The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap


The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap:

Author: Paulette Mahurin


When the world allows people to live as they please maybe we might have chance to stop all the hatred, prejudice and injustices that are inflicted upon those that some feel are different or do not conform to the mores of their society. Same sex marriage is not something new to us today and same sex relationships are not just a thing of the preset. The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap begins with the arrest and imprisonment of a noted writer and playwright Oscar Wilde. Noted for writing The Picture of Dorian Gray, essays, short fiction and comedies this outstanding writer’s work was negated when he met Lord Alfred ‘Bosie’ Douglas the third son of the Marquis of Queensbury. Wilde’s novel the Picture of Dorian Gray was one that he was acquainted. Becoming lovers and totally enamored with each other they were together all the time until Wilde was arrested four years later for “gross indecency.” Attitudes back then in 1891 and even now have not changed in many respects. In April of 1895, Oscar sued Bosie’s father for libel as the Marquis had accused him of being homosexual and homosexuality. His arrest and conviction as our story relates included two years of hard labor. But, that was just the beginning as his wife too his children to Switzerland and as you might say disowned him by going back to her maiden name, Holland. This is where our story begins as we our main characters Mildred and Edra. The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap brings this issue to light and many more. Character assassinations by many of the townspeople, criticism and critical analysis of what they think a person’s life should be and how they should mold it to their way of thinking enables the reader to know just how narrow and close-minded the people of Red River Pass, Nevada are.


As we meet both Mildred and Edra we learn that they too have a close relationship that would be more than just frowned upon by people like Josie Perdue and the ladies Mildred encounters when she goes into town for medicine for a sick horse. Life is hard enough during this time period but to be forced to fit in and conform to what others think you should do makes it even harder for both Mildred and Edra to deal with life. Her masculine appearance, her strange demeanor and lack of femininity seemed to turn people off.



The author allows the reader to hear the thoughts of Josie first hand which she readily expresses to anyone that will stop and listen as well as doing her own appraisal of Mildred’s appearance and Mildred. But, the prejudice spreads as far as the sheriff’s office and even though Mildred is a kind woman he appearance turns off many and the words spoken, if she heard them, would definitely do more than just hurt her feelings. Status, class, sexual preferences, even how many live their lives and observe their religions are just some of the issues brought to light in this novel.



Gus Spivey’s story is the hub of information where notices and telegrams are posted keeping people informed. As Mildred places her order she hears voices rising and realizes that Josie is announcing to everyone that Homosexuality has been declared illegal. When people decide what you are allowed or not allowed to do that infringes on the meaning of democracy and freedom. But, while riding home Mildred formulates a plan in her mind that has yet to be revealed to the reader.



Meet Charley Spivey and Emma his wife was gravely ill. As Charley watched Emma slip away Mildred decided to try and ally all thoughts about her and pretend to be interested in this disheveled and ungroomed man. As the story moves on we learn more about the relationship between Edra and Mildred, what happened to Edra as a child the bond and love that formed between them at an early age. With the guidance and understanding of her father, Max, Mildred’s secret would stay hidden.


The characters blend in a very unique way, as Mildred’s plan seems to be working creating the illusion she hopes it will to take the heat off of her relationship with Edra. Added in we still here the gossip of so many of the townspeople regarding Oscar Wilde and his arrest. What I really love are the quotes at the start of each chapter. Oscar Wilde’s words are so profound and set the tone for each chapter that the reader knows what to expect from the characters by reading his words and his thoughts. Annalee proves that right when she continues her diatribe about Oscar Wilde and expands on her opinion. Next, she expounds on the relationship between Charley and Mildred letting you know that she is not only prejudice, narrow minded and just plain rude. So, why not voice her thoughts to the town’s biggest gossip, Josie and join forces. Why is it that the outer covering of a person is all anyone sees and the fact that Mildred helps so many in so many selfless ways, does not really count to any of these snobby and although rich, classless women. When Josie blames Emma, Charley’s late wife for bringing so many others misery causing the town to come down and help Charley, why does she resent it and why make the coldhearted comment she does on page 64 which you will have to read the book for yourself to find out just what she says and more.


But, Edra is upset when Mildred goes out with Charley and her reaction is quite telling and the end result eye opening. Loyal, trustworthy and kind Ben Thorndike keeps their secret and delivers the news about what others are saying about Mildred. When the women do their own assassination attack in words about Mildred, just why does Charley come to her defense? Why does he see the inner beauty in her and others do not?


This book deals with so many issues not just prevalent in 1895 but in the present too. Although Oscar Wilde went on trial and was convicted, Mildred Dunlap faced her own persecution and trial everyday just trying to deal with life, the words and gossip of others, the critical analysis because of her appearance and imagine if the truth came out, what kind of swords or daggers would they send flying at her?


The characters in this novel are vividly described and so well defined you can almost picture them in your mind and create a mental image of how they look, act and speak. Gus, the owner of the general store tries to mediate, is honest and tries not to take sides to be biased. Josie Perdue is single minded, hurtful, highly critical of others and totally opinionated valuing only hers alone. She is truly mean, coldhearted and yet she manages to have an audience to listen to her rants and raves. Vying for attention and having to be the focal point of every conversation she manipulates her friends, wants to control their lives and never really cares about how her words affect others. Edra our other main character, lives on the farm, prefers as we learn Mildred’s company alone, and vies to live her life just with her. Mildred might have a masculine outer appearance but her every word, and kindness negates her physical appearance. She might not be what most would say feminine, or ladylike but her heart and kind ways make up for it.



As Gus and Charley have dinner more about the community is brought to light as we learn about hate for Negroes, their feelings about Jews and the religious that feel everyone is beneath them. But, Gus has a secret that I will not share with you but when you learn it you will understand why he does not attend Church and much more. The prejudice that rears its head in this book is widespread not only there but also around the world.


As Josie has made it her vocation in life to destroy Mildred two friends make sure that she just might learn her lesson and more. What happens at the end and how all of this turns out you will have to learn for yourself. But, when one woman’s rumors, lies and statements cause a tragic ending in one family, then the action taken will surprise the reader and the end result will teach two women the meaning of trust, loyalty, friendship and understanding. When the truth behind Josie’s hate for Mildred is revealed the reasons lie deep within her stemming from the past. Will she ever learn her lesson? Will anyone finally stop her from speaking? Wait until you read the dramatic ending!


An ending that will bring tears to your eyes and maybe even some hope to the people that remain in Red River Pass, Nevada. Never judge a person or book by its outer cover before you read the pages in between. You just might like what you find out. Author Paulette Mahurin’s characters and story remind us of why there is so much hate in the world and why so many need the lessons taught within the pages of this outstanding book. Friendships are formed when you least expect them to be. Let’s give this book: FIVE CHARLIES



Fran Lewis: reviewer




The War Zone

The War Zone: John Henry Brebbia


Growing up in a trailer park did much for Gibb Quinn. Raised by a single mother who had one goal in mind that was for her son to have the best education, not live in squalor and do everything she could to uplift his status in life. Life was not easy for his mother or for him growing up. But, a scholarship to the University of Portland allows him to leave the neighborhood where he grew up filled with gangs and become a super star in the computer sales field. With the help of Bishop Gorman High’s basketball coach and this scholarship he should be on his way to great things. Graduating and hoping for a career that would be lucrative Gibb becomes a star salesman for the Big Byte Corporation. Success is great but then things change and one branch of the company is failing and Gibb is sent to change things around and take this dinosaur retail outlet whose appearance is not in the 21st century or even close to it and upgrade its appearance, bring life into the unmotivated staff and raise sales. Ready or not he arrives in September and goes in like gangbusters as Gibb makes it clear from the start that business is his first concern, their jobs are hanging on thin ice or threads and that watching the time clock is now a thing of the past.


Can a kid from a trailer park become number one in big business? Is sticking to the rules the way to play the game or is taking chances, thinking outside the box and risking it all when the benefits outweigh the consequences if you succeed? Looking at his surroundings, realizing the office décor and the sales floor was back in the dark ages and needed a strong facelift into the 21st Century, Gibb enters the building, charges right in and hopefully will light up the dead wood that comprises his staff.  Meeting Gerry, the training manager and the rest of the crew enlightens him further into the complacency of the workers, the lack of effort to make sales and the need to familiarize them with the sales manual and more.


Gibb is not satisfied with just learning about the business end of his job. He wants to explore the town and learn more about the people living there but not for the reasons most would think. Each encounter could be a prospect to earn money or sales, each business in the area should yield some sales for his branch of Big Byte. Schools, churches, hospitals and other businesses should be calling on his services so why aren’t they and why are sales not soaring? After one month he realizes that Chatham is not the best place to garner up business and at the end of the day he surmises that he will have to branch out to other towns in the nearby vicinity.  But, going against the cardinal rule of his company and business not to make sales out of his “assigned territory,” could mean business suicide or maybe the life raft needed to stay afloat. So, this young man who looks like an ad for Ralph Lauren just might take this town by storm and shake things up in more ways than one. Transplanted from Vegas and looking more like a hot movie star, Gibb Quinn creates his own War Zone to take on the people of Chatham, win the war of sales and hopefully come out a winner. Some combat zones have nothing to so with military operations. Some have nothing to do with entering international wars. This is the story of one young man who decides to take the battle outside his own battle zone or assigned area where the rights of neutrals are not respected let’s say in this case by competitors in business. Waging war in business and taking away sales from the competitor is one way to define the term War Zone and to spark people to take notice, get their motors charged and revved up and the battle lines drawn.


Meeting Tim Perkins in college was a definite eye opener and some of what he taught him about New Englanders would have to remain in the recesses of his mind as he moved forward into the battlefield he created setting his sights on Boston and his other on Seattle. Sometimes labels can hinder you and other times you can profit. Meeting with many of the Information Technology managers who learned that each one of them not only envied that he came from Vegas but longed to go there too. Some even hinted that if they were to sin and be tempted Vegas would be their first choice for committing sinful behavior. So, Gibb realized that being labeled the “Vegas Guy,” was not a negative but a definite you might say A+ in his favor.


Gibb had charisma and made his way to the top of sales just by flirting with the right people and cultivating friendships in the right places. Using what he learned in Vegas and becoming friendly with the pit bosses, doorman or bell captain, he was able to present his corporate clients with perks. October and November proved profitable and he placed the emails he received congratulating him on his office wall. The Regional manager of course was angry and complained to the Big Byte General Manager who appeased him and congratulated Gibb.


The author brings to light many important issues within the pages of this novel. Prejudice rears its ugly head in many ways as it manifests within the minds of the close-minded people living in this town. When Gibb and Gerry decide to teach Smitty how to use a computer and he learns how to read instead of embracing the fact that he is now successful many of the people in this town wonder why they are bothering to help this teenager and what Gibb’s motive really is in coming to the town and helping others. Things come together for him but are about to take a different turn when Alicia Farrell comes into the picture and sets her sights on Gibb. Added into the plot is the story of Sally whose life and spirit seems to have gotten away from her. The anger welled up inside of her from her mother’s cruel treatment and disregard for her feelings and her in general creates a stimulant for here to abuse not only herself with drugs and alcohol but also others in her treatment of them as well. Justifying her actions by blaming it on others rather than taking a long and hard look at herself makes you wonder just why Gibb got involved with her or why he even continues to care. But, Alicia was determined to see Gibb and enlisted her uncle’s help in convincing him to crew on a sailing trip. But, rumor has it that he was interested in her and that did not set well with her father and her boyfriend’s family. Business leads seemed to peter out and soon his days as number one were over. Alicia although technically going to be betrothed to Josh Bingham, Jr., has decided to work as a paralegal for her Uncle Tom Farrell’s office for one year before attending Yale. As the narrator relates the events we begin to wonder just what the fate of all of these people will be when everything finally comes to a head. Rumors spread in this town faster than a raging wildfire. Jealousies run high when Alicia meets Piper and comments are made that prove that she is really no different than anyone else. Each character has his/her own battles to overcome. Gibb seems to always want to be number one and does not see himself as the person he really is and could become. Sally is fighting her own wars as Alicia fights her way out of the life her parents want for her.


An ending that will make you wonder what is next for Gibb and where life will take him. Just how far will someone go to get away from their past and be accepted for who they are and not what others might think? The War Zone: Can you ever really escape? Do you ever win? This is one novel that will give you pause for thought. One novel that you definitely want to read.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer




The War Zone: My Review

The War Zone: John Henry Brebbia


Growing up in a trailer park did much for Gibb Quinn. Raised by a single mother who had one goal in mind that was for her son to have the best education, not live in squalor and do everything she could to uplift his status in life. Life was not easy for his mother or for him growing up. But, a scholarship to the University of Portland allows him to leave the neighborhood where he grew up filled with gangs and become a super star in the computer sales field. With the help of Bishop Gorman High’s basketball coach and this scholarship he should be on his way to great things. Graduating and hoping for a career that would be lucrative Gibb becomes a star salesman for the Big Byte Corporation. Success is great but then things change and one branch of the company is failing and Gibb is sent to change things around and take this dinosaur retail outlet whose appearance is not in the 21st century or even close to it and upgrade its appearance, bring life into the unmotivated staff and raise sales. Ready or not he arrives in September and goes in like gangbusters as Gibb makes it clear from the start that business is his first concern, their jobs are hanging on thin ice or threads and that watching the time clock is now a thing of the past.


Can a kid from a trailer park become number one in big business? Is sticking to the rules the way to play the game or is taking chances, thinking outside the box and risking it all when the benefits outweigh the consequences if you succeed? Looking at his surroundings, realizing the office décor and the sales floor was back in the dark ages and needed a strong facelift into the 21st Century, Gibb enters the building, charges right in and hopefully will light up the dead wood that comprises his staff.  Meeting Gerry, the training manager and the rest of the crew enlightens him further into the complacency of the workers, the lack of effort to make sales and the need to familiarize them with the sales manual and more.


Gibb is not satisfied with just learning about the business end of his job. He wants to explore the town and learn more about the people living there but not for the reasons most would think. Each encounter could be a prospect to earn money or sales, each business in the area should yield some sales for his branch of Big Byte. Schools, churches, hospitals and other businesses should be calling on his services so why aren’t they and why are sales not soaring? After one month he realizes that Chatham is not the best place to garner up business and at the end of the day he surmises that he will have to branch out to other towns in the nearby vicinity.  But, going against the cardinal rule of his company and business not to make sales out of his “assigned territory,” could mean business suicide or maybe the life raft needed to stay afloat. So, this young man who looks like an ad for Ralph Lauren just might take this town by storm and shake things up in more ways than one. Transplanted from Vegas and looking more like a hot movie star, Gibb Quinn creates his own War Zone to take on the people of Chatham, win the war of sales and hopefully come out a winner. Some combat zones have nothing to so with military operations. Some have nothing to do with entering international wars. This is the story of one young man who decides to take the battle outside his own battle zone or assigned area where the rights of neutrals are not respected let’s say in this case by competitors in business. Waging war in business and taking away sales from the competitor is one way to define the term War Zone and to spark people to take notice, get their motors charged and revved up and the battle lines drawn.


Meeting Tim Perkins in college was a definite eye opener and some of what he taught him about New Englanders would have to remain in the recesses of his mind as he moved forward into the battlefield he created setting his sights on Boston and his other on Seattle. Sometimes labels can hinder you and other times you can profit. Meeting with many of the Information Technology managers who learned that each one of them not only envied that he came from Vegas but longed to go there too. Some even hinted that if they were to sin and be tempted Vegas would be their first choice for committing sinful behavior. So, Gibb realized that being labeled the “Vegas Guy,” was not a negative but a definite you might say A+ in his favor.


Gibb had charisma and made his way to the top of sales just by flirting with the right people and cultivating friendships in the right places. Using what he learned in Vegas and becoming friendly with the pit bosses, doorman or bell captain, he was able to present his corporate clients with perks. October and November proved profitable and he placed the emails he received congratulating him on his office wall. The Regional manager of course was angry and complained to the Big Byte General Manager who appeased him and congratulated Gibb.


The author brings to light many important issues within the pages of this novel. Prejudice rears its ugly head in many ways as it manifests within the minds of the close-minded people living in this town. When Gibb and Gerry decide to teach Smitty how to use a computer and he learns how to read instead of embracing the fact that he is now successful many of the people in this town wonder why they are bothering to help this teenager and what Gibb’s motive really is in coming to the town and helping others. Things come together for him but are about to take a different turn when Alicia Farrell comes into the picture and sets her sights on Gibb. Added into the plot is the story of Sally whose life and spirit seems to have gotten away from her. The anger welled up inside of her from her mother’s cruel treatment and disregard for her feelings and her in general creates a stimulant for here to abuse not only herself with drugs and alcohol but also others in her treatment of them as well. Justifying her actions by blaming it on others rather than taking a long and hard look at herself makes you wonder just why Gibb got involved with her or why he even continues to care. But, Alicia was determined to see Gibb and enlisted her uncle’s help in convincing him to crew on a sailing trip. But, rumor has it that he was interested in her and that did not set well with her father and her boyfriend’s family. Business leads seemed to peter out and soon his days as number one were over. Alicia although technically going to be betrothed to Josh Bingham, Jr., has decided to work as a paralegal for her Uncle Tom Farrell’s office for one year before attending Yale. As the narrator relates the events we begin to wonder just what the fate of all of these people will be when everything finally comes to a head. Rumors spread in this town faster than a raging wildfire. Jealousies run high when Alicia meets Piper and comments are made that prove that she is really no different than anyone else. Each character has his/her own battles to overcome. Gibb seems to always want to be number one and does not see himself as the person he really is and could become. Sally is fighting her own wars as Alicia fights her way out of the life her parents want for her.


An ending that will make you wonder what is next for Gibb and where life will take him. Just how far will someone go to get away from their past and be accepted for who they are and not what others might think? The War Zone: Can you ever really escape? Do you ever win? This is one novel that will give you pause for thought. One novel that you definitely want to read.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer




Unclaimed Legacy: Deborah Heal

Unclaimed Legacy

Deborah Heal


( This is a great YA BOOK)

Promises to young children should never be broken and Merrideth learns once more the true meaning of loyalty, friendship and love as we revisit Miles Station and learn more about the computer program that brought her closer to her tutor, Abby in Time and Again by author Deborah Heal. As Merri is feeling left out when Abby begins dating John Roberts little does she expect to be invited on their date to lunch and to explore the town of Alton. As the story opens we meet both Abby and Merri and they discuss their relationship, John arrives and the three leave for a leisurely lunch that does not turn out as Abby would have liked or expected. But, when Merri is excited that her father is going to join her for lunch and Abby agrees to take her to the restaurant. Resilient to a point yet almost 12 years old, Merri is once again let down by her so-called father. A short text message stating he could not make it is all she receives but when John shows up with a friend they forge ahead to try and convince him that the program on her computer can take them back in time and his skepticism unfounded if his friend can fix it hoping to learn more about Charlotte from Miles Station. The program Beautiful Home invites the visitor to take a virtual tour of the old homes and go back in time to visit and get to know the residents who lived there and experience some of the events of events in their lives. Did someone infect the program with a virus, was caused by the storm or just a simple malfunction? But, John is not sure if this program really exists and his friend offers to fix it but cannot. Just how will they reconnect with Charlotte and what happens you will have to read by review of Unclaimed Legacy to find out. But, another idea comes about and Michael reenters the story and we meet Lucy who is a speech therapist who is willing to help Michael overcome his speech problems and work with him with her special dog Dr. Bob. But, having to leave for a lecture she enlists, John, Abby and Merri to take over some of the duties needed in her house and that is where the real story is about to begin as we meet Eulah and Beulah Edwards two twins whose story will definitely intrigue the reader. The computer program to learn more about Charlotte might be gone but what happens when they bring the laptop to Lucy’s house and fire it up you won’t believe. The program might not work in Merri’s house but it renews itself in Lucy’s and the house on the screen is the one they are staying in or Lucy’s house and the people they see are the Old Dears or the twins in the 40’s and we learn more about their lives, the time period and an ancestor that was quite colorful to say the least. Added to that these two women are quite strange, eccentric and what they cook or bake is definitely not what you or anyone should eat. Staying overnight in Lucy’s house would not only ignite the program for Beautiful House but it would reveal more about the residences and its history. Time travel even if virtual can really be exciting, educational and a great way to keep Merri on the right path. Added in is the fact that she is quite intelligent, wants to be accepted, is trying to lose weight, definitely looks better and her attitude about school and learning has improved thanks to Abby.


The program cannot be fixed but the end result will definitely surprise the reader as Abby, John and Merri refuse to give up on their quest to help the Old Dears and what happens when they bring the laptop to Lucy’s house is totally amazing. In order to help the Old Dears with their family tree they need to do some research and going to the library, the Lewis and Clark Museum and going through many books helps them uncover some of the names of the relatives on the tree but not all. But, with one click of the wrist the program comes back to life and what they see will definitely give them more than just pause for thought. This program works and displays the house that the resident is in at that time. Whatever house they are researching and if you are in it the program will work and help you uncover what you want to know. But, will it help them to learn everything? What about what happened to Charlotte? Let’s go back in time and take this second trip with them and find out what they learn about Eulah and Beulah and a secret that Beulah does not ever want revealed. Entering the home of the two sisters we see Beulah sitting at the piano that belongs to her sister playing my favorite piece Fur Elise. Eulah inherited the piano and the Yellow House too where this part of our story in virtual reality time takes place. Although the sisters are close one had no trouble finding a husband and the other did not. When Carl, Eulah’s husband returns from War and enters the Yellow House he thinks he is greeting his wife. You have to read and picture what happens. Is it mistaken identity or just one sister wanting what the other one has even if it is just for a little while? As they learn more about their family tree they uncover someone named Priscilla but their visit is cut short since she is quite ill. Finding a Bible they learn about Frances Edwards their grandmother and then the story really heats up. Delving further they learn the true history of where they live and the fact that they are related to the first governor but there is much more. Bertram White and he was anything but wonderful to her as they witness an incident that if they could have stopped it he might have wound up anywhere but where he was. The author brings to light that spousal abuse is not something just relevant to the 21st century. We learn more about a man named Reuben Buchanan and his relationship to the sisters and to Frances. What they learn will cause them to look further as an article in the paper relates that he was arrested and tried for murder and arson. His young son was brought up by his grandparents and the family tree is still lopsided unless they can learn more about Reuben and find out if he really did commit the crime of killing Bertram White’s wife or did he?



What they learn and uncover about the fire will definitely spark more than just interest as they learn about how Franny tried to help Mrs. White learn about the Bible and understand its true meaning. But, her husband had other ideas and then the fire broke out and she was killed. But, was Reuben really there? How can they clear his name after so many years? Added in is Merri’s dad is arrested at lunch and she learns why her mother took her away and much more.  But, when Abby actually learns the truth and what happened she falls apart.


The history behind the Lewis and Clark expedition is added; Merri’s essay is completed but the link between the sisters and the Buchanan’s you have to read for yourself. The end result and whether they clear Ruben you won’t get from me. Some research you have to do on your own to learn just how exciting one computer program can be, the knowledge you can impart to kids, adults and just how interesting it can be to create a family tree. One ending you won’t expect and a family that just might surprise you.


Fran Lewis: reviewer






John’s Gospel: The Way it Happened: Lee Harmon: FIVE GOLDEN STARS

John’s Gospel: Lee Harmon


The story begins with Matthew and John discussing Jesus as the Messiah and Matthew’s skepticism and disbelief that Jesus was the promised savior. As the story continues Ruth, a Gentile, comes into the scene and offers to pen the Gospel story for John. The matter is discussed and the decision to allow her to pen it is made. Ruth returns with a scroll and a quill to record the story. Part One introduces Jesus and his impending trip to Galilee.


John’s Gospel is not the same as the other three in the New Testament. John’s Gospel was called the “Spiritual Gospel,” because it relates the story of Jesus in symbolic ways, which differ from Matthew, Mark and Luke. John requests that Ruth sing a hymn (the prologue to John’s Gospel) and he explains the meaning for Matthew and the reader. He explains the phrase on page 22 beginning with “There came a man sent from God whose name was John.” The man he refers to is The Baptizer. “He prepared people to see the light.” As Ruth continues with the hymn and realizing within the hymn as he interprets it for us, that according to Matthew’s understanding that “God’s own did not receive him.” “You say,” he states, “that God gave them the right to become children of God…to be born of God. We Jews have looked for to this day for hundreds of years.” The different interpretations of The Spirit of Christ are discussed on page 23. The discussion centers on Jesus as the word of God. “The bringer of life.” He is the Logos, which is explained on pages 25-28. Logos translated mean, “ the mind of God controlling the world, the force changing it form chaos, to order.” The discussion continues as Ruth sings the rest of the hymn and the author begins Chapter 2 Christ’s descent with more of an explanation about John the Baptist and how he knew the Messiah. Explaining quite clearly that God inscribed the Laws upon Moses’ stone tablet but God spoke directly through Jesus. Adding through Ruth that the Baptizer was getting Israel ready for “someone greater than he.” As Ruth continues with the hymn she questions John regarding whom the prophet in the hymn refers to. The answer is forthcoming in his story beginning on page 31 as he explains, “The Glory of the Lord,” as Matthew doubts him and his words. Author Lee Harmon takes us on a journey back in time to learn along with Matthew the story of John’s Gospel. As the story of Jesus begins in Bethany the author will relate John’s story and explain the many differences between his and the other three gospels. The story includes the fact that Jesus served as a disciple to the Baptizer. John the Baptizer identifies himself as being the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. Jesus begins baptizing and the Baptizer rejoices knowing that Jesus is the Son of God and has fulfilled the prophecy. Matthew still has some doubts and his interpretations are discussed. As on page 33 John’s vision is revealed. Jesus, he states, came to atone for our sins, not overthrow the sinners. Matthew’s views are stated on page 33 quite strongly. Ruth continues by stating that John was there the day the Spirit arrived and he responds that he will only allow her to write about what he heard and not what he did not hear. John was the only one that was with Jesus from the beginning until the end and he relates what really happens on pages 36-37. It begins with a description of the Mystery of the identity of Jesus. It is filled with information about his divinity. John takes the reader inside Jesus’ ministry to understand and learn to believe in him. The author continues with the Formation of the New Israel, Interlude II who wrote John’s Gospel and the Wedding Feast where John’s story begins. Jesus and his disciples are in Galilee and attend a wedding where he performs a miracle changing water into wine. The wedding scene sets the platform or stage for the Gospel. But first the author discusses some of the themes from the Revelation. I learned quite a bit from reading this book and would like to highlight for the reader what I learned and as you read you might find that there is so much knowledge that you will gain too.


I learned that Jesus turned water into wine. But, I listened when Matthew questioned John about whether water or wine was served at the wedding. John explains that “Living water doesn’t arrive until the end of days.” John was trying to teach him about Jesus. Next, he explains in detail Dionysus, God of Wine followed by a story that I have heard so many times on my holiday: Passover. For those that do not know the story the Passover feast celebrates the day all of “Egyptian firstborn were slain, while Israelites were passed over by the killing angel.” There is much more to learn in Chapter 5 The New Temple. Chapter 8 was quite interesting and in this chapter I learned that John the Baptizer died before Jesus and that John came before the Kingdom and was not in the Kingdom of God when he died. I also learned that John the Baptizer was the world’s final prophet. But, Ruth asks John as she pens the story a pointed question, “ The Baptizer was the world’s final prophet? Then where does that leave you John? Did you not prophesy also of the coming kingdom?” This question did not set well with John. His response on page 86 followed by the fact that Ruth (the one in the Old Testament) was from Moab and was an ancestor of King David, which makes his descendants, including Jesus, not pure Jews. The story is retold on pages 89- 91. It continues with the Groom in the next chapter.


Next I learned that the Samaritans believed in him and that Christ is the Messiah that was prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures. I learned that when he returns to Galilee he cures a boy at death’s door. Then when he is in Jerusalem for a festival he cures a sick man at the pool of Bethesda.


The Great Sabbath is the next chapter and the setting as is stated is an unknown festival. The author explains that there are three feasts that Jews are required to observe: Passover, Tabernacles and Pentecost. This chapter focuses on Pentecost, which I did not know happens 50 days after Passover and it celebrates the wheat harvest. The ceremony and prayers are related on page 104. Then on page 108 he relates Christian Pentecost and the New Sabbath. Continuing I learned that Pentecost is the “feast of the harvest of the firstfruits.” Chapter 13 goes back to the Passover story and he discusses what he relates as the central miracle of Jesus’ career. Feeding the multitude the author states is the only miracle that all four Gospels agree upon. Read Chapter 13. Using the symbol of bread I learned as Jesus explains that belief in him and in God, his father, will give eternal life. Read Chapter 15 to learn more as I did.


One of my favorite times of the year is celebrating Sukkoth. At the Feast of Booths, during this holiday Jesus returns I learned to Jerusalem with the pilgrims. He then begins preaching in the temple. Sukkoth as many may not know or many do is The Festival of Tabernacles, and is sometimes called the Feast of the Nations or the Festival of Ingathering as stated by the author. I never knew and now I do that any reference to just “the festival,” in the Scripture refers to Sukkoth. It is the happiest time of the year and read Chapter 16 to learn more. Next we learn about the mystery of birth, Sin and Judgment and then Chapter 20 focuses on The Eternal I AM. In this chapter he discusses Cain and Abel and Satan. He continues to discuss that Jesus was not a Samaritan but he would never deny being one. Jesus as John states befriended everyone. Race and beliefs don’t seem to matter. This frustrates Matthew, who says: “Jesus has no standards at all,” which is quite a strong statement. Page 166-168 answers this question: Who are the Jews? Chapters 21 and 22 focus on He Is God and The Blindness of the Jews. He presents the story of Jesus the Miracle Worker and then The Anointing where he goes back to the story of Passover and explains the Passover lamb’s unveiling and John’s main feast theme, which the author spends most of the rest of the Gospel on. This feast as many of us know joined with the Feast of Unleavened Bread and was celebrated together for one week. The story that follows in the Gospel now relates and backs up and retells the story of the Messiah coming to Jerusalem. Read pages 212- 236 to learn more. The final chapters deal with the “Farewell discourse,” a five-chapter interlude of special instructions given to the 12.

The final chapters of John’s Gospel explains the trial, the capture, the death and the resurrection of Jesus the Son of God. The focus in on the Son of God who came here to do the Father’s will and to perform the Father’s work and return back to the Father. The final chapter relates the information about The Tomb Of Jesus and The Lord’s Day, which follows the weeklong Feast of Unleavened Bread. On this day the priests “presented the first grains of barely harvest each year to God in the Temple.” To learn more and to read the story as John tells it, the references to the different scriptures, John’s chapters and to find out just what Ruth penned in her scroll you need to read John’s Gospel the Way It Happened for yourself.


This is a very informative, interesting and highly researched book that people of all faiths and religions should read.


Fran Lewis: reviewer

Echo’s Revenge: reposting

Echo’s Revenge: Sean Austin


Virtual reality is something created by video fames to bring users into another world they pretend to experience. From war games, violent scenes and graphic depictions of actions that you and other players control each one using their own skills and expertise decides on who lives and who dies within the constraints of the game and hoping for their opponent’s demise. Some take it so seriously they don’t realize that it is all staged and not real life. Others as you will learn when you read Echo’s Revenge: became so enounced within the game they actually treat the outcomes, decisions made and the power their opponents exhibit as real life. Within the confines of this game there are many different stages and gaming creators often add different elements to each level. Two brothers playing this game as if their lives depended on it as the scene opens and Reggie, the older of the two is battling the mechanized ghouls using the technology created by the creator but, what happens next and where this leads him will definitely make anyone think twice before playing these games. The screen continues to fill with images and the predator appears to be hunting you and then disappears and is hiding in plain sight. An invisibility cloak of some kind and then he resurfaces with his demonic green eyes and sharp teeth. Echo is dangerous and is one predator you don’t want to get too close to. Jeremy his lookout warns him of imminent danger but Reggie is so skilled and far above his competition that it is no surprise that he is asked to join a focus group with other online gamers to try out the latest version of Echo.


Reggie and Jeremy live with their mother and her abusive boyfriend Asa. Asa towers over them and does nothing, to his mother’s ignorance to help them at all. Never doing anything but drinking and watching television he lets them fend for themselves in every way. When Reggie receives a letter to join this focus group unless they pay him Asa will not sign the form. But, Reggie is smart and finds a way to create the signature needed and the experience the author relates is really quite chilling. Meet the gamers that he will compete against and who all want him on their team. From Spandex who turns out to be a girl whose presence greatly affects him to Rhino a tough competitor Reggie is pumped and excited to be a part of this group. The person in Luca gives off an air of deceit from the start trying to prod the teens into answering certain questions that he has preset answers for in his own mind. As the teens relate their concerns when playing these games as worrying about the element of surprise, how many enemies they will encounter, will someone have too much power of them or even just the unknown element of fear. Fear is deadly and that is what is added to this new version of the game and the leader, Luca wants them to realize that these games can often mirror real life situations. Some are hunted, some are in confined spaces and some alone at times and others controlling your thoughts and mind. But, before he leaves to go home he meets Sean Austin who presents him with something special in case he needs him and a special gold pin with the Echo code on it in case he needs him. Going home proves dangerous as Asa is right there and realizes that he defied him leading both boys to want to permanently escape. But, there is one piece of the game that has yet to be explained or played and that concerns their father who appears to have left them but contacts them by phone every two weeks. Fearing that the truth about their conditions would cause them more harm than good they lie and tell him everything is okay. But, when push comes to too much shove they both decide to leave and head for their father in California.



Meeting one man named Pete and then realizing that all of the gamers were being kidnapped and on milk cartons alerted both boys that they really needed to hide but what happens next leads them on a different path and they are taken by another group who seem to be playing the same game but more deadly. Added in Reggie does not realize his GPS was alerting everyone to their location and escaping the police would require some skill. Arriving in California after experiencing a ride that they would never forget Reggie emails the man in charge of the focus group and then learns of more gamers being kidnapped. Who is really behind it and why has yet to be revealed and who can these boys really trust? What role does Asa have in this plot? What is that book he has and why are they able to keep getting rides and help from strangers? Could someone actually know where he or she is and what about Echo?


The author allows the reader to understand the rationale behind Reggie’s every move and thought while letting you know that someone is tracking them. Should he call Luca to warn him about the kidnappings? Where will they wind up and will they ever find his father? Who else will be kidnapped and who is setting the trap? Where are these gamers? But, winding up at their father’s house and hoping to not get caught does not happen as Echo hunts them down and just when they think they are home free they are caught and zapped by two Racer Shockers and held captive. How did Echo 7 find them and in what forms can it turn into? What exactly is this new game that has been programmed to follow and control them? Imagine a video game coming alive.


Zapped, overworked and conditions that are unhealthy with air filled with dirt, sage and dust these young teens are now mining crystals for their captors in a place called the Cauldron Of Hell for what appears to be eternity. But, who is behind this has yet to be revealed and how can Reggie save the day? What does the Army and a secret file that they found on the computer have to do with Echo? Just what does this software do and why are they controlling the minds of these teens?


As master plan created by the game itself and Echo is using the world and playing it as its game board and seeking revenge but why? What code is imbedded somewhere within this and can Reggie save all of the lost teens before more are zapped, eaten and minds are destroyed?



A battle that you won’t believe and two young teens that will definitely surprise you as Reggie and Jeremy take on Echo 7 and you won’t believe what happens. With the rest of the kidnapped gamers turning against them and one clever computer game holding all of the shocks, waves and zaps can one 14 year old and one 11 year old out fox or zap this powerful enemy? What finally happens you will have to find out or play the game and take your chances to win or lose? What is next for Reggie and what happens to Jeremy? Will HAkr ever stop stalking and taunting him? Is Echo dead or is He still watching him and everyone else? Find out when author Sean Austin releases: Echo’s Revenge the Other Side. This might give teens and adults second thoughts about playing these games or it might make them want to get their own version of Echo and try to see if they can defeat him. This is a fast paced book that I read in one hour because I could not put it down.

Fran Lewis: reviewer

Echo Hunt

Echo’s Hunt: Sean Austin


Virtual reality is something created by video fames to bring users into another world they pretend to experience. From war games, violent scenes and graphic depictions of actions that you and other players control each one using their own skills and expertise decides on who lives and who dies within the constraints of the game and hoping for their opponent’s demise. Some take it so seriously they don’t realize that it is all staged and not real life. Others as you will learn when you read Echo Hunt became so enounced within the game they actually treat the outcomes, decisions made and the power their opponents exhibit as real life. Within the confines of this game there are many different stages and gaming creators often add different elements to each level. Two brothers playing this game as if their lives depended on it as the scene opens and Reggie, the older of the two is battling the mechanized ghouls using the technology created by the creator but, what happens next and where this leads him will definitely make anyone think twice before playing these games. The screen continues to fill with images and the predator appears to be hunting you and then disappears and is hiding in plain sight. An invisibility cloak of some kind and then he resurfaces with his demonic green eyes and sharp teeth. Echo is dangerous and is one predator you don’t want to get too close to. Jeremy his lookout warns him of imminent danger but Reggie is so skilled and far above his competition that it is no surprise that he is asked to join a focus group with other online gamers to try out the latest version of Echo.


Reggie and Jeremy live with their mother and her abusive boyfriend Asa. Asa towers over them and does nothing, to his mother’s ignorance to help them at all. Never doing anything but drinking and watching television he lets them fend for themselves in every way. When Reggie receives a letter to join this focus group unless they pay him Asa will not sign the form. But, Reggie is smart and finds a way to create the signature needed and the experience the author relates is really quite chilling. Meet the gamers that he will compete against and who all want him on their team. From Spandex who turns out to be a girl whose presence greatly affects him to Rhino a tough competitor Reggie is pumped and excited to be a part of this group. The person in Luca gives off an air of deceit from the start trying to prod the teens into answering certain questions that he has preset answers for in his own mind. As the teens relate their concerns when playing these games as worrying about the element of surprise, how many enemies they will encounter, will someone have too much power of them or even just the unknown element of fear. Fear is deadly and that is what is added to this new version of the game and the leader, Luca wants them to realize that these games can often mirror real life situations. Some are hunted, some are in confined spaces and some alone at times and others controlling your thoughts and mind. But, before he leaves to go home he meets Sean Austin who presents him with something special in case he needs him and a special gold pin with the Echo code on it in case he needs him. Going home proves dangerous as Asa is right there and realizes that he defied him leading both boys to want to permanently escape. But, there is one piece of the game that has yet to be explained or played and that concerns their father who appears to have left them but contacts them by phone every two weeks. Fearing that the truth about their conditions would cause them more harm than good they lie and tell him everything is okay. But, when push comes to too much shove they both decide to leave and head for their father in California.



Meeting one man named Pete and then realizing that all of the gamers were being kidnapped and on milk cartons alerted both boys that they really needed to hide but what happens next leads them on a different path and they are taken by another group who seem to be playing the same game but more deadly. Added in Reggie does not realize his GPS was alerting everyone to their location and escaping the police would require some skill. Arriving in California after experiencing a ride that they would never forget Reggie emails the man in charge of the focus group and then learns of more gamers being kidnapped. Who is really behind it and why has yet to be revealed and who can these boys really trust? What role does Asa have in this plot? What is that book he has and why are they able to keep getting rides and help from strangers? Could someone actually know where he or she is and what about Echo?


The author allows the reader to understand the rationale behind Reggie’s every move and thought while letting you know that someone is tracking them. Should he call Luca to warn him about the kidnappings? Where will they wind up and will they ever find his father? Who else will be kidnapped and who is setting the trap? Where are these gamers? But, winding up at their father’s house and hoping to not get caught does not happen as Echo hunts them down and just when they think they are home free they are caught and zapped by two Racer Shockers and held captive. How did Echo 7 find them and in what forms can it turn into? What exactly is this new game that has been programmed to follow and control them? Imagine a video game coming alive.


Zapped, overworked and conditions that are unhealthy with air filled with dirt, sage and dust these young teens are now mining crystals for their captors in a place called the Cauldron Of Hell for what appears to be eternity. But, who is behind this has yet to be revealed and how can Reggie save the day? What does the Army and a secret file that they found on the computer have to do with Echo? Just what does this software do and why are they controlling the minds of these teens?


As master plan created by the game itself and Echo is using the world and playing it as its game board and seeking revenge but why? What code is imbedded somewhere within this and can Reggie save all of the lost teens before more are zapped, eaten and minds are destroyed?



A battle that you won’t believe and two young teens that will definitely surprise you as Reggie and Jeremy take on Echo 7 and you won’t believe what happens. With the rest of the kidnapped gamers turning against them and one clever computer game holding all of the shocks, waves and zaps can one 14 year old and one 11 year old out fox or zap this powerful enemy? What finally happens you will have to find out or play the game and take your chances to win or lose? What is next for Reggie and what happens to Jeremy? Will HAkr ever stop stalking and taunting him? Is Echo dead or is He still watching him and everyone else? Find out when author Sean Austin releases: Echo’s Revenge the Other Side. This might give teens and adults second thoughts about playing these games or it might make them want to get their own version of Echo and try to see if they can defeat him. This is a fast paced book that I read in one hour because I could not put it down.

Fran Lewis: reviewer

Meet Madison Montgomery and Virginia Templeton

It’s Never Enough   Madison Montgomery   Some women have this insatiable appetite for men. Some cannot ever seem to get enough no matter how many times they get it they need more. Virginia Templeton’s husband died and she is going on a mass celebration. Slater is dead and she could not be happier. His money is all hers. The hotel chain she thinks is all hers and the rest is just gravy. Virginia Templeton uses men until they bore her and then tosses them out like yesterday’s fashions or a worn out pair of shoes. But, Virginia has a master’s in business and is quite shrewd. As the story opens we find her in her favorite place doing her favorite thing with her soon to be ex-toy boy Chandler whose body and him have worn out their welcome. But, Virginia cannot seem to control herself and when her maid Olivia informs her that she had a guest and she learns who it is, why turn down a good time. So, Chandler leaves and Shepp enters and you can just about guess the rest. No, you’d be wrong. The poor man tries to resist her and almost gets away scot-free but you know what I mean. But, little does she know that Shepp might be her new driver but he has his own plans for her and a definite ulterior motive for getting close to her. Just wait until she finds out just how much of her company he owns, who he’s related to and what he has planned for her. But, first there is much more to tell about Virginia.   Nicholas Waters was her psychiatrist until he dismissed her as a patient for her inappropriate and compromising behavior towards him. But, you know men and our Virginia seems to know just how to pull more than their strings, she bursts into his office, disrupts his session with a woman named Kathryn and she cannot understand the fuss. Calling security on her she refuses to realize that she once again horned in on her session, disregarded her privacy and was somewhere she was not wanted.  But, Nicholas listens to Kathryn as she explains her relationship with Chandler, who we all know was doing his thing with Virginia until she tossed him out. As she unburdens herself to Nicholas just what she reveals might give you a better handle on her and why she felt Chandler was perfect for her. What she does not know is the ultimatum that Virginia gave him. While Kathryn keeps talking and he keeps writing Virginia is waiting in the lobby pacing pack and forth and really proud of herself for taking control of the situation but she soon learns she might not be the one in charge as he keeps her waiting while she stews in her own juices so to speak.   While Kathryn made the call that would change her life, Virginia began thinking about taking charge of her hotel business and controlling the board of directors. She even attempted to convince herself that she would change her ways and become the executive needed to run the company. That still remains to be seen in more ways than one.   But, what happens next you wont’ believe and what she does will not endear you to her but definitely let you know she’s not fool and she’s in charge. What she learns about someone kicks the person in more places than one. What she does you won’t believe? Then ending will leave you hungry for more and the so called revenge that she enacts will definitely let you know score one for her side. Just whom she gets and why I will never divulge. It’s Never Enough: In more ways than one for her: Money: Power Men and there is much more! Once again author Madison Montgomery paints a picture of this outrageous woman that everyone would like to be in some way and leaves everyone ready for Part 3. Fran Lewis: Reviewer

Mandarin Gate

Mandarin Gate: Eliot Patterson



Life for continues to be difficult for Shan Tao Yun. Once a formidable Inspector stationed in Beijing, finally released from a work camp hoping to create some type of life for himself. But, the story opens in an unusual way where he meets him and two monks getting ready for a celebration and the reopening of a shrine. As one monk is chasing a thief and hopes to get back his bounty, Shan and Lokesh the other monk assist him in his quest. But, what happens next will not only surprise Shan but also create a serious void in his heart and life. As he and the monk bring back what was stolen, clean the items and prepare for the celebration Shan spies a rifle among the monk’s possessions. Fearing that this would get him in trouble with the authorities he planned to rid him of the gun before it’s noticed. But, the tables turn deadly as the monk prays, says his final words and uses the gun on himself. Fearful, sad and knowing that the death had to be hidden or more would follow in a different way, Shan and Lokesh plan on the burial and find a way to hide what some might find out anyway. But, not before Shan spies the police in the Tibetan township and comes face to face with a heinous crime scene and much more. Status matters in this world and according to the Chinese government those without official identity do not have the freedom to move about and Shan cannot return to his home in Beijing and lives among the outlawed Buddhist Monks. As the new Inspector of irrigation and sewer ditches, a job, not that vital or important, he falls upon this scene. Jamyang’s agony in death would be great, as he would not go to heaven as one would want to. Jamyang must have as Shan contemplates had some great agony in life that propelled him to take his own. If his death is not hidden, the death of an unregistered monk dying of a bullet self inflicted in his head would definitely flag a red alert to the Chinese police. If as he states the knobs will learn of it, then those in Public Security would use it as an excuse to ship more to the camps. Lokesh would set about the task of carrying him away to be cleaned and hopefully remove him before anyone notices. As the author enlightens the reader into Shan’s past life, his relationship with his son who is in prison and his life right now. Meeting a Public Security lieutenant he learns more about what the police are looking at and the fresh crime scene he came upon. The scene an old Buddhist temple the victims two men and a nun arranged in the pattern of the letter U. The bodies mutilated, defiled and covered with red paint and their hands held down with a stone. The woman wore a Tibetan wool cap and the sight would bring chills down anyone’s spine. As Shan assesses the crime scene more thoroughly as the police go off in a different direction he notices some important things about the murdered victims. One thing for sure someone went to a lot of trouble to orchestrate the scene and not blood but red paint covered the bodies. As he looks closer at the male figures he finds something in a pocket, a striker flint and then a piece of paper he takes with him. Looking closer at the woman he learns she’s a nun and he finds several things on her that he takes too. What is the link to the lama that killed himself and why did the murders take place in the same exact spot? Jamyang cleaned the offerings and his demeanor sad, solemn. Saying goodbye to the deities, Shan realized he knew about the murders.


With no direct supervisor over him he has more freedom to investigate the murders and what he learns from just his observations is quite compelling. Reenacting the murders in his own mind by sitting at wheel where the nun was working he as Lokesh would say picked up the chain of prayer and added his link to the dean woman’s as many did before him for centuries. Sitting at the wheel and lost in his thoughts he forgot it was a murder scene and yet he pictured the events in his mind.


As you learn more about the officers, the officials and the government in this book you learn that in the Chinese Empire a member of any of the nine ranks of public officials are distinguished by the specific kind of button worn on their cap which defines them in Mandarin society.
When Shan meets a woman named Chemno he learns more about the redistribution centers, the transitions communities and the lives of those placed in these prisons without bars. What he is told is not really the truth as he witnesses the conditions with his own eyes when he visits the Clear Water Camp and sees it for himself. Learning that they converted an old army base into a pacification camp and sending children to work in the factories was eye opening for Shan. Meeting with Jigten he learns even more. Reflecting on what happened with the police lieutenant and realizing there was more to her story and as she welcomed him to their model pioneer community and learns that someone stole the bodies and someone attacked her but who and why?


Pain inflicted, gunshots and more were the usual in Tibet and Shan and Meng were now in the middle of what he the author refers to as a hailstorm of death you might say. As he hopes to safe some and he meets a man named Yuan. Yuan Guo was a professor and his life was in Harbin. He established the Chinese History Department and married a professor. As they shared their lives he learned why the families were there, the threats made against their children and the fate of many others. As he learns more about the pacification camps and the people living there he realizes that he has entered once again a dangerous territory. Justice needs to be found and Shan will not give up until he finds the truth behind the murders, protects Cora, the American woman, enters the world of the internment camps and finds himself embroiled with the criminals, pacification teams, the corruption in the government and a gang called the Jade Crow. All throughout the novel you begin to see different shades of Shan as he battle other demons within himself to learn and find just where he belongs.

Author Eliot Pattison takes the reader inside the internment camps to see first hand the conditions, their lives and hear the voices of those sent there. The author allows the reader to get to know Shan in-depth as he struggles to find his own way in Tibet, investigate the murders, help those in the internment camps and find his true identity and worth again. The pain inflicted, the tears shed and hopelessness all come through plus the first hand knowledge he offers the reader as someone who visited and still visits Tibet and has seen the conditions first hand.
As the story continues we learn more about the cells of dissents, those transplanted to Tibet hoping they would not survive, and the pacification settlements and truth behind what is really going on in them and the conditions that the people live in. There are threats made to those living there and there are concessions they have to make in order to protect their young. Shan then leads us back to the murders and the fact that the three bodies were stolen as he meets Professor Yuan and then the encounter with the gang. Attacked by the gang members, questioned about the murders and adding more information than he had before the tensions rise and the situation more volatile for Shan. Then, a twist.


Face to face with Liang and threats made on all sides Shan finally goes to seek out the answers he needs at the nun’s hermitage but will they welcome him and when will all of the pieces of the puzzles fit into place? As we hear the voices of the abbots and learn more about what will happen if they come and interrogate them about the American who witnessed the murders. Just how can Shan help and why him?


Shan delves deeper and we learn the truth behind what Cora and Rutger were filming and what was in the photos and videos. We learn more from Jigten and from Chemno and the Clear Water Camp. How would they show the Chinese that not everyone was blind to what they were doing?


Deceits, thieves, murders, lies and much more comprise the lives of these people as they dig their way to survival but can they? There are so many issues brought to light by the author. Abuses against these people, lies told to them in order to survive, prison camps that were masked as internment camps supposedly to help these people have a better life. As one of the Jade Crow hears more truths than he cares to from Shan and the link to the dead lama is revealed and a secret about him uncovered many worlds would change.



Author Eliot Pattison reminds the reader that what is described in this book really happens, is happening now and is real. Take a trip inside the internment camps, hear the screams, feel the pain and understand the fears, customs, ways, myths, stories and lives of the people of Tibet and the dismantling of Tibet by the Chinese government over the last two generations. Learn what the government of Beijing has done to destroy the culture and beauty that was once Tibet. But as Shan rides with the police, learns the ways of others, allows Public Security to beat and abuse him he loses sight of Shan. What story did Jamyang tell and what was in his journal? Take a picture the lens does not lie unless you doctor what is filmed or photographed what you see as you read this book will remind you just how blind is everyone to the truth?


The Mandarin Gate: the gate Mandarins leave after receiving honors from the Emperor. One man would sacrifice his life for telling the truth but what happens will surprise the reader. A caste system that ranks people according to their position and presents them with a badge to wear for everyone to know their standing or ranking. An ending that will surprise the reader and a people that come together as one.  Voices that will be heard and stories that will be recorded and told. One man Shan: where will life take him next?

Fran Lewis: reviewer




The Spy Game: J.D. Holiday

The Spy Game


J.D. Holiday


Eddie is kind of upset because he now has a responsibility he would rather not have at all. Eddie is now the owner of Sidney a black dog. Personally, I think Sidney is quite handsome, alert and definitely looks like a spy dog. He was named after a famous spy and just by looking at him you can tell that he is smart, alert and notices things that most other dogs would not. Eddie takes one look at Sidney who was watching him talk. Poor Eddie does not want a full-grown dog he wants a puppy.


Walking this dog would not be an easy task for him but each time he tried Sidney looked like he wanted to say something but we all know that dogs let us know their true feelings by the loudness of their barks or bays. Poor Eddie could not even go on the school bus with his two friends because he had to walk Sidney. You can tell how disappointed his friends Joel and Dana are just by looking at the expressions on their faces on page 9 in the colorful illustrations created by author J.D. Holiday.


To Eddie things just looked like they were going to get worse because he could not even play ball after school because he had to care for Sidney. But, something would change everything when his friend Dana comes charging up to him upset. Her cat was stolen and she thinks the cat people took her. Sidney, our clever and smart dog was listening and did not miss a word or a beat. Remember: he was named after a spy and just maybe he inherited some of the skills of a true spy that could help the good guys catch the criminals.


That night Sidney and Eddie hear something in his room. Could it be a burglar or just some noises from someone walking in the house? But, it caused Sidney to stir and bark really loud. Eddie was so grateful that Sidney was there he just might start to change his mind about this black dog. Just maybe that might become friends! So, Sidney and Eddie decided to stick together that night to make sure that everyone was safe and sound.


But, I think it would be more fun to hear the rest of the story from our famous dog: Sidney and maybe he will let you in on some of his training to detect danger, spies and who knows what else this great dog can do.


“Hi Everyone: This is Sidney: You won’t believe what happened the next morning before school. Eddie and I had breakfast together and he began thinking about how I could probably help him find Dana’s cat and maybe even go on some adventures together. That would be cool because I really like Eddie and hope he starts to like me too and forget about trading me in for a puppy.


So, we decided to go for a walk and we bumped into Dana he was really upset that her cat was still missing. Dana wanted to go to the house belonging to the cat people to see if her cat was there. That could be dangerous so Eddie and I decided she needed my professional help. Eddie took Sidney to the cat people’s house and Sidney did not see any cats. The cat people have too many cats and no one really knows just how many. I looked around and pretended to be sleeping but Eddie knew that I was just scouting the area and the territory when a woman opened the door of the cathouse dragging a wagon filled with boxes. Now, I have to find out what is in those boxes. But, the wait was not long because as the door slammed the boxes opened and an orange cat leaped out. Imagine how many others might be hidden in these boxes and where could she be taking them?



That I cannot tell you and I cannot tell you if I found Dana’s cat or what happens that causes Eddie to become my best bud or not. What I can tell you is that you have to read this great story about how a spy dog and a young boy named Eddie decided to give it a try and see where the spy game might take them or not. Can a black dog that is really smart help find a cat? Can a dog named Sidney and a boy named Eddie become good pals and help to find criminals, stray cats and more? That my dear readers and friends you will not learn from me but hopefully author J.D. Holiday will bring us back again for more adventures. By the way check out the cook pictures of the kids, the houses and of course me the handsomest spy dog in the world.”


Thanks for reading this review and I hope you will read this story to your own children, to other kids, to children in school, parents at story time or buy some copies for holidays and birthdays. Till next time. This is Sidney the worlds greatest spy dog and Fran Lewis saying this book gets: FIVE SIDNEYS


Fran Lewis; Reviewer