
Just Reviews

Creating a persona that would make people think you are indispensable is the goal of JD Pence. Meeting him you will learn just how far he will go in order to undercut anyone, even a close friend that stands in his way to reach the top. Friendships and loyalties are tested from the start of this novel as J.D. Pence and George Unger, childhood friends decide to vie for the same position at a coffee company. Both unqualified for any position and J.D. loyal to himself only and George the underdog and misfit decide to apply for a job at BrewCorp where the best, hottest new coffee is about to take the world by storm. Job creator in Middlestop is convinced by J.D. to hire them both. The competition is on from the moment they meet with the President and hear his speech telling the new recruits that anyone that…

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