Seeing Red: Sandra Brown

Just Reviews

Seeing Red: Sandra Brown
Have you ever been so angry, so annoyed, so bothered, so irritated wanting to wring the neck of someone who created so much ire in you? The psychological state of being irritated or annoyed is labeled as SEEING RED! Kerra Bailey is a television journalist that we meet in the prologue of this book. Her goal is to get an exclusive interview with Major Franklin Trapper to talk about the bombing of the Pegasus Hotel that occurred 25 years ago. But, there’s more. Many people were killed as a result of this bombing but one five-year-old child, a girl, was handed over to the Major who saved her life. As a result of his many heroic deeds that day the major became a national hero but decided to recues himself from the world not wanting to be the center of attention or wanting to talk about…

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