The Mystery of the Stolen Painting

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The Mystery of the Stolen Painting: Fran Orenstein

Danny West has a reading disability making it difficult for him to read aloud in class or anywhere else. Sometimes educators are sensitive to the needs of students and other times they just follow what they think is the best course of action for everyone. Danny ‘s woes never ended as Mrs. Gerard called on him to read and the other students made fun of him for his stuttering and lack of ability to read fluently. Somewhere on his IEP the modification was lost and the paper that was supposed to say not to make him read aloud in class was not placed in his file. So, poor Danny had to compensate in other areas. Thinking he was not smart, feeling dejected at times he needed someone to boost his ego and help him through the hard times. Lucky for him he…

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Hostile Hospital

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Hostile Hospital: Dr. John Avanzato

Look at yourself in a mirror and take a minute to place a line down the center of your face and entire body. If you could split yourself in half you might wonder what each side offers. On the right you are a well-known doctor in a hospital that hired you to save its patients. On the left you are a rogue, vigilante, collector of debts working to benefit a mob boss whose goal it is to strong-arm those who have not paid up their debts. Somewhere within the middle you even find the real you. Working in a downstate hospital in New York Dr. John Cesari learns the meaning, lies, deceptions, treachery, deceit and patient love. What happens when he is sent to take out a man whose payments are late? The prologue is quite compelling as he views this man playing ball with…

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After Dad: Compelling

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After Dad: Ralph Cohen

Memories are precious and each one of us creates our own. Families are tied together by experiences, moments they share and the love they possess for each other. This is a story told from five different perspectives and five different voices are heard each expressing his/her feelings, views and love for the man they called Dad or husband. A father that dies suddenly from a heart attack leaving his three children and wife with a great void. Frank Kovacek is the catalyst that drives the storyline as we first meet Jenny, his youngest daughter who views her father as someone she can count on to save her from danger, invincible and a superhero in her own mind. Added in the harsh reality that Frank and his wife Ruth are on a rocky path and at the end of the chapter it becomes apparent that something within…

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Down the Rabbit Hole: Holly Madison

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Down the Rabbit Hole: Holly Madison

Stand in front of a mirror and look at the image closely that is staring back at you. Memorize it because before long it will change into someone that you will not recognize. Holly Madison had a dream to become a playboy bunny, playmate of the year and to join the flock of women living in the Playboy Mansion. Thinking this was her only option in life she made a rash decision that would impact her greatly and not always positive. Entering the world of Hugh Hefner means being able to take harsh criticism, dealing with backstabbing young and older women, living under his rules and losing sight of whom you really are. As you hear her story, listen to her words, cry and laugh along with her, meet the women that she encounters, and understand that friendships are fragile, personalities are unique and…

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Surrounded by Enemies

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What if the truth behind the assassination of JFK was not what everyone read in the papers? What if he never died in the attempt to ambush him in Dealey Plaza? What if the world sees the situation through different eyes and the perspective is actually accounted by JFK himself? What if what you thought you saw was not what really happened as author Bryce Zabel presents a story filled with twists, turns and surprises that will make everyone wonder just what really happened? What would have happened if Kennedy lived and found himself under fire and trying to figure out who was behind the attempt to kill him? Listen as you hear his voice, understand his viewpoints, how the Warren Commission was created to investigate the incident and the President finds himself and his office under fire. Scandals, wars, the country coming apart and the direction of the world…

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Etched in Lies

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Etched in Lies (by A. M. Hughes)

Imagine feeling every lie that someone tells. Imagine it causing you pain in such a way that your whole body will shake and shiver but you have no idea what is happening to you or why. A simple paper cut could multiply each time you hear a painful lie. Dylan Lord learns through many lessons that are difficult for her to understand that her life as she knows it is one big lie. Every time she speaks of hears a lie the pain will increase and the blood will flow from wherever the cuts originate. But, things start to take a different turn in school as she cannot focus at times, hears others talking about her and a young teen named Jack will uncover a hidden truth for her that will change it all. Each time Dylan feels the pain and the lies…

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The Final Cut

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The Final Cut: Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison

Imagine a diamond over 700 carats. Imagine taking that stone and cutting it into three pieces each one having its own special luster, color and power. What happens when the stones are reunited or married you won’t believe? Can they really cure someone that is sick and terminally ill? What is the history or story behind these stones? Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to steal the Koh-I-Noor or the crown jewel in the Queen Mother’s Crown from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Someone wants not only the money that is supposed to be transferred into her account but the ability to see what happens when the person who hired her to steal it has all three stones and if the curse or legend is true.

Seven hundred and Ninety Three carats, turned into 186 and finally 105. Three pieces…

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The Innkeeper’s Dog: Deborah Bence Boerema

Everyone wants to feel important, needed, special and most of all loved. Thaniel the Spaniel is a precious dog that lives in a stable located behind an inn in Bethlehem. But, Thaniel is special in his own way yet feels conflicted as he hears stories from the other animals living within the stable about a special baby or child born that they witnessed but he did not. Imagine being there when Jesus was born. Living there with his mother, a sheep, donkey, a red cow and doves, Thaniel felt crowded, cramped and often wanted something more. Talking to himself he lets readers know that he does appreciate what he has like the food or scraps he gets from the innkeeper’s table, the roof over his head and having a mother who loves him. But, Thaneil has been listening to the other animals talk about…

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Digby’s Hollywood

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Digby’s Hollywood: Thomas Fuchs

Sometimes an incident can change your entire life. Imagine getting washed up on a private beach and being found by a rich business mogul that runs a movie studio in Hollywood. Questioned by the family that found you and yet taken home by chauffeured limo, you are treated royally but offered a job at the studio. Roger Digby’s life changed for the better that day as he decided to give up his job as a gas station attendant and take on one as a studio cop. But, life working at this studio would be anything but boring or mundane. Meeting the head of his department named Lou they would form a bond along with the driver named Kenny until something would change. Driving drunken writers home when they needed a lift. A young actress pretending to need a ride and dragging him all over LA in…

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Spotlight: Gala’s Gift

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Gaia’s Gift

Author: Fran Orenstein

Isolation and a life all alone without the frills or any type of human communications was the solution Rachel Wells decided for herself as life or fate took away all that mattered to her. When her entire universe sank within the depths of a roaring sea and a storm raged so fiercely that only she survived as Rachel Wells died a slow death in her heart and mind. A storm so fierce she could not control its wrath as her young daughter Emma and her husband Jack vanished into the blackness of the deep sea. Reality set in but only in spurts as Rachel Wells withdrew from life, her friends and herself into a tragic pale specter and shell of a woman so deeply haunted by her own fears, angered at her own survival and consumed with hate for those who had not lost what…

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