read.











The Bracelet by Todd Cheney

What would you do if you received an unmarked package from an unknown sender? Would you open it up and see what was inside? Would you try and find out from the company that sent it or from the delivery person where it came from? Of would you open it up and decide after seeing the contents what the next step would be: Keep it or send it back!

If your world was filled with going to a mundane job and your life and you received a present from a stranger that would give you anything you could ever want, would that be enough for you or would you want more?

Let Mike Alex tell you his story and then decide:

My name is Mike Alex and my life is filled with working as a mechanic and waiting for my girlfriend to have my child. But, I crave more and want things that I could not ever imagine having. When I received an unmarked package with a unique bracelet inside with a note stating that my every wish and desire would be met just by wishing for it while holding on to the bracelet, I was filled with elation, trepidation and uncertainty, but it did not stop what happened next.

After deciding to keep the bracelet I hid it from view making sure that no one could access its whereabouts or gain knowledge of how I was going to use it. Learning from the note that was inside the box that the bracelet allowed its owner to wish for anything and everything they wanted: However: Wishes could only be made once within a 24 hour period. But, like most people I did not believe this and would have to find out for myself.

I decided to take the bracelet for a test run: Test one: Wish for something so simple and yet so obvious that I would know if the bracelet truly had powers. In order to be certain that the wish was fulfilled and came true I made sure I was present to see the fruits of my wish and I did. Realizing that I might be on to something I decided to make a second wish. His boss had gambling debts that were not paid. He had to payback a loan shark over 30 thousand dollars and had no idea where the money would come from or when he could pay the debt I wished for Lou, my boss to become debt free as my second wish. Could it be divine intervention or could it be just a strange coincidence? You will have to find out for yourself.

Inside of the package with the bracelet was a note signed by someone called The Shepherd, which I realize is a name that God or Jesus is often referred to. But, I meet some interesting people along the way that give me reason to pause for thought and I begin to wonder just what is in store for me.

I became dissatisfied with my life and with what life has bestowed upon me. I began daydreaming about the many reasons I might have received the bracelet, its possible limitations. I failed to consider or think about the ramifications and results that might happen as a result of my wishes. But, it does not stop me from wanting and wishing for more.

Feeling that my childhood years might have stifled me and always feeling inadequate and insecure as a result of being ridiculed by other children and a long illness that hampered my progress in school, I began using the bracelet as a means to achieving an end never considering the true meaning of why I received it and why I was chosen as the recipient.

All too often we do not consider the blessings that we have and as humans we always want more. Some people consider wealth, power and position as the mark of a successful person. What do I think? Wait and see what happens and what other wishes I make. Remember each wish will affect other people and sometimes the end result will not always be what was intended. Just how much power does one person need? Would you want to rule the world if you could? But, when I make my wishes I forget to give any thought to the overall effect it will have on everyone who might reap the effects of my wishes. I do not give any thought to the fact the there could be catastrophic results. Think before you speak or should I say wish!

Curiosity does get the best of me and I decide to investigate some more hoping to find out the origin and original owner of the bracelet. Since, Krueger, the man who owned the Lincoln I was repairing never came for his car, I was able to open the folder he left in the backseat only to learn more than I bargained for about the bracelet and this odd man.

When he does finally shows up for his Lincoln, what happens not only surprised me but also would change everything and my plans for the bracelet.

Who was this man that appeared out of nowhere claiming that this bracelet was an artifact that dated back over 5000 years and was stolen from the Smithsonian?  This reviewer was beginning to wonder about that too and about Mike’s wisdom and thinking in all of this. Deciding not to fall prey to what this man might be trying to do, he does not relinquish the bracelet and wants more proof of who and where it really came from and whom it does belong to and why he received it. Plus, the fact that the powers in the bracelet come from the ripples that are carved within it which causes a chain reaction when a wish is made and the reason the effects of wishing can reach anyone in the world and further.

Allowing the reader to enter the mind of the character and understand and feel his confusion, frustrations and more concerning the bracelet and what his next steps and wishes should be, makes the reviewer and the reader feel apart of the story and routing for Mike to make the right choices.

The events that follow will either make you a believer that this bracelet has the power to make your every wish come true, or make things worse. When Mike’s girlfriend goes into labor and is about to have their baby the unthinkable happens and more. When the doctors and nurses realize what happened to the little boy that was born they are devastated but claim that these things do happen and Mike feels that bad things do happen to good people and he is determined to right this wrong at all cost. What is the fate of their son?

Who is this man that claims to have knowledge of the true meaning behind the bracelet? What does the woman who sent it to him tell him and what is her fate and that of others as a result of owning it? What will Mike and Rhonda decide to do with the bracelet knowing what they can get it to do? You will have to read this thought provoking and mind-stimulating book to find out the answers to these questions and more. Never try and change the course of history or the way things work or the fundamental working of nature. Mike learns many valuable lessons but one does stand out more than others: Nothing happened that he did not want to happen. A piece of stone a mere bracelet cannot change who you are: but it can change what happens if you wish it!

Where will Mike and Rhonda wind up after leaving there live in Middletown? Only the author of this great new book knows when I hope writes the sequel. Todd Cheney, the author of The Bracelet leaves the reader asking many questions about divine intervention, God’s power and the power of one man named Mike Alex who wanted the things in life but will it bring you happiness and joy. Read The Bracelet and you decide if you want it next!

Robins Falls Magazine



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Help me raise funds for the cure and for research fran


this is the link to my Alzheimer’s book: Support me and help me fight for a cure. fran


Title: Womenopause: Stop Pausing And Start Living

Authors: Lovera Wolf Miller and David C. Miller

ISBN: 978-1-84694-321-8

Publisher: O Books London UK



Don’t stop your life just because you are having hot flashes and you feel like your entire body is burning up. Don’t stop if you feel like punching someone because your moods change just like the seasons and you cannot get a hold on how you feel. Don’t let this and other signs of changes within your body and mental status make you feel that your life is about to end and there is nothing left to do but wait: It’s just Menopause and you can control it and you can life your life till the fullest just like I am!

Where was this great informative, humorous and uplifting book ten years ago when I needed it? Well, fortunately it is here now and for those of you that want to take your life back and bring some pizzazz into it read my review of Womenopause and get the low down on Menopause and more.

In order to understand the rationale behind this informative book I decided to take the Menopause challenge and see which areas still apply to me and where I might get some great information and help to alleviate some of my concerns. There are seven areas that need to be assessed when taking the challenge. Of the seven three create mild problems for me. Mood matters, Insomnia Queen and Vagina Sahara are the three that gave me some cause to pause and think about the wonderful world of menopause and aging. Staying asleep, not feeling myself and burning in the formerly moist zone were the three that I remember and still remember as the worst part of going through the experience. Reading the rest of that section gave me some more insight into understanding what I went through and more.



Just to clarify some important definitions for the reader: Menopause is a single day in the life of a woman. It is that glorious day when your final bloody flow ends. Perimenopuase is the four-year to ten-year time period before menopause and continues one year after. It is the wWednesday and wThursady until wFriday morning. Menopause happens at midnight on wThursday. Postmenopause is a time of gradually ending those menopausal systems. You need to read chapter 7 to understand these three different defintions and more.



The many case studies that are provided will help the reader learn more about how valuable using the Womenopause wTimeline is and was to these women and can be to you. In doing so you can reduce your risk of ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer and much more. Diet and exercise and taking the appropriate supplements are just some of what helped the women in these case studies.





Throughout this book the authors describe the different symptoms you might encounter when experiencing perimenopause and thereafter. During this time and after many women consider the possible use of Menopause Hormone Replacement or wBioIdenticals or wBodyidenticals. There are suggestions for supplements, vitamins and creams that will relieve many symptoms too. There are many women who feel adverse to both courses of therapy and there are those who have had many of their symptoms greatly alleviated.  You will have to decide that with you doctor on your own.



From Hot Flashes, Crashes, Insomnia, Vagina Dryness, Mood Matters and more this book provides helpful and informative answers and information to help you decide how to handle this time of your life. At the end of each chapter is a Womenopause Challenge and Test Check to motivate you and make sure you have the proper and important tests needed to diagnose you and help you deal with these changes.


Finally, I would be remiss if I did not say that Chapter 14 really puts it in perspective for me. I never eat junk food or fake food. I did in the past before losing over 60 pounds. After reading the list of what not do when eating on page 96 I passed it along to some of my family members, as I will this book to let them know why fast foods only make matters worse. I learned the hard way but I am glad I did. I read the shopping list on pages 99-100 and definitely restocked my fridge with those items. Where was this book when I was told my cholesterol was high a few years ago? Of course if you are human and a woman your favorite chapter will be 18 where you learn about how to keep your motor oiled, going and engine running. Sexercise is the title and you will have to read it for yourself to learn what I have. Some things are more fun if you read them and try them for yourself. But, make sure you fill out the wSxScore and checklist on page 133 before venturing any further.


Last but, not least since my mom has Alzheimer’s the chapter on Memory hit home. The information in this chapter is invaluable if you don’t want your brain to turn into mush. Don’t forget men have their own brand of Manopause too. Let’s not forget that they have mood swings, belly fat and are at risk for strokes and heart attacks too.


Most important: Early Detection and going for your annual exams will help save your life: Get your mammogram. Pap test, other cultures like HPV, Pelvic Exam, Bone Density, Blood workup and exercise and eat right.


This is a book that should be read by woman, men, young woman and parts to young girls with their moms to understand the wonders of being a woman. This should also be a resource for doctors. I am honored to have reviewed this book.


Tilly’s Tale: by Harry Porter

Tilly’s Tale by Harry Porter

Reviewed by Fran Lewis


Abuse of any kind is wrong and totally unforgiveable. No matter what the reason is no one has to right to neglect a pet or a person leaving him or her in a state that causes him or her both physical and mental harm. Many times animals that are left unattended on the street or in this case in the outside yard, become sick, diseased and sad from the lack of love and care they once received. Tilly is a Bedlington/Glen of Imaal Crossbreed terrier who was loved and cared for by a man named Sam. When Sam died and left Tilly in the care of his son and his wife, poor Tilly’s life became a real nightmare.


Sam’s son wanted to take Tilly home and care for her as his father did when he was alive. But, his wife would not hear of it and this beautiful and wonderful dog was cast into the cold and left to practically fend for herself. Outside in the cold and damp weather Tilly became gaunt, thin and felt unloved. That is the worst thing anyone can do to a dog or anyone. Everyone needs a home and poor Tilly only wanted what she had before; a warm and loving family to take care of her and love her.


In Tilly’s own words the author relates her experiences from the moment she felt abandoned to the moment she is taken to the Sanctuary to safety. Although the people at the Sanctuary are kind and caring, Tilly lets the reader know that she hopes that someday a family will come with a bright and shiny new leash just for her.


After weeks of hoping her dreams came true and Harry Porter and his family chose our Tilly to be a part of their family. Not only was she nurtured and cared for but she became part of a family of dogs that grew to love her and her them. Tilly is a rescue dog. In case you don’t know what a rescue is, it is one that has been a victim of abuse at the hand of a human in one form or another.


Throughout this heartwarming tale we learn how Tilly becomes assimilated within this family and how she helps when tragedy strikes and when new dogs are added to her family. Tilly loves living with Harry and she is not just a rescue dog but has been trained to detect human DNA simply by identifying the scent. Tilly is smart, spunky bright. She has won contests and made her family proud. But, most of all she has overcome the fears and thoughts that haunted her before coming into this loving and great family.


Throughout the world there are many dogs and other animals that need homes and just want to be loved. This is a true story of a remarkable dog who did not give up on herself or humans. It is the story of a man named Harry Porter who has a heart of gold and has made rescuing dogs a major part of his life.


The illustrations add to the story by allowing the reader to see each of the dogs that are added to the family. The cover of the book with Tilly on it endears you to her even more just looking at her kind eyes and beautiful face. You feel as if she is speaking to you and personally telling you her story.


This is a must read for everyone and I think would be great for children to have read to them in school. I think that this would make a great addition to pet stores and rescue shelters when children or adults want to buy a pet or rescue one from the Sanctuary.


Harry Porter: You are really amazing. Tilly, no one will ever forget you or your family of special dogs. To learn more about her family and the other dogs in it, you will have to read Tilly’s Tale and get the information from her.

*I give this book five Tilly’s

Fran Lewis: reviewer




It’s In The Eyes by Charles Toftoy

Title: It’s In The Eyes

Author: Dr. Charles Toftoy

ISBN: 978-1432711962

Publisher: Outskirts Press




Imagine getting a phone call asking you come down to identify your daughter’s body after some psychopathic killer took her life. Unfortunately, these things do happen and we read about them in the news on a daily basis. Abuse of any kind is unconscionable and the end result can leave more than just physical trauma or scars on the abused person. All too often the hidden traumas caused by verbal, physical and sexual abuse can have devastating and lasting effects on a person whether an adult or child. This brings me to my review of an important novel written by Dr. Charles Toftoy, Its In the Eyes.


As the novel begins we learn of a horrific rape and murder of a young college student in Washington DC. Dr. Lars Neilsen is a college professor who created a team of private investigators called the Alpha Team who privately and discreetly assist in the investigation and soon learn startling facts about the killer or killers and their brand of murder. Four coeds are killed and all four deaths are by strangulation. A psychopathic killer is at work who models his murders after the rapes and killings of the 17th and 18th century killers called the Thuggees who worshipped the black goddess Kali- meaning darkness.


As with our killer Kali worship comes from a legend that originated from India. It refers to a period when an evil demon hunted mankind in order to devour him. During this time period children were killed and Kali was determined to stop him. But, all of her efforts did not work and each time blood of the demon was spilled it would rise again and she created her own form of help. Creating men from various sources she hoped to strangle the demons. It is this legend that is the impetus for the religion of Kali and her worshippers, the Thugs. Worshippers of Kali followed the Thug path and a killer who believes in Kali and sees her in his visions murders the women killed in this book. Kali wore clothes made of human body parts. Using her as a guide the killer’s victim was positioned and given the special yellow scarf around her neck to indicate the reference to Kali in the murders.


However, you need to beware of a new moon or darkness as Kali represents darkness and the targets for these murders are blue-eyed blonds who think according to our killer and Kali, that they are God’s gift to the world. The killer states that these women are superficial and self-absorbed: His targets are blonds on the basketball tames who think that they are as some put it today, ”ALL THAT,” and more.


His mode of killing fits that of the killings of the Thuggees. The victims were travelers who were murdered as sacrifices to the goddess Kali. Using her favorite color yellow, a silk scarf of that color was tied around the unsuspecting traveler’s neck. Death occurred within five seconds. Thuggees always used this method of killing since spilling blood was forbidden. Thinking that the police and the Alpha team would not pick up on this, our killer lived in a world devoted to Kali and envisioning her in his presence and guiding his actions.


But, in order to throw them off and send them in another direction, he commits a crime so violent and heinous it sends Lars and his team reeling with anger and determination to bring him to justice and more.


Did you ever look into the eyes of someone and know they were lying to you? Can you tell when someone is telling the truth? What would you do if the color of your eyes and hair would make you a target for a killer? Wait and see what happens next?


This dangerous killer thought he would was beyond the law and would outsmart the Alpha Team. How he is brought down will surprise you and the added twists and turns will keep the reader on edge. When Lars comes face to face with our killer he knows he has split seconds to respond. What happens you will have to read for yourself?


What I love about this book is the way the author allows the reader to enter the world of a police investigation by explaining the steps involved in planning not only their strategies to capture the killer but the brainstorming techniques and the give and take of those involved to help the reader understand that it takes teamwork to solve a case and a great leader, like Lars Neilsen to lead. Added to this are the language lessons that Belissa, Candace’s mother gives to Lars and the reader comes away not only with knowledge of how to write a great news article thanks to Brenda the reporter, investigative techniques and some Portuguese words too.


When the police finally realize that there is two separate cases not one, they realize that their work is not over and they have to find another and equally dangerous killer who uses hit men from another country to do his dirty work. Just who this Dragon is and what the killer’s motive is, you won’t believe. With the help of the FBI, ACPD, the Alpha team and other law enforcement agencies justice is sought and hopefully will be served but not in the way you would expect.







How do you tell a mother that her daughter is dead? How do you live with the voice of the murdered girl in your head pleading for you to get her killer? Will Lars and his team succeed in closing this case? Will Candace finally rest in peace? How does it all come together? Will the Alpha Team: Doris the psychic, Brenda the reporter, Tiger the assistant funeral director and our lead, Lars the professor succeed? Read this first rate thriller from an author who makes us aware of how important it is to keep our children and family close and protected.


This novel brings to light many important issues that we read about in our newspapers. It is not brings to light how important it is that our young people stay alert, aware and cognizant of their surroundings when jogging, walking or going out with friends. Remember: You can’t be too careful. The eyes are the windows to the soul and just looking into someone’s eyes you can sometimes see more than you want.


Muito obrigado as you would say in Portuguese: thank you for a great novel Dr. Charles Toftoy. I hope that you will bring Lars and his Alpha team back for a sequel. Thank you for the honor of reviewing your book.


reviewed for bookpleasures.com





A Matter of Class

Author: Mary Balogh

ISBN: 978-1-59315-554-4

Publisher: Vanguard Press


Reginald Mason is a gentleman only by breeding and training and not by birth. His father has given him the best advantages in life and yet he has managed to squander and over extend himself in many ways. When playing at the tables or gambling he never gave a thought to the debts he incurred and the fact that his father had to provide the sums to pay them. His extravagant life style was never in question until he father decided it was time for him to marry and upgrade his social status by marrying the woman of his choice whether he agreed to it or not. This brings me to my review of A Matter of Class by New York Time best selling author Mary Balogh.


The story unfolds with Reginald Mason and his father discussing his future and the debts that he incurred. Although they are quite wealthy, their money came from working in the coalmines and was not considered worthy of upper echelon status.

How would you feel or react if you had no say in whom you were going to marry? How would you feel if the only reason the person was going to marry you was because of a deal struck with your parents? Is class and status really what makes a person? Is wealth the primary reason one person should be considered worthy of another? That is something you need to consider for yourself as you read this delightful and entertaining novel.


Lady Annabelle Ashton is the only daughter of the Earl of Havercroft whose family and Reginald’s have been at odds for many years. Lady Annabelle having disgraced herself by running off with her father’s coachman is now labeled or branded as damaged goods. The fact that nothing happened and it was relatively innocent did not change the way those of high society viewed her nor what her father was about to do.


Reginald’s father Bernard decided in order to raise his son’s social standing from merchant class, he would propose a match between his son and Lady Annabelle much to the chagrin of both parties involved.


When their fates are sealed and the marriage proposal is accepted you can feel the tension between the two of them and more. The author then flashes back to their youths and how they first met. As children they were told to ignore each other and not allowed to be friends. Meeting secretly without the knowledge of her nurse or his family they became friends. But, at that time social class, money and the station you were born into was more important than the person you were or could be. Even today there are many families who still believe that matchmaking their children with the right person whether for monetary reasons or religious. But, for Annabelle and Reginald their parent’s reasons were different. His parent’s reasons for joining them together was to raise his station in life and hers to repair her reputation and pay off her father’s debts.


What I love about this book is the banter between Annabelle and Reginald and the flashbacks to their childhood. Most children do not care whether you are rich or poor or how much money your father has in the bank. Most children just want to have friends and be accepted for who they are. Annabelle and Reginald have a secret friendship that begins when she is five and continues even into their early teens. But, what keep them apart are their family and their dislike for each other and more.


Annabelle’s father wanted her to marry and betrothed her to the Marquess of      Illingsworth but Annabelle had other thoughts in mind. Running away with her father’s coachman set a plan in action that might come back and haunt her if it was not carried out just the right way. As a result the Marquess withdrew his proposal and her family was embarrassed and forced to do, as we would put it today, damage control. But, sometimes what you see and hear is not always what is the truth. Annabelle and Reggie were like Romeo and Juliet: two star crossed lovers but will the outcome be the same?



Thirty years of waiting and thirty years where two families were set apart from each other by stubborn pride and one more thing: Social class and money. Will they wind up together? You have to read this story for yourself and find out.



Mary Balogh created a story filled with deceit, lies, trickery, hope and humor that will not only restore your faith in love, but will let you know just how clever a woman can be when she wants to get her man.


Money can buy material things and maybe even your way into social society but it cannot buy love, trust, loyalty and faith in another person. You need to read this heartwarming, humorous and refreshing and totally full of class novella by an author who will keep you guessing about the outcome until the very last page. This is a great book and the author has a new fan. I hope that I will have the honor of reviewing more of her books in the future.

The Medallion: Book One the Prophesy: by Sunni Morris

The Medallion: Book One: The Prophesy


I am a specially carved Medallion within my carvings are special symbols that protect the wearer from harm. Before the person chosen to wear me is born, another has predetermined their destiny. In this case, the legacy of the person is a young girl named Anwen. She will receive this Medallion and promise never to remove it no matter what. Her future has been set and her life preordained by the ruler of the Isle of Tiernay de Ochern, Lady Glynis.


As our story begins Cathbad the storyteller gathers the young ones around and relates the tale of Anwen and Alana to a captive audience. Storytelling is how many tales; myths and legends got passed down through the ages. This is the story of two sisters, who were not separated at birth, or by their parents, but by circumstances beyond their control.


The story begins with their parents receiving a visit from a wizard who comes from the Sacred Isle of Tiernay de Ochern and bestows the Medallion with its beautifully engraved and carved symbols on it. The wizard explains that the ruler of the Isle saw a vision in special watering pool that foretold her of the destiny and future of one of their soon to be born daughters.


When Anwen is born the Medallion is placed around her neck and little does she or her parents know the hidden powers it holds within. But, before her parents learn the prophecy or legacy behind it, raiders that enter their village and pillage it until nothing is left kill them. Anwen escapes whether because she happens to be down at the pool getting water or just because of the powers of the Medallion. We do not know. Alana is not so fortunate and is captured and enslaved by the raiders and finally sold to a mean and dangerous man. Both sisters, determined to live and to find each other go on a never-ending quest to survive but not in the same way.


Anwen seeks out her Grand Mama and hopes she will take her in. Her Grand Mama, being a healer or their form of a medical person in the Middle Ages, is proud to have Anwen as an apprentice and she soon becomes an asset to her in her own right and a great healer as well. Alana is ravaged and tortured by this man named Black Jack and finally escapes and winds up in an inn owned by two very special and kind people. Taking her in as if she were their own daughter she is nursed back to health and decides to stay and help them. But, that safety net is short lived when raiders come to the inn and kill Gandolf the owner and his wife succumbs to illness.


Anwen loves working with Keelin her Grand Mama and Ifan the man she hopes to marry. But when she is summoned to the Isle by the ruler, everything in her life will change and her destiny is no longer her own. The meaning of the Medallion will be made clear and it will be up to her what her fate will be. Or so she thinks! Her Lady takes her on a tour of the Isle and shows her the many places that no one else knows about including the special pool where she can come and contemplate and see her visions for the people and for her future. But, that is only the beginning. She insists on going home and seeing her Grand Mama and Ifan and asking them to come and live with her on this Isle. But what happens will surprise you and the answers she gets will astound the reader. Just how loyal is Ifan to her and what will her Grand Mama’s fate be in all of this?


Alana, after the death of the two innkeepers, decides to run the Inn with the help of some travelers who show up at her door right after their deaths. Added to the mix is a girl named Nesta who is also a healer and has been, unknown to her, chosen to take Anwen’s place as the healer in Crichton Green. Could this be fate or could this be the way the sisters are finally reunited after many years of wonder and being apart? Each one with their lives set and each one with a different destiny. But, both determined, filled with inner strength and love and loyalty for those who have helped them survive.  Never realizing that she might find more than just her Grandmother, Alana decides to accompany Nesta while leaving the inn in the capable hands of Dylan and his family. Selia, Nesta’s apprentice, will become the new healer.


What happens when they arrive will keep you on the edge of your seat? What happens when the sister’s finally reunite and what unresolved issues are left hanging this reviewer will not divulge?


However, the reunion is short lived and the truth about Anwen’s fate is revealed? Will Ifan leave his family and live with Anwen on the island? Will her sister go back to her life in the inn or go to the Isle with Anwen?


But, who is Selia, the new apprentice to Nesta, and what are her hidden secrets that she is so readily willing to embark on a life as a healer with limited training? Who is the helpful Blacksmith named Brady who befriends her and is willing to make a bargain to learn more about Alana and Nesta at any cost?


What is the legacy and what is the meaning behind the Medallion? You will have to read this book to find out what happens next, when and if Anwen takes over as Lady of the Isle. Even this reviewer does not know and if I did I would never tell. What does the future hold for Alana and Anwen only Sunni Morris knows.  All of the answers to these and other questions will have to be answered when the author writes Book Two.


This book is not only about the two sisters and their different destinies in life. It is about courage, persistence, bravery and determination. The determination to survive, live and never give up on life, each other and having the faith in others too.


Only the Medallion, our author and I know the true destiny of all of these people. Only I hold their lives and destinies within my engravings and more. What will happen will be foretold when the storyteller resumes her tale in Book Two.


I give this book FIVE GOLD MEDALLIONS with Candor’s special safety symbols on them to keep our author and her characters safe from harm.

Haversham Hill by Sunni Morris

Haversham Hill

By Sunni Morris

Fear is something that others inflict on you or you inflict on yourself. But, when the fear comes from something unknown that you cannot see, understand or reason with, well that is called living in Haversham Hill, a stately mansion with secrets within its walls that will terrify the reader and those living there.


Within my very walls you will soon learn what real fear is and why you might not want to step inside. Within the boundaries of my stately mansion and the inner forest beyond, you will find the former residents of my home and their ghostly spirits. Some have been laid to rest and others have different ideas in mind. Those that lived here were truly witches that were part of a Coven of witches that were noted for their black magic and more. Within my walls lived a young girl named Carrie and her family whose lives were lost in a tragic car accident.




Carrie Haversham Freeman and her family were killed in a car accident five years ago and she is determined to take action and create a better future for herself and not as a ghost or a spirit. Do you believe that ghosts or spirits can enter the body of a human and take their form resuming their lives in the body of another? Would that person take on the persona and character of the person living within their body, or would that person become one and the same with them. That is something Carrie hopes to find out by instilling fear, anxiety and more on Amber O’Donnell the new residents of Haversham Hill and her family in order to take control of their fate and more.





Carrie is determined at any cost to get her human form back no matter what it takes. She feels with the help of her also deceased relatives, she might take over the body of a living person and be alive again preferably one of the twins.

I will let her speak:

“ I am Carrie and Haversham Hill is my home and I do not like having these strangers living here. I warned those two girls that if they did not play with me and made me mad the consequences would be severe and they did not listen. I will do anything to make them pay for not listening to me and playing with me. I will turn their rooms into shambles and I will wreak havoc throughout Haversham Hill. The shenanigans my family and I pull will not only terrify the occupants but will bring fear into their hearts, minds and eyes every time they enter the house. There is no stopping me from getting what I want.”



Haunted houses are defined as ones that are believed to be the center of supernatural or paranormal occurrences. A haunted house such as Haversham Hill has a family of ghosts and spirits living in it and in the woods that house their final resting places. Such houses are often seen by those living in them as inhabited by spirits of deceased people who lived there and were familiar with the house and the surrounding property. As with the family of ghosts residing here in Haversham Hill, supernatural activity inside the house is associated with a violent and tragic event, in this case a fatal accident.




Why did Amber O’Donnell buy this house without researching its history? What about the eerie feeling and chills that ran up and down her spine when she saw it for the first time? Is it the torrential rainstorm, the cold and unfriendly feeling that caused her to shiver when she entered it or the strange people she met in the town? What about the house and the darkness within it? What about the rumor that a witch lived in the house? Would you believe it? What if the only way to find out was to ask one? Would you? All she wanted was to escape life in the city and start anew after a messy divorce.



One evening after finally settling in their new home, Callie and Risa her twin daughters are awakened by the sound of a child crying and want to learn more and they do. Inquisitive, curious and determined to find out where the cries originated they come face to face with a young girl wearing a long white dress. The ghostly figure frightened them but not enough for them to cry for help. Claiming she only wanted to befriend the girls she insisted that they play with her.    Telling the girls that she would always be there even if they did not see her.  Also telling the girls it would be unwise to get her angry. They would soon learn the meaning of those words and much more. Carrie pretended to want to befriend them but we know she had other ideas in mind. Let the terror begin!



As Amber peers through the back window of this house she sees a plaque with something unusual written on it. It stated that there was a witch that once lived there and the plaque had the witches name and more engraved on it. Not only that but a black cat seems to linger close by in the back and it appears to converse with a raven. How strange is that? Or is there a much more sinister reason behind what everyone seems to think they are seeing? Just why is Dorsey the real estate agent so eager to rid herself of this listing? What are the secrets that Merrill Havershim never learned before selling this house and burying the last of his family?


Do you believe in haunted houses? Do you believe in ghosts and how would you feel if you met some living in your own home with you and your twin daughters? With the help of her boyfriend Gary who is supportive, caring and more she soon learns not only the true meaning of love, but trust too. For without him she and her two daughters might not have survived what Carrie and her family had in store for them. Each night noises, screams, destruction and more awakened them. Shivering where they stood and frightened beyond belief this family banned together in order to find out what was behind the nightly visits and the fear instilled in them by Carrie and her family.

As Amber, the two girls and her boyfriend Gary venture into town after a night of terror they visit, Sadie the owner of a Magick Store they hope will not only help but enlighten them. But, Amber is fearful of her methods and hesitates leaving the girls with her while she prepares a preparation to secure and bind the house from harm and more. But, the danger and the terror has yet to really begin and when they return home from Ravensdam what they see in their home would not only intimidate, shock and mystify them but convince Amber that buying the house was a mistake and endangering the safety of her family, herself and Gary was far more important than a house.


With Sadie’s help the twins and Gary learn about witchcraft and what they will need to protect themselves, the house and their belongings from any more harm. But the tincture that Sadie helps prepare to protect the house and the bindings that will prevent Carrie from doing them any more harm are destroyed before they can use them.


The devastation that Carrie, the cat, the raven and her family cause not only awaken Amber to the need to rid herself of the house, but causes her to enlist the help of the only person in town who could bring everyone to safety: Sadie. Learning that Sadie is truly a good friend and might even be a witch, and embark with the help of everyone in both families to leave Haversham Hill and never return.


Even ghosts sometimes learn their lessons the hard way. You might think that Carrie is devoid of anyone disciplining her and bringing her to task for her actions, think again. When the old matriarch of the family explains that her fate and plight are her own fault.


Family love, loyalty, trust and friendship and more to m are the primary themes of this book. It is not just about a family of ghosts and one little girl whose life was snuffed out before she had a chance to live and her hope to become human again. It is about a mother who would do anything to protect her family and a little girl named Carrie who wished she were apart of it too.


Sunni Morris has created a plot that not only engages the reader from the first page but also keeps you in suspense; wonder and captivated and spellbound making you feel as if you were living in that house too. The vivid descriptions of the house, what the ghosts did and the surrounding area in the back plus the rituals that the spirits engaged in, are so clearly depicted you can visualize the events as the happen. This is truly an interesting novel that certainly leaves room for a sequel. What will happen to the next family? Only our brilliant author knows for sure.


I never give books stars: I give this book five friendly ghosts and one beautiful house for Amber her children to live in.