The Tragedy of Fidel Castro

The Tragedy of Fidel Castro: Joao Cerquerira


JFK and Fidel Castro have a long standing dislike for the way each one views their people, runs their government and their definition of capitalism, communism and the right way to bolster their own economies. When it becomes evident that a revolution is about to take place that the world is in serious trouble and these two leaders are about to battle to the end can God send Christ to mediate and stop what is about to happen? Listening to God speak with his son, Fatima things she is about to hear a philosophical tirade but does not. God was trying to pretend that nothing was happening on Earth while Fatima realizes and states out loud that he is the only one that can stop or prevent what is inevitable. Using his powers of persuasion and who know that God can do just that he convinces Christ that it is up to him. But, first let’s learn more about our two adversaries, their thinking and their individual strategies.


JFK is the leader of you might say the democratic world that we all live in here in America. Although adverse to Fidel’s political views JFK has been know to indulge in several transactions with him dealing with a bottle of bourbon or expensive cigars and other luxuries in life that both men enjoy. As the narrator relates JFK’s movements we learn about his feelings about free enterprise, his lack of understanding as to why Fidel bans it and his graphic description of the world as he sees it. The conflict between him and Fidel has consumed more time than it should and now he has decided on a new strategy hoping this will enlighten him to what Fidel is thinking and his inner most secrets. His plan to speak with a Cuban prisoner that is housed in one of our prisons hoping he will spill some vital information. But, when you hear the dialogue, listen to the discussion and find out the unusual ending to their visit you might wonder which side won and who was really being interrogated. As we now hear the voice and thoughts of Castro himself as he realizes that he is in deep trouble and about to be overthrown.


Castro looks around him and sees what is left of his country. He described the poverty, the cheap rooms to let and the public praise and private insults that he withstands. Castro is about meet with the Central Committee and needs to focus on convincing them that things are about to change for the better and that everything is fine. Telling about how wonderful their past year was but ignore the figures and the interests of the people that favor him and the fact that his people reject Capitalism does not create a captive audience. Stating the views that he wants his audience to voice he relates how happy everyone is with the progress of the revolution even though their have been some obstacles. But, then he takes on another tone and lets the audience know it is time to you might say meet fire with fire and approach dealing with JFK in another way. So, why not change the way he runs things, open the doors to tourists and hopefully reap the benefits. But, like all groups questions come and his answers given and everyone seems to be appeased at least for the moment. The meeting completed and feeling he accomplished his goals questions arise that make him think about what will others think about his society and what image will Cuba portray to the world?


Addressing the people we hear his thoughts on projected to his citizens, preying on their present problems, stating their future and hoping to stifle capitalism by as the author writes: “ Asphyxiate the economy and that hard times were in store for all citizens.  He even preyed on their fears and reminded them that the end result would be slavery but in the end if all went well and the crisis averted with their help everyone would be rewarded. Fear, brainwashed and wanting to believe him no one dared to show any dissent towards him and he managed to learn more about what the people were really thinking.


Just in case you think God is not watching he certainly is along with Christ as Varadero our prisoner finds his way back to Fidel hoping to find himself back in his good graces. But, like any leader and after the fantasy and real life encounters you begin to wonder what is real, whether Fidel is really sound in mind and why he is so tormented with his own actions and thoughts. As the author enlightens us to what Christ and God have witnessed and now he feels it is time to stop what is about to happen. For God, the concern with what is happening in Fidel’s regime and the “commandants illusions that the revolution would continue throughout his lifetime,” greatly worried and concerned God. Christ did not feel it was time to intervene and since he was the one chosen to mediate and assigned the case he was worried. As God too is concerned after hearing the conversation about the Castro-JFK war and the ramifications of doing nothing as not being an option or viable solution. As we listen to the banter between God and Christ, learning more about what each one thinks, their philosophies, complains and why their creation realizes that they were not molded out of clay and that woman were not made from a man’s rib. The conversation goes on and we wonder what people believe in and he comes up with the same realization most people and politicians do: what counts if money, power in the good life and wild parties. But, as all seniors and elderly state: that he is not finished yet and then you have to read it to understand as Christ explains his role and what he won’t be and will try to do.  So, which one is responsible for us?


Next, Fatima comes back into the picture as JFK and his counselor reappear trying to set traps for Fidel and his soldiers. Author Joan Cerqueira brings to light in a unique and creative fashion the inner most thoughts of Cuba’s leader and his hope for the revolution to continue throughout his lifetime. Envision Fidel dancing with a Cuban Spy and thinking impure thoughts.  Hear God warn Christ that a war is inevitable on Earth and he has no choice but to rise to the call and go down and stop it. There are many issues that are brought to light within this story as views on capitalism, politics, threats to the faith of man as this Portuguese author brilliantly relates the story of these two great leaders having it translated into English.


With God having so many problems we wonder if he is not like any other parent hoping to guide his son, explain his role and on the edge of begin “fired.” With Christ on Earth and things unfolding the story is hilarious in some respects and makes you stop and think in others. Then we hear more from JFK his true feelings about Castro, his analogy about A Bay Of Pigs and the Clint Eastwood movie, and his speech about the antichrist returning and preparing to invade. But, there is much more as the priest speaks his words, the people listen and the congregation is ripe and ready to do whatever he says. Learning that thanks to Castro society is divvied in factions with irreconcilable differences leading to the inevitable. So, the solution one society lead by one man and the other by another will fight and to the finish in the central square as if you were a spectator at a baseball of wrestling match.


But, the fun continues the fight is described as one leader receives a letter stating they tried to free the people from “capitalist oppression,” but in the end he feels it was well you decide when you read pages 78 and 79 followed by Castro’s rant in his own words as he tells of his triumphs, weakness and in the end after writing an 11 page you might say confession, rant or more about his efforts his final words, his sacrifices, and the questions he poses to his citizens make you wonder whether is really focused on what he did, understands the end result or is just delusional revealing in his words the reasons for his actions. What happens when he loses his memory enters a monastery and loses focus on where he is going and who he is? What happens is right out of a movie and the end result you just won’t believe. But, then Fatima gets the call she has been waiting for and God realizes that the time is now to take some action. Just how are they going to achieve this: Diplomacy? The conversation is really quite funny as God justifies how he will handle this, what he will do and how he things the things should be handled. Since I promised I would not tell what he will do and people have to learn as JFK and Castro need to see the light themselves you will have to learn what happens by reading this novel yourself. What does Christ see when he returns to Earth this time as he waits to meet Fatima who seems to be running late. But, when she finally arrives their meeting is quite enlightening bringing to light things that many of us have learned about religion in the past, the fact that someone in Castro’s camp is not to be trusted and what their many observations. The end and who wins the revolution or the war you have to read and learn whether Christ succeeded, what lessons either leader, if any learned. What about JFK and his army as opposed to Castro’s? Which was stronger what about the wins and loses? Who had the advantage? What part does the devil play? Whose side is he on and can he really be trusted? The end and the final blows and what happens you decide when you read The Tragedy of Fidel Castro.


Fran Lewis: reviewer




The Tragedy of Fidel Castro: Joao Cerquerira


JFK and Fidel Castro have a long standing dislike for the way each one views their people, runs their government and their definition of capitalism, communism and the right way to bolster their own economies. When it becomes evident that a revolution is about to take place that the world is in serious trouble and these two leaders are about to battle to the end can God send Christ to mediate and stop what is about to happen? Listening to God speak with his son, Fatima things she is about to hear a philosophical tirade but does not. God was trying to pretend that nothing was happening on Earth while Fatima realizes and states out loud that he is the only one that can stop or prevent what is inevitable. Using his powers of persuasion and who know that God can do just that he convinces Christ that it is up to him. But, first let’s learn more about our two adversaries, their thinking and their individual strategies.


JFK is the leader of you might say the democratic world that we all live in here in America. Although adverse to Fidel’s political views JFK has been know to indulge in several transactions with him dealing with a bottle of bourbon or expensive cigars and other luxuries in life that both men enjoy. As the narrator relates JFK’s movements we learn about his feelings about free enterprise, his lack of understanding as to why Fidel bans it and his graphic description of the world as he sees it. The conflict between him and Fidel has consumed more time than it should and now he has decided on a new strategy hoping this will enlighten him to what Fidel is thinking and his inner most secrets. His plan to speak with a Cuban prisoner that is housed in one of our prisons hoping he will spill some vital information. But, when you hear the dialogue, listen to the discussion and find out the unusual ending to their visit you might wonder which side won and who was really being interrogated. As we now hear the voice and thoughts of Castro himself as he realizes that he is in deep trouble and about to be overthrown.


Castro looks around him and sees what is left of his country. He described the poverty, the cheap rooms to let and the public praise and private insults that he withstands. Castro is about meet with the Central Committee and needs to focus on convincing them that things are about to change for the better and that everything is fine. Telling about how wonderful their past year was but ignore the figures and the interests of the people that favor him and the fact that his people reject Capitalism does not create a captive audience. Stating the views that he wants his audience to voice he relates how happy everyone is with the progress of the revolution even though their have been some obstacles. But, then he takes on another tone and lets the audience know it is time to you might say meet fire with fire and approach dealing with JFK in another way. So, why not change the way he runs things, open the doors to tourists and hopefully reap the benefits. But, like all groups questions come and his answers given and everyone seems to be appeased at least for the moment. The meeting completed and feeling he accomplished his goals questions arise that make him think about what will others think about his society and what image will Cuba portray to the world?


Addressing the people we hear his thoughts on projected to his citizens, preying on their present problems, stating their future and hoping to stifle capitalism by as the author writes: “ Asphyxiate the economy and that hard times were in store for all citizens.  He even preyed on their fears and reminded them that the end result would be slavery but in the end if all went well and the crisis averted with their help everyone would be rewarded. Fear, brainwashed and wanting to believe him no one dared to show any dissent towards him and he managed to learn more about what the people were really thinking.


Just in case you think God is not watching he certainly is along with Christ as Varadero our prisoner finds his way back to Fidel hoping to find himself back in his good graces. But, like any leader and after the fantasy and real life encounters you begin to wonder what is real, whether Fidel is really sound in mind and why he is so tormented with his own actions and thoughts. As the author enlightens us to what Christ and God have witnessed and now he feels it is time to stop what is about to happen. For God, the concern with what is happening in Fidel’s regime and the “commandants illusions that the revolution would continue throughout his lifetime,” greatly worried and concerned God. Christ did not feel it was time to intervene and since he was the one chosen to mediate and assigned the case he was worried. As God too is concerned after hearing the conversation about the Castro-JFK war and the ramifications of doing nothing as not being an option or viable solution. As we listen to the banter between God and Christ, learning more about what each one thinks, their philosophies, complains and why their creation realizes that they were not molded out of clay and that woman were not made from a man’s rib. The conversation goes on and we wonder what people believe in and he comes up with the same realization most people and politicians do: what counts if money, power in the good life and wild parties. But, as all seniors and elderly state: that he is not finished yet and then you have to read it to understand as Christ explains his role and what he won’t be and will try to do.  So, which one is responsible for us?


Next, Fatima comes back into the picture as JFK and his counselor reappear trying to set traps for Fidel and his soldiers. Author Joan Cerqueira brings to light in a unique and creative fashion the inner most thoughts of Cuba’s leader and his hope for the revolution to continue throughout his lifetime. Envision Fidel dancing with a Cuban Spy and thinking impure thoughts.  Hear God warn Christ that a war is inevitable on Earth and he has no choice but to rise to the call and go down and stop it. There are many issues that are brought to light within this story as views on capitalism, politics, threats to the faith of man as this Portuguese author brilliantly relates the story of these two great leaders having it translated into English.


With God having so many problems we wonder if he is not like any other parent hoping to guide his son, explain his role and on the edge of begin “fired.” With Christ on Earth and things unfolding the story is hilarious in some respects and makes you stop and think in others. Then we hear more from JFK his true feelings about Castro, his analogy about A Bay Of Pigs and the Clint Eastwood movie, and his speech about the antichrist returning and preparing to invade. But, there is much more as the priest speaks his words, the people listen and the congregation is ripe and ready to do whatever he says. Learning that thanks to Castro society is divvied in factions with irreconcilable differences leading to the inevitable. So, the solution one society lead by one man and the other by another will fight and to the finish in the central square as if you were a spectator at a baseball of wrestling match.


But, the fun continues the fight is described as one leader receives a letter stating they tried to free the people from “capitalist oppression,” but in the end he feels it was well you decide when you read pages 78 and 79 followed by Castro’s rant in his own words as he tells of his triumphs, weakness and in the end after writing an 11 page you might say confession, rant or more about his efforts his final words, his sacrifices, and the questions he poses to his citizens make you wonder whether is really focused on what he did, understands the end result or is just delusional revealing in his words the reasons for his actions. What happens when he loses his memory enters a monastery and loses focus on where he is going and who he is? What happens is right out of a movie and the end result you just won’t believe. But, then Fatima gets the call she has been waiting for and God realizes that the time is now to take some action. Just how are they going to achieve this: Diplomacy? The conversation is really quite funny as God justifies how he will handle this, what he will do and how he things the things should be handled. Since I promised I would not tell what he will do and people have to learn as JFK and Castro need to see the light themselves you will have to learn what happens by reading this novel yourself. What does Christ see when he returns to Earth this time as he waits to meet Fatima who seems to be running late. But, when she finally arrives their meeting is quite enlightening bringing to light things that many of us have learned about religion in the past, the fact that someone in Castro’s camp is not to be trusted and what their many observations. The end and who wins the revolution or the war you have to read and learn whether Christ succeeded, what lessons either leader, if any learned. What about JFK and his army as opposed to Castro’s? Which was stronger what about the wins and loses? Who had the advantage? What part does the devil play? Whose side is he on and can he really be trusted? The end and the final blows and what happens you decide when you read The Tragedy of Fidel Castro.


Fran Lewis: reviewer



Be Careful What You Wish For!

Be Careful What You Wish For

R.K. Avery


Parents need to be more vigilant when taking children to public places such as parks, beaches and playgrounds. Leaving children alone even for one second can result in what happens to the two parents in this book. Deciding that her family would not be complete without a little girl Bea Miller plans to kidnap a perfect little girl that fits her you might say specifications giving her the perfect family unit. Four sons or boys although wonderful to some not great to Bea who felt that she needed more as one innocent young child falls prey to this sick woman. Justifying to herself and her four sons her reasons, one of the boys stating his dissent and concern, she forges ahead and manages to kidnap little Maggie Taylor in what should have been right in front of her parent’s and sister’s eyes but was not. With their attention drawn in a different direction and her sister building a sand castle, Maggie is easily convinced that this lady was going to take her for ice cream and a pony ride. Parents need to warn their children about strangers. When she finally does have her, why does she try and suffocate her? Using her private journals to explain her life, her past and her reasoning the reader is privy to Bea’s innermost thoughts, feelings and much more.


When the Taylors realize that Maggie is missing the search is on with the help of the police and one dog named Max trained to find missing people. As Officer Butler questions people on the beach, gets a warrant to search their vehicles Bea realizes that she has to take a different tactic in order to get Maggie safely away from her parents and living with her. But, one young girl remembers something and this clue could be the answer to finding Maggie before its too late. Living in a town where it should be safe, Bunting Valley, North Dakota, Bea Miller is determined to cast her own destiny, not really concerned about anyone else and justifies in her mind the right to” take matters into her own hands, and as her estranged father stated: If you want something take it.” The crimes that are uncovered will make you bones chill and send fear within your heart as this sick woman living in this quiet town puts the Bunting Valley Police force to the ultimate test.


While taking that different route or paddle boat ride, Bea is angered by her son who only rented the boat for a half an hour, strikes back at him, and then the unthinkable happens: a voice over a loudspeaker describes Maggie and tells everyone to be on the look out for this young child. So, why does she try to suffocate the poor child and what is her plan to get away? Afraid of what Bea might do to her Maggie goes along with her sick scheme hoping that her mother will find her as the officer questions the man who rents the boats and there are more red flags. This town seems lax in their security measures as we hear the officer’s questions and concerns.


Evidence that might help them find Maggie as Bea loses the one link to her children that could identify her and the police start looking for her son David who appears to have made an impression on those questioned. Speaking with her neighbor Officer Butler gets to know more about Bea, her late husband and her children and the truth behind their births. As the investigation heats up and they learn more they find out about something Bea did when someone tried to break into her home. A routine trip to a supermarket and a two year old child was found missing. Could the adopted child she has be the one that was kidnapped? Just who are these children and why did she take them? What did Bea tell everyone about her children? Why was David arrested and would they find Maggie in time?


As one part of the mystery is solved another is revealed, as the reader is privy to Bea’s journal, her reasons for doing what she did and why she did what she did. Included in the journal she lists people that she loved, was close to and more. Hearing her words, her thoughts and how her father felt about her is tragic. The fact that he blamed her for her mother’s death more than just sad, cruel as Bea just wanted to live her life and be loved. With her Aunt Nita as her only protection she managed to forge ahead but not entirely shielded from the wrath of her father. Reading her thoughts and her journal the reader does not understand why she kidnapped so many children but begins to realize she supposedly wanted someone to love and accept her for who and what she was. Is she insane, does she need help or should they just lock her away?




Born in 1965 the journals take us through her school years, the private celebrations she had with her aunt on her birthday without her father finding out but when he did the explosion would change Bea’s life forever. When her aunt was gone she knew she would have to deal with her father and what the author reveals about what she is asked to do is more than just child abuse. Raped, having an abortion, arrested for shoplifting did she even have a chance at life? Blaming her for the death of her mother and mistreating her from birth because she was not a boy, Bea had so many strikes against her how was this lawyer going to fight for her and can you really feel any empathy for this woman? Teaching her how to panhandle, pretend they were poor and then learning how to take what she wanted even from him, Bea learned to fend for herself at an early age and made no excuses for her actions. As Officer Butler has been given the opportunity to become involved in the case with Detective Stevens the reader begins to learn more about the process of how they will try the case, hopefully get her convicted and what life holds in store for the other children. But, it gets worse as we learn what he did to her at age 13, what he expected of her and the end result. The diary continues and what we learn is quite compelling as she is forced to do things with men and the end result is more than just tragic.


When the truth comes out, the victims facing her, the parents of the children that they lost telling their stories one young man faces some harsh realities about the woman he called mother for so many years. Just what will happen to David in the end? What about Mickey, John and Joshua?

Author R.K. Avery shares her the fact that she was kidnapped from a beach as a small child and used this as the starting point for this novel. Telling the reader how Bea came to kidnap Joshua, Mickey and Ben as the diary takes us to 1997. Working in a hospital just imagines what Bea could do and having access to small children in the nursery frightening. As you hear her voice during the trial, her justifications, David’s feelings for her and the rationalizations she comes up with you wonder why she became so twisted. The one thing that this plot does not have many surprises as the evidence is revealed in the journals and you learn what she did in her own words. One young boy wearing a black tee shirt causing suspicion. One woman who rationalized her right to take children she felt were better off with her and the truth is told behind her husband’s death.


With the trial about to take place Officer Butler continues sharing the diary with readers. The ending you will have to learn for yourself. The decision you will have to decide on your own if you agree with the final outcome. The ending will surprise you the verdict stated and the fate of one woman might not surprise you but the fate of on young man rests in the words of his mother. Just what happens you will have to learn for yourself as something tells me we have not heard the last of Bea? A novel that I read in one day and a journal whose words were bone chilling. Let’s see what author R.K. Avery has in store next for readers. Told in diary form from 1965 to 2010 this novel should remind parents, caregivers, grandparents and sitters never to take their eyes off of a young child, never leave them alone in a public place, watch them in a supermarket and make sure you always know where they are. Be Careful What You Wish For you may not always bet what you want.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer






Confessions of a Predatory Lender: My thoughts

Confessions of a Predatory Lender: Irma Fritz


Christy and Megan are best friends and have decided to venture out into the world together taking on Loan Officer Boot Camp and trying to deal with the pressures of having to start a career, pay rent, live together and of course make tons of money to afford the lifestyles they want to become accustomed to. So, at 23 why not go for the gold as you might say. Christy and Megan want to live life to the fullest and from day one they learn that things come with hard work, sometimes at a price.


 Megan loves to eat and what really gets anyone on a diet is that she can eat her way into oblivion and never gain weight. Whereas, Christy just looks at food and gains weight. But together they make a great pair. Both of these young girls grew up on Palouse farms. Christy is hoping to help pay her family’s mortgage on their farm since her parents used their money to fund her college tuition. Megan comes from money and is used to the good thinks in life and she lived on a huge farm. Christy’s parents are hard workers and barely make ends meet but these two girls are best friends and take The Goode Mortgage Bank by storm but first they have to survive Money Lenders Boot Camp which might sound tough but not to these two who came fully equipped with what it takes to overtake the rest of the group, form their own alliances with those in the front row and never look back.


Billy Buckley is their mentor and instructor and from the start you might think he’s a drill sergeant but some of the scenes and Christy’s own analysis of the people in the class will make you laugh. If Felix Unger and Oscar Madison can live together so can Christy the neat freak and Megan the slob or can they? As you listen to Christy’s assessment of the people in her class you begin to wonder if some needed makeovers, some looked like they did not belong and then others who would provide fun and entertainment when they would meet at the café after work or class or just hanging out with a pizza. So, remember: if you don’t graduate from Boot Camp you don’t work for this great company.


 But, Christy’s voice is not the only one you hear remember there is Billy and although he might seem tough his job is to make sure that everyone in the class succeeds and watch what happens when they don’t. Let’s not forget Ed who seems to feel he has his pulse on the industry and who Megan nicknames: real turd since she loves giving everyone nicknames. Of course since I have always struggled up until now with my weight, I can understand how Christy feels and my sister who could eat as much as she wanted reminds me of Megan. Christy loves to cook and is quite structured and organized while Megan is sloppy, throws things all over the place and needs more than just an alarm clock to get ready for the day.


Confessions of A Predatory Lender allows the reader to enter the world of finance, money lending and hear the innermost thoughts of the loan officers as they clinch, cinch and make those mega bucks deals. Christy appears to be a natural as does Megan and as we meet her boss Francis who seems stoic, staunch and definitely no nonsense we realize that it is going to take more than just hard work for these two to make it up the corporate ladder. Christy and Megan are all excited and hope that they will succeed and survive the training. Wanting to show they are team players, Christy along with Megan forms the UNITED FRONT ROW LOAN OFFICERS GROUP consisting of the six people in the first row. But, they branch out and mingle with the others hoping that working together as a unit will bring success.



But, Christy takes us through her first big deal, we learn the ins and outs of closing on a house, mortgages and much more as we are swept away from the start by her enthusiasm, gusto and her inner drive. Megan is straightforward, speaks her mind and although great at what she does and should be promoted but its Christy that the upper management promotes. Goode Mortgage is the company where they are hoping to get that coveted job.


From landing their first deals, closing their first loans both Megan and Christy are shining stars. Money pouring in, checks that are huge and spending it on whatever they want and just wanting to enjoy life.  Author Irma Fritz takes the reader deep inside this corporation and teaches the new moneylenders and us the insider scoop of what it takes to become a moneylender.


As the author reveals more about the Mortgage Company we learn some of the ins and outs that these loan officers use in order to make sales, loans and increase revenue. The commission checks are huge and both Megan and Christy seem to be reaping the benefits until something changes the dynamics of the company and possibly their friendship as Christy is promoted to Team Leader wondering how Megan will handle it? But, when push comes to shove and startling truths are revealed these two friends will stop at nothing to get what they want but maybe not in the conventional way. Realizing that things that are going on in this company might be questionable they agree to remain, make sure they rise financially and hopefully come out on top. As Christy needs to help her parents, Megan needs to fend for herself but will the hands of greed ruin their friendship and what will the final outcome be?


Meet the head of the company and hear his long speeches, agree with his every word and make sure that you are a team player. Big Lou is what most call him and yet Christy can’t seem to get the words out. As she enters the world of upper management, finds out their goals for her and learns first hand what it takes to fit in, get the top and stroke the boss’s ego, you won’t be disappointed. Frances Loyalo Bell, her supervisor, Steve Rogers the executive vice president and a cast of characters that will definitely keep you glued to the printed page and the mortgage rates to find out just what happens when two naïve, smart, and definitely business savvy 23 year olds compete in a world filled with moneylenders and greed oriented people.


Not everything will remain on an even keel and mortgage rates change, romances fizzle out, the company’s dynamics might not remain the same and the end well you have to read that for yourself as Christy narrates the story in her own words in her to the reader. Just where do their allegiances lie and who comes out on the financial scale at the top and who is yesterday’s news?


Can two young, enthusiastic and naïve 23 year olds take on the big leagues and make some, as Big Lou would say Cashola? Can this morally oriented girl got against what she knows is right just to get ahead? Will their friendship remain or will it fall apart? How does Christy handle things when she has to make some tough decisions in her life, in business and with her customers? What is more important? The deal, your integrity, making money or just living life at all cost. Humor, at times sad, at definitely insightful, this is one book that will provide great discussions for those in book clubs, those that are money lenders and anyone that wants to discuss a great novel.

Fran Lewis: reviewer 

Heartache and Hope in Haiti: The Britney Gengel Story

Heartache and Hope In Haiti: Cherylann and Len Gengel : the Britney Gengel Story January 12, 2010 would change the lives of so many families. The Gengel family, a close knit, would bear the burden of a tragic earthquake in Haiti that took their daughter Britney. Food for the Poor was the organization that sponsored the trip for these young students from Lynn University to go this underdeveloped country and help so many people. Wanting to help so many you hear the voices of her parents, Len and Cherylann along with Brit’s as they take you on a journey that most parents would never want to start no less complete in a book that is so powerful and heart wrenching: Heartache and Hope in Haiti. From the moment she decided to Haiti her parents investigated those in charge, researched where she would be staying and made sure that the proper supervision was in place. But, Cherylann and Len Gengel tell us a different story at first. They allow the reader to get to know this amazing young woman, her flaws, her perfects and her drive to become all that she wanted to be but in her own way. Brit was headstrong, smart and yet had difficulty focusing on her studies in school. Learning she had ADD her parents tempered the way she did homework, other skills and adapted to her disability. But, Brit never let anything get her down and when people criticized her or when push came to shove and she came in contact with rude and undisciplined young people rather than cower she faced up to adversity head on. As you read Chapter One you learn about her drive, her ideals and her need for independence and how her parents respected her for whom she was and would always be even today, although she is gone. The two voices of each parent ring through each chapter as we hear Cherylann’s account of various incidents, how she enlisted Brit’s help at Christmas time to help those less fortunate and how Len, the father was so proud of her inner drive, passion, toughness and her no holds barred attitude when faced with those that were jealous of her, would call her unwarranted names and would confront her for no reason in a negative way. The authors begin our journey to Haiti three hours before the earthquake as Cherylann is speaking to Brit, learning about the trip and trying to understand how she dealt with the uneasy and unwelcome reception from some of the locals. Explaining how she and the others were able to win them over, make them realize they were there to help not pity them, endears you to her from the start. But, the conversation cut short because her mom was on the other line, she had to get ready to meet with friends and the lines of communication would severe forever. Not long after hanging up with her daughter was she swarmed with phone calls relating that there was a quake, did they hear from their daughter, could they relate any information and what did they think? All of these questions and many more rushed through their minds as the calls continued, the media seemed a little barren in their news about the quake and many parents, especially Brit’s had severe pangs of anxiety and fear. Both parents share their thoughts and remembrances about this remarkable young woman as we learn what happens, the people they contacted and the frustration faced when Food for the Poor turned over getting any information to the University being too overwhelmed. But with the help of many state officials, close friends and relatives they began to piece together some of what happened but not all. As they recall the many times that Brit stuck up for her friends, faced conflicts head on, even sparring with her brothers, their love and the caring for her and each other shines through in every word. Information not really complete, some saying the Hotel Montana where the volunteers were staying was in tact, others saying it was gone and some in disrepair but not completely gone, the information did not relieve their tension and Brit was still not found. When two of her friend’s parents called to say they were okay their hope soared but not for long. Bernie her brother trying to find out more using his connections in the media and her youngest brother Richie more affected by the news, this family really needed to pull together and they did. Each one concerned for the other, never giving up and praying for the best, what they eventually learn would more than shatter them. So, how could Food for the Poor maintain a no-talk policy? But, the Vice President of the University would intervene and hopefully would provide some comfort and news. So, when a call comes through that Brit was rescued imagined their short-lived relief. Cherylann and more than thirty members of her family along with Len’s banned together to find out what happened to Brit and to lend their support to others. But, why had they said she was okay? Then, Len and Cherylann go to Haiti where the harsh truth and realities set in. As the Intel came into the newsroom and was passed to both Len and Cherylann hope was ignited soon to have its flame put out. With the Today Show airing that they found Brit and later having to recount their words the heaviness in their hearts would never wane. When Len finally makes the right connections, alerts the right politicians and finally sees the devastation for himself as he alights from the plane in Haiti he sees two separate worlds. One of those untouched and unscathed and another filled with acrid odors, devastation and the harsh reality when facing the Hotel Montana and seeing what lied within her damaged walls. Bringing Brit home was next and even that did not go without its problems but without it all both Len and Cherylann leaned on their strengthens and tossed aside their weaknesses in order to fulfill her lifelong dream. Building an Orphanage in Grand Goave, Haiti was their task and they would stop at nothing until it was completed. The orphanage: Be-Like Brit was their life’s work. With the aid of Paul Novak they established the Brittany Gengal Poorest of Poorest Fund. Read Chapter 10 and hear their voices and understand their need to complete this project and the gratification when completed. Take this journey along with Cherylann and Len from start to finish as they create this great more than just a tribute to Brit. Rebuilding their lives and remembering their daughter they flashback to the many times she rebelled, did the same things teens do when they want their own way and finally learning from their mistakes. Watching as they build the orphanage, the jobs it created for so many and the joy of watching it become a reality. Family holidays changed but the location did not. Throughout the book we hear two distinct voices loud and clear. In order to delineate between them the authors chose different fonts for their sections in order to express their feelings and innermost thoughts in their own private way. Kind, nonjudgmental, friendly, caring and outgoing were just some of the words to describe Brit. As Len spent his time in Haiti completing the orphanage and overseeing its construction, Cherylann had to make peace within herself and find her own way. Imagining the devastation in his own mind could not be compared to seeing and living it firsthand. No toilets, no water, and no electricity: Nothing! Imagine bathing in a public bath, carrying your water in buckets and growing your own vegetables in order to survive. No free public education. You have to pay for school, tuition and books or your child did not go to school. Friends of Brit that survived stated her concerns and how she felt about what she learned and saw and how lucky our children are with the limitless advantages and opportunities afforded here. The project completed and one special request: Food for the Poor provided amazing support and one final request came from Len: a special memorial plague to tell the story about those that lost their lives in pursuing their goals for the future. Read how it all comes together, read how her friends honored her and read how one family made a young girl’s dream come true. Told by both Cherylann and Len in their own words this story relates the love, the caring and the hope that a miracle would have occurred and the disappointment and heartache that it never came to pass. As you read each section, each chapter you will take the journey along with the entire Gengel family from the moment Britney disconnected her call with her mother to the unreal and harsh realization that an earthquake occurred and that the life of one special young girl ended. “This little light of mine, it will always shine. This little light of Britney’s will forever illuminate the walls, the sky and the ground where Be Like Brit stands now and forever. This little light of mine will shine over her family, parents and friends forever as a special guardian angel protecting the ones she loves that fulfilled her hopes and dreams.” Remember that phone call where she explained and described what happened when she and her group of volunteers and teachers tries to reach out to the people and were you might say in our terms shot down in words. Remember how she rose above. It was at that moment Britney fulfilled part of her dream and with the help of her family and the text message on page 269 that Brit sent that would start it all. Fran Lewis: Reviewer

Stepping Up Her Game

Stepping Up Her Game: Madison Montgomery



Appearances can be deceiving and all too often the persona or your perception of someone is based on their outer image. What they want you to see or think is often camouflages or masks what is real. Virginia Templeton was and is a powerfully strong, deceptive, manipulative, cold-hearted and highly motivated woman in her own right. When faced with making difficult decisions she’s handled them head on. Releasing her tension at times was commonplace for her as she often had several partners serving her every need. Men were dispensable like the cash in the old fashioned change machines used by street vendors needing quick access to coins in order to complete a sale and move on to the next.


Virginia Templeton went through life clawing and fighting her way to the top and now she was going to have a chance to make her mark as head of The Templeton Corporation: America and Templeton International. But, first, she would need to locate the people that would give her the answers to the questions needed: Why was Templeton Corporation failing financially? What about Templeton International how was she going to raise their capital and keep both companies sound? Control: Vital to Virginia in every situation. Virginia would be more than just uncover the hidden secrets behind her late husband’s financial deceptions and deals. She would have to dig deep and search long and hard to find out where she wanted to go in life, uncover her true self but first things first she had two businesses to run and a new assistant to train and transform, you might say in her own image. But, first she had a score to settle and a relationship that she needed to end in her own mind. Some require one last chance or attempt to fix others you will learn require unique and final endings in order to satisfy Virginia and bring her closure. Tossing one last look and never turning back Virginia left this final encounter with this man with a huge smile on her face.


Deciding she needed some more fun and definitely another outlet to release her tensions she decided to go to her favorite Hotel: The Lambert where it did not take her even a minute to find the answer to her needs and the rest you can use your imagination or read it for yourself.


Author Madison Montgomery has just warmed up the audience because this story gets ever hotter, the scenes more steamy and at times explosive as she learn more about her assistant, Reesa her plans for her company and the reasons behind the financial problems as she continues to search for answers.


Stepping Up Her Game: Virginia is doing that you better believe it as her first act as the new head is to revamp her staff, revamp her assistant and if you have not caught on yet and do not realize just how ruthless, smart and intelligent she is wait until you learn what she does to the Chief Financial Officer as the author reveals some startling truths about Virginia, her educational background, her credentials and goals. But, the final word and the end result will change everything for her when she learns about the ultimate cover-up and plan to destroy what she has and was working for as one last deception is revealed.


Hidden secrets, lies, betrayals and one man who will stop at nothing to try and take down her world. As she learns more about her late husband, Slater, she comes face to face with two people that would change things even more. Just what happens and what does she learn this reviewer has problems Virginia she will not reveal what I have learned. How does what I know and what you will learn when you read this book change or impact her life in the future you just won’t believe it? What about the fact that the holidays are coming and her maid, Olivia, whose character I love because she can handle our Virginia, wants to celebrate Christmas along with her boss? Will she ever learn to just appreciate life and embrace others? Stepping Up Her Game: She sure does and so does the author. What is next for her? Tough, hard, cold, sharp, smart, perceptive, persistent, determined and definitely never to be under mind or under estimated, she is one woman you do not want to come up against. Author Madison Montgomery Stepped Up Her game in this third book in the Virginia Templeton Series. Let’s Hope we can Convince the author and our Virginia to come back ONE MORE TIME!


Fran Lewis: Reviewer



Home Wrecker: MY REVIEW

Home Wrecker: Brenda Perlin



Stand in front of a mirror and look closely at the image that is reflected back at you. The face that you are looking at has weathered many storms, might even have some wrinkles or worry lines but the person staring back at you is still YOU! Acceptance of who we are is not always so cut and dry or easy for some people. Others might chastise, criticize and even ridicule us for the way we look, our attitude or even because of our manner of speech or expression. Standing tall, steadfast and looking past what others think is difficult for a young child that is expected to live up to her parent’s expectations and standards. When you meet Brooklyn Rosen as she unravels the many layers of her personality, life and goals within this novel titled Home Wrecker, you will find that the image that is projected or reflected in the mirror has many different sides, can be viewed from many different angles but the end result it is still Brooklyn.


Relationships did not come easy for Brooklyn and dealing with many of her family members brought out her many different sides. Her mother was her champion, her constant and seemed to center her and bring out her fun and joyous side. Her father was tough, hardnosed and often made her feel like she was really not living up to his standards. Sisters that were different hoping to be close but situations putting strains on their relationships that withered away. Describing her first job and moving on from there we learn much about Brooklyn, her goals, thoughts and hopes for her future. But, when someone finally put a camera in her hands the world changed, her energy level rose and things started to fall into place. But, she was not there yet. Many boyfriends, some good some bad, distancing herself from her father after losing her mother to cancer, and then finding out that many experiences in life would cause her to change are just some things that the author relates to the reader about Brooklyn. Waitressing, acting and the combination of both careers seemed to fuel her for a while. Leaving both and then deciding to teach at a gym seemed to bring her some friendships, teach her a lot about people and then something snapped and things went downhill.


Everyone wants what he or she cannot have at times but we need to wait until we can afford to get them. Finding herself in a jail cell after stealing a dress then confronted by the guard who took her in, Brooklyn hopefully learned some hard lessons. Meeting and dating different men would give her several different perspectives including that of many others but in reality she needed to decide for herself and listen to her inner most thoughts.


Her short attention span would hinder her from truly finding her real passion. Smart, astute in her own way even though she did not realize it, Brooklyn’s outlook and assessment of herself was probably harsher than from friends or family. Never pushed to excel or do anything Brooklyn needed to develop her own self-discipline. Turning thirty brought its own hang-ups and issues and a new decade that would hopefully bring out her strengths and stop playing on what she might think are her weaknesses. Flashing back to her thoughts about her mother she realizes and reflects on the important things she was taught. Being who you are, not worrying about what others think of you or trying to be like everyone else are great points to remember. Added in everyone should be an individual and mirroring yourself to be anyone or anything other than the person whose reflection you see in that mirror will present a false persona not only to yourself but the world. Then we learn about her relationship with Gerard and if this is the right man for her. Meeting his family brought mixed emotions, perceptions and feelings. In the company of his family Brooklyn relates her unease. So, why did she experience so many physical issues when preparing for her wedding to Gerard, which should have been happy? In chapters 22-30 we learn about the wedding, the stress and the final result. The decisions made, the difficulty with the dress and the final vows are all part of the first book. Now, let’s learn the rest.


Her father with a woman named Lina and her family at first really great but then things changed when he became sick. Lina wanted money to live in the style she was accustomed or you might say a huge slice of the pie. Greedy, not understanding yet wanting things her father said to give her anything she wanted. Having money from her first husband and really not lacking for anything, then learning her father had cancer she and Gerard took care of him Lina on the other hand wanted his money for her kids. A man that just wanted his family to care about him and not what he could give them. From both families his and Lina’s people came just for money while hoping someone would ask how he felt. His final days were spent with Brooklyn and Gerard. Walking on eggshells through life can cause a fragile existence.


Diagnosed with a disease like Transverse Myelitis which is incurable and then having to deal with doctors that often dismissed her concerns and the cause of her pain, Brooklyn did more than just whether her troubles. Gerard became distant, not really very supportive at times and the end result was hospitalizations, therapy, medications, nurses that were not always compassionate and fear of the unknown and what would happen next.


Anger, stress and lack of understanding can play havoc on a marriage and your life as Gerard’s anger increased and his understanding diminished. So, how would Brooklyn deal with his mood changes and what was next? But, she is a fighter and would not give up. Transverse Myelitis is what she had do deal with and using the net would help her to be equipped with more information and knowledge. Losing her friend to cancer and then going to the gym and meeting Bo, would she forsake her vows?


Life changed for her and although she remained married for a while longer her relationship with Gerard seemed stilted, cold and often disconnected but then there is Bo.  Revenge plays a heavy part when someone feels they are wronged. The interactions between Brooklyn, Bo’s wife and Gerard are related in her own voice as you learn what happens when she decides to get divorced and what Gerard does next. Threats, confrontations, anger and much more would follow as things began to more than heat up for Brooklyn who just wanted to be happy. Would Gerard let go? Would Bo’s wife Ruth finally get the message and back off? Court dates, papers filed and hoping to get a restraining order to keep Ruth away from her.



The ending will definitely make you think about the court system, about how truths get twisted and about whether one woman named Brooklyn will come out alone, with another man she loves or just bear the pain of the title Home Wrecker. You decide after reading this book, hearing her words, finding out what happens as a result and the final verdict in the court case before making your decision. Home Wrecker or were both homes wrecked before Brooklyn and Bo met? This is one novel that will definitely give readers much pause for thought as you learn about betrayals, loyalties, guilt, friendships and one woman’s struggle just to find happiness.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer






Night Buddies: Night Buddies; Impostors, and One Far-Out Flying Machine (Night Buddies #2)

Sands Hetherington


What would you do with a crocodile for a best friend? What would you do if one that was bright red, you heard me, not green, but red lived under your bed. Well, John Degraffenereidt, has a real cool friend named Crosley and together as Night Buddies that manage to have fun, adventures and never ever the same ones twice, their fun or their investigations are called Programs and their handler or boss’s name is Crenwinkle. Crenwinkle if the head Night Buddies Amalgamated, and requires that all operatives carry a special ID GIMCRACK in order to make sure that they are the real agent or Night Buddy they claim to be. We would not want any sensitive information getting into the wrong hangs or scales you might say. John and his pal Crosley have what you call on of a kind program. Entering into a store to buy special equipment something strange happens. Never before did the proprietor ever ask for the ID GIMCRACK. Never before did our friend Cros ever have to produce it for Crenwinkle. But, what happens will explain it all. Telling them in a secret location since the headquarters never stays the same for security reasons, Crosley and John learn that tons of red crocodiles are appearing, committing heinous crimes and poor Crosley will have to contain himself in order to solve the mystery.

Imagine a red croc going to the park and painting the ducks green. How awful is that! Then poor Cros was told the All-Night Drugstore gave me a huge supply of mothballs and that is one thing our Cros would never take. He was never there and you can tell just from what he says he is totally upset. But, there is so much more because how did Crenwinkle find them? Well, doesn’t everyone own their own homing transponder so that your whereabouts are known 24/7? Night Buddies John and Crosley have been enlisted to stop these crocs from continuing their crime spree. But, just how will they do it is really quite unique and just what kind of a program will this turn out to be. Imposters are those that pretend to be someone or something that they are not. How will everyone tell the difference between Crosley and his doubles you might say? Who created them and why?


Then we learn more about how they intend to do this. First, they need to go out on a stakeout with the aid of a racing blimp that flies high in the sky. Next, of course they need some grownups to help with this program so let’s meet Fanny who seems to know tons about racing blimps and is going to lend them one. Meet Rodney whose claim to fame are his famous nuclear wieners and who owns an exclusive concession for sauerkraut’s jellybean hot dogs for any “freak that might ever want one.” So, excited that they are going to meet this famous man both Cros and John along with Fanny. But, it’s Fanny who knows how to get the blimp going and doesn’t everyone need to know, I know I do how to work an upgas packer to help fire up the blimp? Portable blimps that you can pick up and take out of the door. What will they think of next and what will they do with the one they picked? Imagine a blimp that runs on magnetic force but before you get out of yours make sure you put it in Hover Lok or it might roll or fly away! Teenagers that insult both John and Cros, crocodiles that spray paint nasty sayings all over town and hot dog wieners that well you might think before you try one yet he needed their help to stop what the imposters were doing. Rodney was unique to say the least and these two had a great Program going. But, what would happen if they could not stop what the imposters were doing? What would happen if no one believed that they were not doing this?


What would you do if you saw yourself doing something wrong and you know it was not you but could not stop what you think you were doing? That’s right you got it! Cros looked down from the blimp and what or whom do you think he saw? None other than a red crocodile who was not wearing his Pineapple Cheesecake Camouflage Vest and what do you think Cros should do?


Trying to warn Rodney who was caught in the thick of things was not going to happen. The Night Buddies Amalgamated was on the case and headed for the park entrance and hoping to save Rodney who was toppled over and whose cart spilled out well you guessed it sauerkraut. If you really want to get in on the action and help out meet Rodney on page 100 and maybe you can think of a way to help this guy!  Stealing Rodney’s cart they went after the imposter Crosley, the police seeing the cart but not helping them. The action is quite fast, what they try to do hilarious and the two Night Buddies do their best to capture the bad guys. But, when Rodney asks if they caught him well: guess not! He disappeared! But, this guy sounded like Crosley and kept saying Night Buddies Amalgamated. Mothballs make poor Cros burb and mothballs are what goes in lizard cheese and green is their favorite color. So, were they on to something? But, our Cros is really smart and he figured out what gang was doing this all over town and now he all they had to was stop them but how? So, what would you do? Our two Night Buddies decided to teach this gang a real lesson in honesty and when someone says something mean about you why not tell the truth about yourself. Activating the script writing mode by the smoke-colored buttons and now if you read pages 129 and 132-133 and find out just what they did. You really don’t think I would give it away do you? As the ugly creatures come into light and they created their own signs that insulted our two great Night Buddies, Crosley make sure that he took an armload of Fro-Madges and wrote well you need to read it for yourself and decide who got the better of who! Just where else did these imposters hide and what other damage and nasty things did they write? You just won’t believe it and you will understand why John and his friends would not let them win until the Program was completed the right way. As the Night Buddies find all of the signs, meet up with these gang members, read what they have written and hopefully can stop them they have a endless supply of pineapple cheesecake frozen yogurt to keep them cool and comfy during their long nights. Mass mayhem, confusion, mistaken identities and a town that is in havoc as on Crocodile tries to contain himself in order to chase these imposters, stake them out, using their flying machine and off the wall ideas and plan can they stop what has started and is spiraling to become a disaster? Some think he’s the crook and others want to call for help. From the train station to all over town until Officer Finnegan and Lonnie caught on of the gang members and what they did well it’s priceless. Author Sands Hetherington teaches children the importance of honesty, teamwork, caring, obeying the rules and the laws and how to be a good friend. Illustrations by Jessica Love to help bring the characters to life. Just what do you think? Can a young boy be best friends with a crocodile, solve crimes and freeze his parents with his special telescope pointed at them. Will they realize what he was missing for so long or will time be stopped? What happens at the end will surprise you? What happens to the moles and the impostors will renew your faith in kindness. An interesting story but at times hard to follow and many unusual words that required the author to put their translations and a glossary at the beginning which many kids might need to use or just make up their own meanings for these words from the context of the story. Crusted Crème Fro-Madge frozen yogurt, special party favors and more this is one story that will definitely keep you guessing. One crocs reputation at stake and two Night Buddies that need to unlock the reason.


Fran Lewis: reviewer 


Wake Me Up Inside: Lee Bice-Matheson



Nightmare can often trigger memories that many would prefer to remain dormant. Others can ignite or fuel and event that might change the course of the way we think or our lives in the future. As Paige Maddison descends into a world that seems foreign to her, filled with forest trees, scratches caused by errant branches she focuses on her appearance, what she is wearing and the warmth and comfort of where she really is turns to fear and desperation as she clings to the hope of surviving. Heart racing, time slowing down and this young girl found herself staring at the face of a boy who appeared to be lying in a coffin. So graphically described and vividly depicted the reader becomes totally enveloped in the nightmare along with Maddison experiencing the same things, seeing the same horrors and viewing this young man appearing in his final repose. But, just when she thought the dream might end something happens that would haunt her not only now but in the future as well. A young girl appears out of nowhere stopped and stares at her and then her real world begins to come into focus. Hands cold and clammy she tries to regain her composure and falls back into an unsettling sleep. Wake Me Up Inside is a story that focuses on Paige Maddison whose nightmares will haunt her and whose visions of this young girl will in her dreams.



As she daylight comes upon her she hears her mother’s voice reminding her to get up for school. But, the day has yet to begin and her dream becomes more of a reality as she discusses her father’s upcoming speech to her class, the move to an estate called O’Brien Manor to take care of her grandfather who is ill and the vision of this young girl who appears within the halls of her school. But, not only does the Principal of her school notice something off about her but so does her father notice how pale and drawn she appears as she once again shares her next dream, this time wearing her fancy dress but the setting is the same forest and the dogs or hounds are following her as she once again tries to escape. But, something happens this time that alerts her parents that there might be something wrong with Paige as her mother awakens her for school and she appears more than just troubled. Added in they now bring to light their move, how she feels and why an emotional scene that brings this family even closer. But, whether they realize it or not Paige is having problems and as she alone relates to the reader, “Dreams seemed to rule my life, lately,” she states but what will moving bring and will things change? As they leave for her grandparent’s home not only does her mother have feelings of trepidations but also so does Paige. Arriving would only highlight things even further as her first impression is quite remarkable and the Manor quite both impressive and creating an eerie feeling within her and her mother. Having been estranged from her parents for many years this was her first visit back to her home and finding herself there was quite unsettlingly to Lori, Paige’s mother. Added in as Paige begins to explore this Manor House something happens that creates a chill within her body and causes her family to become alarmed. But, what happens next when she leaves the Manor and meets a young man named Brad will definitely alert the reader to the knowledge that not everything is what it appears to be and that more unusual or paranormal happens still await our main character.

Bradley Adam Parkman seems to have the scoop on what is happening in this estate and their strange but fast friendship will take them within this huge manor, exploring the estate and the experiences that they encounter will rock their inner most core and not be revealed to anyone.


As we get to know the family a little better our narrator Paige with the help of her new friend enlightens the reader in many ways. The house has some secrets hidden within its walls, her grandparents are not revealing everything and the truth behind their estrangement comes out. But, why does Paige seem uneasy every time she tries to fall asleep? What about the ceiling and the light feeling that there are angel’s watching over everyone? What is the spirit that seems to live in this house? Is this house cursed or is there an evil being that is lurking around and haunting it?


Author Lee Bice-Matheson introduces two teens that every parent would be proud of yet are still typical teens. Paige is bright, respectful yet speaks her mind when necessary and Bradley is kind, supportive and quite the match for her. As the author uses Paige’s dreams and innermost thoughts to describe the events and the surroundings. Some are told in the first person whereas others in the third person narrative keeping the reader transfixed, focused and wondering what else is going to happen, the mystery and suspense is palpable throughout the novel as Paige hopes to learn the truth and solve the mystery before it’s too late.


Then the author enlightens us as to the identity of the young girl that Paige sees on the staircase as well as another spirit that wants to remain unseen. While these two spirits decide on their next venture Paige and her mother explore the manor and the amazing porcelain dolls that Paige sees and more then something happens that causes Paige to realize that just maybe everything is not what it really seems.


The author allows Paige to explore the grounds and vividly describes her surrounds that if you close your eyes you can create your own mental picture and join Paige as she explores the all of the area surrounding the estate. But, there is so much more to this story as one family that has been divided for so long just might find their way back together again. One young teen discovers many truths about her grandparents and her mother that will either force them farther apart or bond them even more. As Paige and her mother explore the room filled with dolls, she then finds her way to a cottage where she comes face to face with the image she has been seeing in her dreams.


As Paige requests space to take photos and perfect her craft as a photographer once again she finds herself wandering the grounds, looking at every flower and bird but then she sees an angel with wings and what happens next you just won’t believe. As you look at the artistically crafted cover of the book you see the angel resting and wonder just whom that might be and whether she is connected to Paige in some way. Where does Brad come into play and what exactly does he know that has not been revealed to Paige?


As the gap between generations might be narrowed the one young man seems angered by the joy that Paige exhibits when she sees her new studio. What is the problem that this spirit has and why are they living in the Manor? As another truth is revealed we learn more about the Manor House its connection to another family and the path that one spirit intends to take but why still has not been revealed.


When Paige finds herself within the confines of this long lost cemetery again she comes upon a stone tablet, which sets her mind in motion. As she and Bradley explore some more, find an inscription on the stone and then suddenly Paige senses something is wrong with her grandfather but does not know why? Will she be able to find the answers to this mystery that has been hidden for years? What is the family secret that no one has revealed and will this spirit that wants to play games with those living here win or will Paige stop it cold?




On page 74 the author brilliantly includes the poem: Alone by Edgar Allan Poe to add more to the mystery behind why the evil spirit is trying to destroy and hurt Paige’s family and who the primary target is. The spirit also explains the past, why he is angry and as the poem if you take it apart talks about death, an evil spirit and is carved on the stone tablet that Paige found in the cemetery. One spirit is happy to live freely in the manor while the other seems to feel alone within him or inside. As one spirit understands her fate the other appears to not be able to reconcile how he cannot do things as he did before and feels isolated and Alone. Experiencing life as before is no longer an option and creates a sadness within the reader and more within each of the characters as Paige, Bradley and even the spirits have to learn how to deal with loneliness, sadness, isolation and love. The magnificent descriptions of the mountains, the sun, the sky evoke emotions that can relate to joy, anger or even sorrow. Poe was different and he did not feel that he belonged at times. As we come to the emotional ending and the surprises plus revelations it holds we often reflect that Poe might have used the word “mystery,” to define the unknown or in this poem the dark cloud or threat cast over the family by this spirit who felt isolated an alone.


Just what caused her grandfather’s illness you will learn for yourself when you read the ending and find out just who spirit was awaken from inside and what the fate of this family will be. This is the first in the Paige Maddison series and when you read the final sentences you will know: Snap: Click: Check out the final photo for yourself and feel the chill. This is one book that all YA’s, teens and middle school children will enjoy reading as Paige and Bradley fight and race to save the fate of someone she loves as one young girl and many adults learn the true meaning of love, family, loyalty and friendship.


Fran Lewis: reviewer

Outstanding Authors: Select Writer’s Group: Link Swap


Header:   Dan O’Brien. Novelist. Editor. Consultant.


Category: Science Fiction. Fantasy. Horror. Non-fiction.

Blurb: A psychologist, author, philosopher, freelance editor, and skeptic, Dan O’Brien has published several novels and currently has many in print, including: The End of the World Playlist, Bitten, The Journey, The Ocean and the Hourglass, The Portent, The Path of the Fallen, Book of Seth, and Cerulean Dreams. Follow him on Twitter (@AuthorDanOBrien) or visit his blog at He also works as an editor at Empirical, a national magazine with a strong West Coast vibe. Find out more about the magazine at


Header: Micki Peluso, writer, journalist and author of  . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang


Categories: Non-fiction, poetry, journalism, multi-genre short fiction and non-fiction, biography and memoir

Blurb: Micki Peluso began writing as a catharsis for grief over the loss of her teenage daughter to a DWI vehicular homicide. This led to a career as a journalist–staff writer at one award-winning newspaper and slice of life humorist at her daily newspaper. She has published short stories and articles, and won contests and awards in various print magazines, newspapers and e-zines.She reviews books for two noted book review on-line sites and freelances book reviews. Micki is currently compiling a collection of her work in a book called “Heartbeats . . .Slices of Life”, to be released in late 2013.


Header:   Linda Hales, Independent Author


Category: Childrens Books

Blurb: Linda Hales is a writer, committed to publishing storybooks with a moral for children up to the age of 7.  She currently has two books on her roster, one for each of two new series, ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Andy-Roo’.  In 2013, Linda plans to release two more titles and a coordinated series of matching coloring books.

Header: Clayton Bye, Independent Author
Blurb: Clayton Bye is a writer, editor and publisher. The author of 9 books and a varied collection of short stories, poems, articles and hundreds of reviews, he is in the process of releasing his second anthology of short stories by talented authors from around the world.

Header: Trish Jackson


Blurb: Author of extraordinary romantic suspense and romantic comedy. Spicy, suspenseful and sometimes politically incorrect.


Header: T.R. Heinan, writer, author


Category: Historical Fiction/Horror

T.R. Heinan is the executive director of an international NGO that supports orphaned children. His debut novel, L’immortalité: Madame Lalaurie and the Voodoo Queen, (ISBN-13: 978-0615634715) quickly gained to 5-star reviews and is recommended by New Orleans’ highest rated tour guides. Acclaimed for his careful research, inclusion of the best NOLA urban legends, and descriptive writing style, Heinan has captured the story of New Orleans’ most haunted house in a style that moves from the macabre to the humorous in an inspiring tale of the power of compassion and a meditation on what folks will do to capture immortality.

Delinda L. McCann. Author


Category: Social Issues, Romance

Delinda is a social psychologist and author. Her first career focussed on special needs populations. She is now using her many years of experience to write novels touching on the human condition. While writing about tough subjects Delinda sees the humor in life and tries to give her stories an element of light. Currently she has three books available “Lies That Bind”, “M’TK Sewer Rat: End of an Empire” and “M’TK Sewer Rat: Birth of a Nation.” Her novel “Something About Maudy” is due out in the spring of 2013 with “Taking Gramma Home” to follow in the early summer.


Header: Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D., writer and author of No Tildes on Tuesday


Categories: Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, People & Places, Multicultural

Blurb: Cherrye S. Vasquez is a public school administrator and an adjunct professor. She specializes in Multi-cultural education and holds certifications in Early Childhood Handicapped, Mid-Management and Educational Diagnostician. She loves children and believes that they should love self-first, and affirm their belief in who they are and what they aspire to become in life. Cherrye’s platform topics center on diversity and bullying issues, and topics of relevance which draws effective discourse and dialogue around her platform. She has published two journal books titled: Diversity Daybook: Journal, and Affirmation Daybook: Journal.  Cherrye also worked alongside her daughter Kelly, as they created a little girl’s diary titled, Guess What? Dear Diary, Cherrye is the author and her daughter is the illustrator. Soon, Cherrye will have another children’s chapter book published, Dedicated Identity, to be released summer 2013


Header: R.L. Cherry- Author, columnist, raconteur


Categories: Mystery, Suspense, Historical fiction

Blurb: R.L. Cherry has been writing an oft-humorous column on hot rods and classic cars for The Union newspaper of Grass Valley, CA for over seven years.  His first book, Christmas Cracker, was published in July of 2012.  It is a murder mystery, set in England, with a wise-cracking female detective from Southern California solving the case.  His suspense novel, Foul Shot, about a Chicago Police detective who becomes involved with a wild, troubled woman who changes his life, is to be released early in 2013.  Three Legs of the Cauldron, a saga set in early medieval Scotland, is undergoing editing and scheduled for later in 2013.


Header: Stuart Carruthers, Independent Author
Blurb: Stuart is a writer of fiction and marketing materials and has published 2 novellas of the Harry Patterson Adventures and will publish another in 2013. His first near-fi novel will be published in Q1 of 2013.

HEADER: Marta Merajver-Kurlat, writer and translator

WEBSITE: http//

CATEGORIES: novelist, essayist, biographer, self-help.

BLURB: An Argentinean Literature teacher and psychoanalyst, Marta Merajver-Kurlat has published fiction in Spanish, been translated into English and Korean, and written most of her non-fiction in English. She is currently working on a novel in English under the provisional title of The Men in My Life, to be released soon by Jorge Pinto Books Inc., New York, NY, and starting a project that reflects her studies of Greek myth.

You can check her website to find out about her community and read excellent guest posts, and find her published works on


Header: D. M. Pirrone/Diane Piron-Gelman, author and editor


Categories: Mystery, suspense, historical fiction

Blurb: D.M. Pirrone is the nom de plume of Diane Piron-Gelman, a longtime freelance writer and editor.  No Less In Blood is her first mystery novel. A Chicago native, history buff and avid reader, Ms. Piron-Gelman is a member of Mystery Writers of America (Midwest) and Sisters in Crime (Chicagoland chapter). Her most recent project, A Judgment In Ashes, follows Irish detective Frank Hanley’s quest to solve a rabbi’s murder, with unexpected help from the rabbi’s headstrong daughter, in the harsh winter just after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.



HEADER: Marta Merajver-Kurlat, writer and translator

WEBSITE: http//

CATEGORIES: novelist, essayist, biographer, self-help.

BLURB: An Argentinean Literature teacher and psychoanalyst, Marta Merajver-Kurlat has published fiction in Spanish, been translated into English and Korean, and written most of her non-fiction in English. She is currently working on a novel in English under the provisional title of The Men in My Life, to be released soon by Jorge Pinto Books Inc., New York, NY, and starting a project that reflects her studies of Greek myth.

You can check her website to find out about her community and read excellent guest posts, and find her published works on