Slim Blue Universe

Slim Blue Universe

Poems often tell their own stories through the eyes and words of the poet. There are many different voices told in each of the 40 poems taking everyone who reads them on a journey through life withstanding the middle of the 20th century and the tribulations faced plus hoping that each finds new way to uncover their own mysterious pathways that might be tight in front of them.

Themes of social justice, reliving Woodstock, and understanding the hardships faced hoping for peace, and the struggles we are still facing dealing with social change and justice. Those who gave their lives and others who returned from fighting in the Vietnam War wondered and hoped for a better world. Societies did not budge it change and the changes we fought for remained the same in an unjust world that would not bend to changes. The poems tell a story sometimes sad and other times reminding us of the beauty of the intricate  constellations in the sky as if it’s your emotions high and slowly declining into a dark corner. Each poem has its own mood or reflections on life and different times. The poem that inspires many is called Safe Passage. : In this house, now where twilight  has become my name, there is only one hour left of perhaps more who can tell. Twilight is the time between day and night just when it gets dark but now there yet. The poem says in the morning I am walking the roads carrying a sack going nowhere. the person feels that he. She has been sentenced to wander in the western lands.  The final stanza expresses it all as he wees creates in the twilight that know this person’s name and he will add that for safe passage as if the person wants to keep them safe along with the voice we hear.

Someone New is a poem that tells of the narrator saying he would renounce his own memories. He knows they are real, yet the world is hot, gold and dusty. He wishes he was in another world. He remembers when a  letter comes from Paris, and it  speaks  of women and girls who have gone shopping in Paris. Prayers of the Lost Jew or lonely Christian and they’re the holy longings. .. It’s    that the narrator wants the world to begin over again. Then he remembers his mom, memories say it snot too late to gather together in someone; s and name him All he wants I someone new to care for.

The Book of Devotion expresses that the narrator feels time is short and needs a way to express his/her feelings. The person speaking feels sad, needs to express arguments but cannot and can someone recommend the goodwill of the angels, but the person might be mistaken. The heart is rebelling, and he feels  alone. He dreamed about his mother’s arms, the loss of hearing her voice and asking SO YOU HEAR ME/ still trying, traveling the days to colors and more. As the pages  of a book turn and this person hopes there are more he knows there is a book of devotion, and he knows there is he hopes a radiant way. Survival is the theme and the journey taken the narrator hopes to make and win.  Each poem is a longing for the past, hoping the present will bring the narrator some joy and read the Younger Self, the My Dears and Darlings and Reminiscence as memories flood back and despite knowing now what we have always have to leave behind. Sadness and despair fill the lines of all of these poems and yet somewhere in the middle there is hope.

The second section title Voices from Beyond allows those that have tone to tell and their stories form beyond as you read Friends of the filmmaker and we hear the voice of those in pain as in this poem the life now pain and trouble and then the narrator states don’t par outside the hospital the beds can hear you and the medicine prescribed in the throes of bad dreams have problem of their own. Voices from Beyond is within this second and the narrator says there are a log of things that might be helpful such as if the voices would say something to us. Revisiting life seeing the night stars, mysterious occurrences and the living  the vapor trails as the narrator takes the trip along with over the ark of hope he almost forgot, and they join their hands as one. Every poem has its own message like Beautiful Denizens  of the Deep , Dark  night which begins with when we were alive and will  in the long ago and what happens in the dark night. Love named comments morning, , people how they dressed, worry crying in the closet and rent needed to be pain and never trusting anyone or anything. And the ending is heartwarming and yet very powerful making you wonder what is real and what is hoped. The final poem I will highlight is Leaving This World as in each poem the narrator expresses this in his/her own voice. The narrator realizes that something has changed and speaks to dust. The seagulls, in ending fling and more evident that each day claps with such small hands drawing as close as an afterthought. Imagine the night realizing the dead as so long gone their messages cannot be  trusted anymore. But the last three words embrace it all. Each poem takes us to the narrator’s special universe filled with darkness, clouds, sadness, blue skies at times and yet something within the narrators in each section hopes for more than just the doom of life and the truths and lies of life and what most endured. The poet author leaves readers with many thoughts in so many areas of the past, present hoping for a brighter future.

Fran Lewis Just reviews



Only Monsters Remain

Imagine waking up to an entirely different world that shocks you to the core. What if the earth was beaten and conquered by huge aliens and the sky is filled with tentacles and the beauty blue and sun and stars are gone? Jillian is forced to live in a funeral parlor and offers ser services to families of the newly deceased or whatever part is left. Animal spirits reign and prow wrestlers  Dying  man and quarterback and Sev  short for Seven the alien and alien draft  dodges, Jillian tries to negotiate New England hellscape  of slaves, warlords and aliens coming back for a second round and as she tries to find the true meaning of what happened to the world

Let’s go to the first frightening scene when Paul and Samantha go hiking int Adirondacks and are victim to a terrifying and violent run in the Wild. They wind up in pieces and are victims of the apocalyptic nightmare.

Enter Jillian Futch an apprentice mortician who moved to this town of misfits named Pell, Rhode Island where she wants us to being a life and listens to a client giving a eulogy who wonders at this funeral what happened to the other half someone asks?

How does an author create and describe octopus tentacles falling from the sky to destroy the people in the world? Creatives come out and inside cadavers and he leaves nothing out , had since the anatomy of crustaceans, and the mortician’s way of doing an autopsy and wait until you witness the autopsy of a man where a small octopus was hiding in the intestines of the deceased and Jillian had to come up with a creative way to prepare him. Nothing goes the way she planned it and with the creature hiding, Timothy someone she cared about no longer there and the world filled with Kip and Laura she realizes that Kip is dangerous and what he does to fleece the public in order for each family or person to find a place to live, is criminal

The Coven Funeral Home for deceased family funerals is her haven and she takes pride in what she does but for how long? Monsters that are not only alien but human ones too as she side tries to gain control of their part of the world the author describes the devastation to the world, the fear the sky will bring down more creatures if it turns red and the horrific interruption at the funeral of the man who just wanted to protect dogs from being stolen and lost his life. :Laura is Jillian’s female friend, Kip her so called partner and she cannot tell which if either one can be trusted

The men that follow in this passage are  offering protection and taking everything especially the women and a group of religious zealots adopt a passage from the Bible justifying cannibalism. They want it all the black fear hanging over the population is that the aliens might finish it all.

Every direction was dangerous, and Kip and Laurie had their own agendas for those that needed protection and the cost was grave. Even Jillian did not want to remain with them, but things turn sinister, and she is captured by some people, locked in a freezer with someone named Daniel and from this point on it gets gory, more but first her walk and ride with the Dying Man and the Quarterback that goes south. Chapters 20-24 take Jillian inside the world of someone she calls Father but not really a person you want to be around. When she falls prey to their idea of safety she is about to find out the true meaning of cannibalism and that’s when Daniel takes control. When they came to her she thought it was for protection, but they refused to let her go and Daniel was her only hope. Kip and Laurie have their own difficult times to bear as he demands certain pleasures, and she is not quite ready for what he has in mind.

The world is not safe or the same before the apocalypse and Daniel is not her white knight or savior. For some reason he likes her and the  and yet when he was leaving her why did she care? Then Albert would reconnect, the cloudless sky showed millions of stars that light  from a snowball white moon and illuminate the downed branches and pothole in their path. Imagine seeing that. Why would she offer Daiel to say with her? Would he spend a night in a funeral home? Getting back into the funeral home the shocking scene of what the thieves united them as one.

Who was he and why did he call himself and his tribe Nomads and just how dangerous is he? Why is she alone again and you won’t believe the next vision that she sees. Will she return to any kind of normalcy? Violence, chaos. A world destroyed beyond fixing in not only physical ways but mental too as Jillian begins to understand the true meaning of hate, stealing, having one true friend in Sev who would not desert her but a final confrontation with Kip and Laure and Jillian wont’ back down. Why warn them to leave? Who wanted his place and who are the thugs and killers? The reaction of Kip and Laurie will shock you and Jillian. The final two chapters will keep you in suspense as Kip, Laurie, Jillian and Sev learn the true meaning of hate, death, friendship and a world that knows only war, hate and devastation. The ending takes her to places she even imagined, and the venom placed inside of her was there for a good reason so to speak. The author teaches her many life lessons as she realizes that life as she knows was gone, living a nomadic existence and losing her home was what she had to become and her past coming into her mind as a memory.  A hard road to overcome and on pages 200-201 you will see what she sees in the sky as Jillian sees what no one else would want to see. Who wins the war? The Ochos or Mankind? Did her species get what they deserve? Lives lost, values gone, and secrets revealed and the  truths of a real few. At 29 years old her life passed without standing on the edge of the34 lifeless voice. Where will she wind up? What is the future of mankind? Author William Donahue teaches us many life lessons in honesty, loyalty, understanding differences, hopes gone, betrayals , deceptions and one adorable Ocho named Sev who will endear you greatly as ONLY MONSTERS REMAIN and if you turn to the left and right walking you might notice many in our own world.

Fran Lewis just reviews

The Interpreter

The interpreter

How far would someone go to protect the child she hopes to adopt? Would she break the laws and what happens when and if the papers are signed, it’s legal and yet there’s a hidden voice that is hiding just waiting to take it all away. Revelle is an interpreter and a new perspective mother of Elliot who’s been tossed around and passed around the foster system hoping to find a permanent mom.

An interpreter has to repeat what is asked exactly in English to those that are doing the questioning and interpret the questions in the language of her client to that client. Opinions of guilt or innocence are not her problem, but Revelle hit a domestic named Sandra to babysit Elliot. When doesn’t she show up to care for Elliot it sends her on a path to learn why? Murdered and why was the heiress she worked for not killed? How will she leave anymore?

Wrong information and crossed wires she miss the court date about the adoption, and the judge is fuming, the social worker blames her but there’s something else at play. Traveled speaks 10 languages and can translate from English to any one of them. She can manipulate evidence, translate the answers to help the DA, she can place an innocent or guilty person at the scene of a crime, and change the outcome. But it’s even more sinister when she receives a package from an unknown person with white powder, learning the languages when moving from country to country as a child for her mother’s job. Translations for the victims and defendants and witnesses in court cases, police stations to international business transactions, and asked to relay information between doctors and patients. But remaining detached changes when she interprets the man whose friend might have killed Sandra. No remorse, no recriminations, and Adam Birch is charged with her murder. But there’s more. It makes you wonder if this could or does happen. After all, in a private meeting just her, the client, and the police how would the officer know? It makes you think about word choice, truth, and honesty. Semantics and translations that no one checks until the written report reflects her translation.

Then danger follows as small things like sending Elliot a toy or a balloon heighten her senses and she wonders if his birth parents are behind it.

It gets more comics to get when she learns more about the heiress, realizes that she could use it all and wants to move, put Elliot in a new school, and wants to help Adam in prison why? Then finding his solicitor learns about DNA transference, and then hopes the solicitor will listen to her witness and try and help him.

Blackmailed to lie about a prosecution client and told to make sure he’s freed. Lies, fear, deception, and threats why do not call the authorities? Plus, she flashes back to meeting her friend Doreen and in the present is accused of selling her pictures to the media. Lack of thought, poor judgment, and hiding truths will it come back at her, and what about Elliot? How does this person know where she lives and all about Elliot? Why is it someone hiding in plain sight?

As events turn dangerous and Revelle faces someone who wants to take it all away from her based on the past and a mistake in her translation,

pages 297-299 will shock readers as harsh truths come out and an ending you won’t expect. Guilt, remorse, and one interpreter that learns some heavy life lessons and with the help of author Brooke Robinson we experience the stress, the language barriers, and just how easy it is to change words or misinterpret as lies and honesty play equal parts in this thought-provoking novel about truth, justice and the meaning of the word Interpreter.

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Mommy, Why did America Collapse?

This is one man’s opinion about the course of historical events plagued by Greed, Power and Money that caused our country to collapse in many areas like our economy, climate, environment, banking systems and more. A mother and daughter talk about the journey America took until it finally collapsed. What about our trees? What about the forest and what about how we treat farmland, why the use of chemicals and many other questions will be answered within this creative and thought-provoking question and answer time as a bedtime story with a mother and daughter.

The author starts at the beginning when America was new, breaking away from England and having to create an economy and laws of its own. As you read more and understand the discussions they have, the primary focus is on Greed. Americans wanted more and more and just how they attained it, how they depleted resources, how that affected the environment are just some of what the mother explains to her daughter. She explains how banks made and introduced money, lending protocols, debts that were created and even more just why Americans wanted more and more, some wind up with not much and the fact that unemployment went down at a time did not make some happy as it should have.

Lives were affected but most rich Americans were only concerned with making money no matter who was affected in a negative way, the author through the mother explains different definitions related to the economy, how debt is created and the many kinds of loans. 

Everybody was greedy and Americans the author relates were the worst. Using resources faster than the earth could replace them by something like 50 percent. It affected the forests; the world was using up everything too fast and America was way above average not just the forests. Some of the problems came from more energy than the got from good plus Americans were addicted to drubs and drug addiction. Added what about their addiction to oil and the oil crisis. Then adding chemicals to plants when you breed plants to maximize production those plants be as strong as wild plants and bugs and diseases attack them. Chemical companies wanted to make

the chemicals strong but the chemicals were basically poison. The author includes why animals became food and the definition and examples of externalities. According to Americans everything in nature only had value is money could be made form it so cutting down a tree you could sell the wood. Everything was about greed and money. The author includes a discussion about driving cars, horses, nuclear power and using less energy and oil. How did the economy collapse why didn’t American figure it out because the economy had to keep growing but the earth’s resources can’t keep growing which is why they ruined and wrecked the environment. Laws were discussed and the meaning behind by the people and for the people but American was by and far for the rich and the author through their talks elaborated on it in many ways. What us consumerism, why are so many people poor and why did they ban affordable housing was an interesting discussion.

The discussions about the environment, the two forms of government, conservative and liberal, the decline of ideals, ideologies, the ruining of the environment, the talks about plants. The banking system, loans, debt, payouts, paybacks and the rich and how they benefitted. Plus, dealing with education, the environment, the different ideologies, different forms of dealing with debt, loans and banking. Having a gun people could secure their property. Lives hanged in the balance and the questions asked and answered would stimulate family talks, discussions about our history in schools and book discussions in general. A talk about Phoenix followed by their issues with lack of water and people living in boxes, gated communities, food shortages, and what about becoming a democracy? How he defined running a country plus treasury bonds and how that helped America make money by selling debt. Read ages 156-160 and learn more. Sacrifices how fewer people used to make the economy worse and in the end because for the rest of the world it’s just beginning. Mommy, Why Did America Collapse? Scott Erickson has the pulse and a straight story on that. Read this informative book and you decide why America collapsed. 

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Death watch

Would you want a watch that you can never remove from your wrist? Would you want this exclusive piece of jewelry that only the powerful, rich, and elite can afford? Coe Vessel is smart, and crafty, and has a fairly good team. Mr. Watanabe is the man who created this watch called Cassius Seven. But what exactly is it? Check out the demonstration with the apple and the rabbit you might shy away from it and fear what it might do to you. Coe pitches two campaigns but the third will stun you as we learn exactly what this watch can do. The demographics and the target customer group would be downtrodden, sullen suicidal, and hoping to end it all but uniquely and spectacularly. The New Nihilists are called. When you put on the watch you will feel something, and you cannot remove it at all. Coe renamed it the Death Watch as once you have it on the watch will determine your life span and more. Your death will be painful, but you won’t know when it’s coming. Would you want one?

As the team of Coe, Wren, Nathan, Lothar and the son of Watanabe join forces they have to create a campaign plan to attract buyers. Brainstorming and coming up with ideas Wren and Harup text messages to each other and lists come about but will these be the people targeted? Concepts are given, ten days to create a campaign or lose the account, will they be able to do this and get people to buy a watch for fifty thousand dollars? What about the mask the Yohji brings to the meeting to show that the mask might help sell watches but in reality, it failed to deliver? Will they get it straight? The goal is money, the people might be men who want to look brave but are not. Men trying to outdo each other or men with something to prove or even people who are sick and who think they messed up in the world or Arty Narcissists like Watanabe or Anti-Natalists who were sorry they were born. The lists get longer as they continue to brainstorm but the Death Team has a long way to the author brings in a second issue Vanessa. Who is she and why should Coe rent her an apartment and just what is her marketing skills that are not ordinary and might cause him so other issues? Then the big launch as Watanabe takes center stage. A launch and a demonstration shook the listeners and the world as Watanabe showed the knives within the watch and alluded and showed what it could do. Would you want a watch that controlled your lifespan? Was this watch real and what happens when Coe learns that he cannot remove it, there is no code, and he was and is the first person to buy one? How will he react if he learns the truth? Emails from Tokyo were supposed to be contacted but were not and were kicked back. Vanessa and her clients and asking her for help to find out just what was happening. Seeing an old friend at the demonstration and Coe might be feeling just a bit skeptical about what he just got into will anyone buy this watch before they lose the account and much more?

Focuses we’re on selling the watch but the emphasis was ignored on the harsh reality and horrors that began to happen. Campaigns sell to a point and when asked if the watch did kill the wearer, Coe said it was a fake but when the first victim dies and more follow him does Team Death handle the press, public, and their guilt? Vanessa is smart and ideas are flooded as she tries to help stop sales. Alta shows up and wants to help as heads work together, Nathan has to choose sides, and the rest watch in fear. People are still buying it and some listen to Watanabe as he tries to keep the hype going people are still buying it and he spouts off how your life will end anyway and whether this watch will make it faster or not. Coe is told he’s no longer needed and seeks out a doctor who might be able to perform surgery to remove the watch. Endings are not new starts as you will learn. Blindsided and scammed Coe will learn more than a hard lesson in the end.

A watch as deadly as a virus or disease with no cure. A group of people that just wanted to make money and never saw it coming until it was too late. A man and a son without remorse and spouting off their philosophies to the public and the catalyst and killer was an ordinary piece of jewelry we all count on for a time and more: a watch that had a lifespan for the wearer of its own. The author leaves us wondering just how sad and desperate people, who feel hopeless or want to prove they are rich can take a risk either way for the result. Would you wear this watch knowing it controlled your fate: Death Watch: your choice yes or no?

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Fool Her Once

Can you ever delete your past? What happens when it comes roaring back, and you must decide which way to turn? As an investigative reporter, Jenna Sinclair finds herself living in fear as a serial killer story written over 20 years ago comes back smacking her in the face. As you enter her world and meet Rosie Miller and her son Denny, you will understand why this story turned tragic in many ways. Married to Zack King but in love with Ryan Sinclair, the conflicting romances come front and center as we meet her with both in the present and learn how she wound up with Zack in the past. Denny’ s mother sold her house and moved to Arizona. Dollie is Jenna’s daughter and in trouble for smoking pot and involved in causing a barn fire. She and her friends were trespassing and malicious destruction of property. No charges for smoking pot it is legal in Maine. Added in there is Jenna’s relationship with Ryan McAllister and having a one night with him why would someone attack him after that.

The story spirals in many directions as Jenna must deal with both Ryan and Zack plus when Ryan is seriously injured, his wife is not too glad to see her at the hospital or the crime scene. Lies are told by everyone but Jenna is the prime suspect in what happened to Ryan why? With her husband cheating on her with someone named Bethany, and their daughter getting close to her, we also learn that Zack loses or lost his temper a lot and at times she wound up bruised. Why not report it? The author flashes back to where it all began, when Jenna meets Zack and learns about Evil Ed and Rosie Miller, who could not resist this serial rapist. Married later to Norm Miller, taking Denny under his wing, you begin to realize that this child was not normal and the article that Jenna writes about his father would alter his life forever. Rosie Miller was stuck on this sick man, and she reported it for the Sun changing the dynamics of her life and much more. Why did she want to find out what happened to her years later?

Their first interaction is related and then you get a feeling from the start that Zack had orchestrated the meeting, wanted Jenna in his life but why? Wanting to go back and meet Rosie and get to know more about Deny, we learn that he was not an evil kid yet in the flashbacks we learn of things that he and his friends did to a poor goldfish that belong to his stepsister. Finding Rosie, the interaction is far from pleasant, land she demands that Jenna leave. Losing her son, her husband and of course Evil Ed, she did not want it to stigmatize her son, but it did. The barn burning was up in the air, the situation required more than just a slap on the write. Bethany worked in the kitchen in Zack’s inn and Jenna was away on a work assignment. Where was Bethany? How did Jenna find her cell phone and how did she manage to get into her room? She disappeared on a Sunday three weeks after Jenna’s expose on the Hamptons restaurant that had appeared on the newsstands and online. Her bio appeared at the end of the article. Jenna’s address was there that she and Zak owned the Kings Inn and Marina on Long Island. The past reveals more about her life with Zack but the phot of Dollie lay face down and she wondered where this came from and about Evil Ed Haynes at the time of his trial they were stamped with the dates, the way a librarians stamped and filed clippings of the stories. Jailhouse interviews and Evil Ed claimed the girls who testified asked  told him  where they were staying and that the one girl wanted him to come to her room the names of the victim in the story were circled but wait until she you see these leads back. Accidents happen and sometime someone manages to orchestrate the events that will benefit her life. Zack King was smart, and someone would pay for his actions but why and how? He was excited about his rich grandfather and his  grandfather was excited about him. Denny Dennison who was he really? Who was or is Zack King? Relationships are not what they seem, and people are not what or who they are receiving  an email from her boos at My World she is going to handle a story. But letters from the past she learns more about the life of her husband, the drowning of kittens, and then a harsh revelation that will shock readers. The property of Denny Edison: Please contact me at the above number and belonging to  Lieutenant Manfred Green what did he have?

Then Jenna learns someone about the accident that happened five years earlier in 1999, then who was dead? Who was dead five years before Dollie was born Who took the picture of her? Dealing with Teddi, Ryan’s wife and telling her to stay away from Ryan and I a story but you need to ask your husband about that night and Ryan is sorry he got involved in her marriage. But the startling revelation will shock you and when Jenna learns the truth about Denny you won’t believe it. Added in we learn more about Zack and her finances, the money she never knew existed and we meet Jonathan Vickery and FBI agent she called and that is how we learn about the death of Bethany. Lies, deceptions, betrayals, deceits and the best cover up that almost worked. Who is dead? Who drowned? What happens when Jenna faces off with a multiple killer? You won’t believe the revelation but how will she deal with it when the killer comes for her? Leave it to DNA to reveal the truth. How will she face Dollie, and will she learn the harsh realities? Jenna Sinclair: FOOL HER ONCE: NEVER TWICE! Who killed Bethany, Adele who is Denny’s stepsister and who tried to kill Ryan? Author Joanna Elm weaves a tale that you won’t believe as Jenna Sinclair will have to decide whether a truth should stay buried. Where she will go next as the author takes us from New York to North Fork long Island and to the murder waters surroundings it when she learns the harsh relatives that would change the dynamics of  her life forever.

Fran Lewis : Just reviews

Gregory Erich Phillips – A Season in Lights – Book Blitz – 2021 Spring

Gregory Erich Phillips – A Season in Lights – Book Blitz – 2021 Spring
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Amie Denman – Death in Champagne Shores – Book Blitz – 2021 Blitzes

Amie Denman – Death in Champagne Shores – Book Blitz – 2021 Blitzes
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Last Rose